Tiffany, the home wrecker

Awakened by a kiss (ON-HOLD)

A/N Italicized lines and those that were on apostrophe's ( ' ) are MOSTLY the thoughts of the speaker.




Tiffany, the home wrecker.


Seoul, South Korea

"Have fun...while you still can, Lee Donghae." a smirk slowly appeared on Tiffany's face as she watched her current subject laughed along with his girl friend, Ahn Sohee.

It might sounds creepy but the two don't know her while she knows them well enough, most especially Donghae.

She stalked him for a week to get a hold of his schedules and some necessary information’s about him and through that, she was able to find out that this day is the perfect day for her to finish her mission. Today is the day that he will propose to his girl friend, right here at the couple's favorite restaurant.



Turning her back from everyone's view, Tiffany drew out a lipgloss from her uniform's front pocket, delicately applied some on her lips before she put it back on its previous place.

"Sara, the orders from table number 7 are ready. Be extra attentive. That couple is our regular customer." the lesbian manager of the restaurant commanded.

Tiffany raised a brow at what she heard.

'No. That will ruin my plan.'

With that thought in mind, she quickly went towards the counter, leaned her arms against the horizontal table then smiled at the restaurant's manager.

"I'll handle table number 7." she smiled beautifully while she casually put a hand over the manager's hand. Her thumb began moving circularly on the back of the manager's palm, making it sure that the simple skin contact would arouse the girl.

And just as what she expected, the lesbian manager of the restaurant couldn't say no to that simple seduction and so she nodded without hesitation. "You can do whatever you like. As long as you will let me 'do' you later." she said, grinning dirtily at Tiffany.


'ert!' Tiffany almost yelled on her face but she knew that it will just ruin her plan. So while wearing a fake smile which is her specialty, she pulled the manager through her collar and leaned closer to her ear.

"Sure... I promise. We will have some good time later." she whispered huskily then left her with a wink.

Smirking, she used her free hand and folded the bottom of her upper uniform to expose a bit skin from her stomach. Then she quickly pulled two sheets from the small notepad and wrote 'I'll wait for you at the back room' at both papers.



"Sara, let me do this." she whispered to her co-waitress, and without waiting for an answer, she carefully pulled the tray from her hands then left to attend the customers from her target's table.

"Good afternoon. Here's your order, ma'am and sir." she made it a point that her voice came out even huskier than her normal. She gave a courteous smile at the girl before she moved her eyes to look at Donghae.

Probably sensing the intense stare he was receiving; he turned his head to look at Tiffany. Their eyes met and she deliberately bit her bottom lip while gazing at his eyes.

"Two dumpling soup, two sliced beef brisket and two apple juices," she said while serving the dishes, reaching across the table and deliberately showing him a view of her cleavage.

Instead of feeling nervous or even awkward due to the presence of his girl friend, Donghae was even grinning ear to ear, obviously enjoying the free 'show'.

'Enjoying yourself too much, ert? Huh. Let's see if you will still have that erted grin in your face after I ruin your love life.'

"Do you need anything else?" she was looking at him as she asked; then her eyes travelled from his eyes, down to his lips, and to complete her seduction, her eyes moved down and lingered a bit longer on his crotch. She stopped herself from rolling her eyes when she noticed that he was already hard.

"Nothing. You may go now. We'll just call you if we need something else." his girl friend's voice was cold and stern.

Tiffany smirked. She turned her heels and was about to walk away with the empty tray but even before she could take a step forward, she purposely dropped the tray on the floor.

"Oops... I'm sorry." she bit her bottom lip then bent her knees a bit; and having a short skirt, she was certain that she gave him a better view of her inner thighs and maybe he even saw her undies.

Slowly, she turned her head to look at him, and she felt satisfied when she saw that his eyes were fixated on her legs.


'You're such an easy boy, Donghae. I didn't expect that you will easily fell on my trap.'

"Let me help you." he quickly stood from his seat and pretended to help her picked up the tray. Tiffany on the other hand had everything planned in her mind and took it as the chance to give him the note she wrote a while ago. Just one of the sheets though for she already slid the other note under his girl friend's plate. Tiffany was certain that Sohee will be able to read it any time soon.



Still wearing her alluring smile, Tiffany gracefully stood with the tray back on her hand. "Thank you..." she whispered, leaving him a wink then she walked back to the counter with the natural y swagger and swaying of her hips that made all eyes inside the restaurant turned to look at her.

With her raised brow and back leaning against the counter, she watched and waited till he read her note before she entered the back room. She comfortably leaned her back against the wall; legs were crossed while her index finger ily played with the ends of her hair.

"5 seconds..." she mumbled while staring at the close door. "5...4...3...--" and even before she could finish her little countdown, the door was pushed open.

Donghae was grinning ersely as his lustful eyes roamed up and down Tiffany's body.

While Tiffany on the other hand felt like wanting to poke his eyes but managed to control herself. She hates it when people look at her with lust. Those kind of look just kept bringing back bad memories of her past.



"What took you so long?" she asked seductively then slowly walked towards him. "Do you want to have some fun with me?" And once she reached him, she faked a gasp when he suddenly pushed her to the wall. Yeah, it was a fake gasp. She expected that to happen. Everything was planned in her head and she was well prepared to that aggressive push. Well, most of her previous 'victims' had done that as well and that made her conclude that lust can actually turn someone into a harsh, irritating maniac.

"You're so hot. I like you..." he whispered before he smashed his lips against hers. He hungrily on her bottom lip as if his life depended on it and it took her lots of strength to resist the urge of throwing up.

'Geez. His breath stinks! Urgh!'

Closing her eyes, she let out a fake moan and run her hand on his back. "Oh yeah. You're such a great kisser. I want you."--and that was a complete lie. If she just has a choice, she would want to kick his balls and twist his dirty hands.

Completely oblivious to her pretention, a smirked appeared on his face, totally satisfied at her response. His hand aggressively went around her body and found its way on her cheek.

'Get your hands off me, dirty bastard! Urgh! Just where the hell is your girl friend? She should be here by now! I can't take your bad breath anymore!'

And as if by cue, the door was suddenly pushed open. Sohee stood there with eyes wide open.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" she yelled through the top of her lungs. He quickly pulled away and nervously turned to look at his girl friend.

'Finally you came!' Tiffany on the other hand sighed in relief. She smirked and wiped her lips.

"Babe, this is not what you think it is. I-I was just--"

"You ing bastard! How could you do this to me?! I loved you with all my heart! How could you do this! I thought you love me!" the girl cried and began jabbing his chest.

'Oh girl. Be thankful to me. Now you know that you fell in love with the wrong guy. He doesn't really love you. It's all about , and .'

"Babe, I love you--"

'You love her? Seriously? How come you were so into me just a while ago? Tch. ing liar!' Tiffany silently argued.

"Don't call me babe, moron! We're over!" she screamed then quickly left the room.

"This is all your fault, ! You seduced me!" he scowled, angrily staring at Tiffany before he left and chased after his girl friend. "Babe--wait! Let me explain! You know I love you and-- I'm even planning to ask you to marry me--Wait!"

Tiffany rolled her eyes, not even affected with Donghae's accusation. She was used to being called that way--. . -- and other words similar as those. She never even tried defending herself. After all, she's not a modest person. She don't really care what people might think of her. In fact, she made it a point to make people think that she was a total . Maybe it was her own way of defending herself. She doesn't want anyone to know that a damsel in distress was hiding behind her beautiful face and y body. She needs no pity.



She smirked as the couple was finally out of her sight. She locked the room and search for her shoulder bag. Upon finding what she was looking for, she pulled out her clothes and quickly change the restaurant's uniform that she was wearing into that new set of clothes.

"What happened, Tiffany?" the manager quickly asked her when she walked out of the backroom. A frown later on appeared on her face when she noticed that Tiffany wasn't wearing her uniform anymore. "Why--"

"I'm resigning." she answered nonchalantly, looking around the restaurant and a relieve smile appeared on her face when she realized that the arguing couple already left.

"What? But you just started now. If you're worried that I'll scold you because of that commotion, don't worry, I won't. Let's just forget what--"

"Sorry, but I made up my mind." she beamed a smile and casually kissed her on her cheek before she exited the restaurant.

"Tiffany--I'll double your salary! Just don't leave! Wait! What about your promise?--the good time?-- could you do your promise first before leaving?" the manager even chased after her, but Tiffany just ignored her. She knew that the manager was just over her body as well. And even if she offers her to triple her salary, it still won't beat the money she earns from her true job. She just entered that restaurant to finish her mission anyways.

Speaking of mission--

Tiffany drew her phone out of her pocket and search through her contacts for her client's number. She pressed the call button afterwards.

"Mission accomplished."

"That fast? Wow. Thank you. I'm so grateful that my friend told me about you. Now that they already broke up, Donghae oppa will finally be mine." the person from the other line joyously answered.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. 'Geez! What do you like about him? He doesn't look good. His breath stinks, he's a womanizer and he's a ert. How can you waste your money for that kind of guy?' her mind argued but she decided not to say those to her client.

"I don't need your gratitude." she hailed a taxi and ride on the back seat. "You paid me to ruin their relationship. You don't have to be grateful ‘cause I did that for my benefit. For the money." she frankly said and instructed the driver how to get into her apartment.

True. Her client paid her to ruin Donghae and Sohee's relationship. It's her heartless job. Break hearts and ruin relationships in return of money. Unique right? Imagine, she doesn't have to work her off just to earn money. All she have to do is use her beauty and body, a little flirting, touching, and that's it, a huge amount of money will be on her account. Alright. Yes. You can say that what she's doing isn't right. But that is her only ticket to reach her dreams. Being a home wrecker made her survive the cruel life. That's where she gets the money she uses to eat, to rent an apartment to finish high school and to provide her mother's needs.

Well, being a home wrecker isn't that bad anyways. For her, she's even doing the other party a favor. Just like what happened to Donghae and Sohee. If he really loves her, then he wouldn't bite Tiffany's seduction. He wouldn't do anything that will ruin his relationship. But because of his ual desire, he totally forgot his girl friend. He ruined her trust and broke his girl friend's heart.

And that's the reason why Tiffany doesn't want to believe in love anymore. She doesn't believe in love and will never get fooled by that untrue feeling. Life is not all about that foolish love but rather about surviving. And that's the reason why she ends up being a home wrecker. Not just because she needs money to get into college and finance her mother's needs, but also because she wants to help those people who got fooled by the stupidest feeling ever--Love.

Anyways, just a few more hearts to breaks and relationships to ruins and she'll be off that job. She already planned her future--finish college, become a singer which is her biggest dream since childhood, and use the money that she will earn as a singer for her mother's needs. Then she will be able to live happily. The end. Finding a partner? Falling in love? Marriage? Those were not in her plan.

"Okay. I'll deposit my payment right after our conversation." her client's voice pulled Tiffany out of her train of thoughts.

"Good." she replied. "Don't forget to recommend me to your friends, alright? You know my number and website..."

"Sure. Thank you again. Because of you, that Sohee would be out of our lives. I'm sure, she's totally grieving now. Hahaha." the girl laughed hysterically, almost sounding like an evil witch. "Till then. Bye."

'She's totally grieving now. Hahaha'

Tiffany sighed as the phone call ended. Her client's wicked laugh mockingly resounded in her head.

Somehow, that statement caused her to feel a bit ashamed of herself.

She shut her eyes tight and leaned her back against the backrest.

'Stop thinking about others and just think about you and your mom. You did that to live. To get into college. To survive. To help your mom. Don't let your conscience bring you down.'




First chapter! :)

So what's up? What do you think of this story? This chapter introduced Tiffany, our protagonist and her life as a home wrecker.


Next chapter would showcase our dear Taeng. It will be an introduction about her role here. Then chapter three (the chapter that I'm hesitant to post). Then chapter four will be Taeny's first meeting. Yehey! Spoilers! Lol!

Give me comments, alright? I guess you already know that drill. Lol





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Awakened by a kiss--Will update later... Or maybe tomorrow...


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Chapter 6: Hi! authorssi! I just found out about this wonderful story!! I hope you can able to update and finish this.... Fighting!
why u no update anymore? I just found this btw lol xD
taenytrash101 #3
21Hunchae #4
Chapter 6: Sigh, found so many great fics and many of them are abandoned. just like this. I really like the plot huaaa but the mother ugh. Really hope youd pursue this once more
AllenChi #5
Chapter 6: are u abandoning this story?..
Chapter 6: This is really great story! Hope you will continue this ^^ Please update soon
Chapter 6: author ssi where are you, dont abandon this fic >< TT_TT
yoniyon #8
Chapter 6: authornim, where art thou????? is this the end????? please nooooooo :')
Great story. I used to follow you on SSF but it seem like you didn't actually update at there anymore. So when I roaming around here. I find out you got post your story here! And it's got chapter 6?! Well I hope you will still continue such great story. Please update soon?
Chapter 6: Wahhhh I am so into this fic. I like this!

Hmm, happy that Tiffany found out about Taeng already but sadly the latter doesnt know about it yet. Hopefully, she will notice it so soon.