Getting Closer

Awakened by a kiss (ON-HOLD)



Warning. This chapter is crappy. Lol. I wrote this just now and wanted to post this immediately while I have the time so I'm sure you'll find lots of errors and lame scenes. Please excuse my rushed update. ^_^. I'll edit the lame title someday. Rofl

Here's the continuation of the fourth chapter. Enjoy...


Chapter 5

Getting closer



Upon receiving the consent of taking Tiffany home, Taeyeon couldn't help but to joyously pump her fist with matching stomping of her foot. "Great..." she beamed, revealing her perfect set of pearly-white teeth. But only to quickly close her lips in a line when she realized that she probably seemed like a dork in front of her newly found friend. She quickly dropped her arm to her side as she stood straight. Her cheeks grew hot in embarrassment. "L-let's go?" she then asked with a shy smile displayed on her face. Her uncertainty was obvious with the way she bit the corner of her bottom lip, eyes wouldn't dare to look straight on the girl at her front.

Tiffany on the other hand was just quietly staring at Taeyeon, not even moving though she honestly wanted to laugh out loud. The reactions in Taeyeon's face were epic that she felt like she was watching a cartoon with Taeyeon as the main character. She bit the flesh inside her cheek to keep herself from laughing.

But Taeyeon took the silence in the wrong way. The lack of response made her bit her lip harder. In the back of her mind, she was worried that Tiffany changed her mind after witnessing her dorky behavior. That the girl doesn't want to be her friend anymore.

"I-I thought I can take you home?" she stammered, her spirit and confidence were brought low.

Tiffany only raised her eyebrow in an intimidating manner when truthfully; she was having a lot of fun watching the shy but dorky girl at her front. Ironic, yes it is. It seriously amused her how Taeyeon instantly changed from a shy girl into a dork and now back at being shy and timid.

Taeyeon felt awkward with the look she was receiving from Tiffany. She wondered if she said something wrong. Then it hit her.

"I didn't mean that I'll take you to my home!" panic-stricken Taeyeon blurted out. More blood was rushing on her cheeks. "What I meant to say was, I thought I can drive you to your home. Your home. Not mine. I swear. We're neighbors, right? Your home is close to mine so it will be more convenient if you'll go home with me. Again, to your home. Not to mine. I won't---" she stopped herself from blabbering when she heard a soft, partly suppressed laugh escaped from Tiffany's lips. She watched in mixed awe and wonderment as the red-haired girl clapped her hands with her eyes turning into little crescents.

Tiffany couldn't help it. The girl at her front was so adorably amusing that she couldn't help but laughed by herself. But upon realizing what she was doing, she automatically stopped laughing. She composed herself, re-wearing her emotionless face before facing Taeyeon once again. "Let's go." her voice came out cold and serious.

Taeyeon frowned, confused with the sudden change of atmosphere. One minute Tiffany was laughing beautifully and the next one she was back at being intimidating. But then she decided not to say anything regarding to that, afraid that she'll offend her 'new friend'.

"I left my bike at the parking lot."

Tiffany just nodded and followed Taeyeon as they walked side by side towards the bar's parking lot. She kept silent while watching the shorter girl walk through her peripheral vision. It was a good viewpoint for her to stare at the girl.


She doubted that she had met her before, but somehow, Taeyeon's name rings a bell. She looked vaguely familiar. And for some unspecified reasons, Tiffany feels safe now that she's walking with her. She felt relax and at ease at Taeyeon's presence as if she had known her before. As if she was assured that Taeyeon wouldn't dare harming her. As if Taeyeon is dependable. When in fact, she knows nothing about the girl other than her name.

Weird, because normally, she wouldn't trust anyone and she'll end up thinking that they have a bad intention towards her. But with Taeyeon, she just...feel safe. There was something about Taeyeon that managed to broke her imaginary shield. The barrier she has with everyone unless they're business related.

She just met Taeyeon tonight, but with just an adorable smile from her, she was able to made her agree to be her friend and go home with her.

Why did she agree anyway? Tiffany had no idea. Maybe it was the sincerity in Taeyeon's voice and the concern in her eyes. Or it could be just because Taeyeon was so remarkably cute and adorable that she was sure that no one could ever resist her charm. Either way, she enjoyed every second of silently studying her face.

Too deep in her thoughts and before she even realized it, Tiffany was walking with her eyes fixated on Taeyeon and the latter who probably noticed the blatant stare stopped walking.

Taeyeon turned to look at the girl beside her and so Tiffany halted her steps as well.

"Why?" she asked, feigning ignorance highlighted with the lifting of her eyebrow.

"Erm--" Taeyeon couldn't find the right words to say as she began to shyly fiddle with her fingers. "D-do I have something in my face?" she asked afterwards, her hand shyly scratched her left cheek.

"Nothing. Why?" once again, Tiffany pretended innocent. In her mind, she was already planning what to say if ever Taeyeon accused her of staring at her. Of course, she'll deny it and defend herself. She's good in lying and pretending anyways.

"Err... B-because you were staring at me?" the hesitance was fairly obvious from Taeyeon's voice as her cheeks turned red.

Totally forgetting her initial plan, Tiffany ended up chuckling. Gosh, why does she have to be so cute? She unconsciously asked herself.

"Aren't you so full of yourself?" she asked as she edged forward while wearing the seductive smile on her face. She couldn't understand but she seems to already like seeing a flustered Taeyeon. Teasing her is entertaining for Tiffany. It was fun seeing the red tints on her cheeks that can reach even her ears

But then her plan backfired when she ended up tumbling over her own foot. "Ouch!" she gasped when their heads accidentally bumped.

Jeez! Why am I being too clumsy tonight?

"Are you hurt?" Taeyeon worriedly asked, hand unconsciously moved to gently touch Tiffany's forehead.

Tiffany blushed unknowingly. The concern written all over Taeyeon's face made her speechless once again. Why does she have to be so caring? Tiffany mentally wondered. They just met tonight but then Taeyeon already showed her such an overwhelming care. The care that no one had ever gave her before.

Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun.

Tiffany felt the sudden fast thudding of her heart as she looked right at Taeyeon's eyes. The way the shorter girl stared back at her made Tiffany felt vulnerable. It’s as if Taeyeon could see past through her eyes...and she doesn't like the feeling.

"Are you okay, Tippani?" Taeyeon asked once again while worriedly rubbing Tiffany's forehead. Her warm breath brushed against Tiffany's lips. And Tiffany felt her lips trembled as a strange sensation invaded her chest.

Not wanting to let her guards down, Tiffany decided to turn the table in any ways possible.

So with a smirk naturally flashing on her face and after she gracefully raked her fingers through red hair, she leaned even closer to Taeyeon, grabbed a hold of Taeyeon's hand in her forehead and slowly brought it on her temple. "This side hurts....." she said then her hand made its way to gingerly touch Taeyeon's cheek.

"You? Tell me where it hurts..." she whispered hoarsely, deliberately leaning her body forward making their chests pressed against one another. She tilted her head a bit, her lips just an inch away in Taeyeon's chin before she whispered "Do you want me to make you feel better?"

"I-I'm okay..." Taeyeon stammered as she quickly stopped Tiffany's hand and nervously took a step backwards.

Tiffany wanted to chuckle, proud of herself for succeeding in intimidating Taeyeon.

"Err--come! My bike is there. We should go home now so we can apply an ice pack to your temple." Taeyeon pointed towards the bike parked nearby.

Tiffany's eyebrows knitted in a line when she realized the color of the bike. Pink! Her favorite color! Wait--don't tell me she likes pink as well? What is this? Compatibility?

"Come... We have to be fast to cool the swelling of your temple." Taeyeon said, pulling Tiffany along with her towards her pink bike and the latter just let the shorter girl drag her, her eyes gazing onto their locked hands while her mind was on work, wondering what the hell is happening with her throbbing heart.


Once they reached their destination, Taeyeon released Tiffany's hand to grab her pink helmet and when she did, Tiffany looked down on her hand that once was on Taeyeon's hold and somehow, she felt...empty. The way Taeyeon held her hand and pulled her along seems familiar.

"Here. I only have one." Taeyeon said while standing abashed beside her bike, handing Tiffany her pink helmet.

With her hands on her hips and one of her eyebrows arched on her forehead, Tiffany's eyes moved back and forth at Taeyeon and the pink helmet on her grip.

'What is she doing? She only have one and she's seriously letting me use that? Don't she even think of her own safety?', were the questions running inside Tiffany's head.

"Err... Sorry if you don't like the color." Taeyeon said afterwards, thinking that Tiffany's silence was because of that. "Sorry but even if you don't like the color of this, I won't let you ride my bike without helmet. It's for your own safety--"

"You only have one, but you're letting me use that?" Tiffany finally asked loud, looking at Taeyeon ridiculously.

"Yeah?" Taeyeon was frowning. "That's necessary to keep you safe."

"What about you then?"

"Oh! I'll be fine." she beamed and took a step forward. Not even waiting for an answer, she started gently putting the helmet on Tiffany's head, tying the leather strap under her chin afterwards and Tiffany just stood there, flustered as she realized the close proximity of their faces. Unconsciously, her tongue moved to her dry lips while her eyes were gazing at Taeyeon's moist lips.

Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun. The beat of Tiffany's heart seems to go faster and faster. Adrenaline seemed to rush through her veins.

"There!" Taeyeon exclaimed afterwards with the satisfied look on her face. "Let's go?" she asked, extending a hand.

Tiffany hesitated. Her breathing hitched on as she slowly turned her eyes and look at the hand waiting for her. Don't accept. That's what her mind was telling her. But before she even realize it, she already accepted Taeyeon's hand. Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun. Her heart thumped faster and faster and faster...

As if Tiffany was very expensive, fragile porcelain, Taeyeon carefully helped her hopped on the bike before she eventually followed.

Tiffany was actually expecting Taeyeon to be on the front because she'll be driving but the girl instead sat on the back. Tiffany could feel her cheeks were burning when Taeyeon's arms s from behind to hold onto the handlebars.

Her skin brushing against Tiffany's sent shivers through her spines that she swore she slightly trembled. What the hell is this feeling that I can't explain?! Tiffany was getting frustrated at the foreign feelings that were invading her chest.

"Err--Ready to go?" Taeyeon asked against her ear, sending another waves of pleasure to shot through Tiffany.

Urgh! This Taeyeon! What does she think she's doing? Is she teasing me as well?! This might be my first time riding a bike but I'm pretty sure that the driver should be at the front.

Was I wrong for trusting this girl? Is she up to something dirty just like the others? Is she a ert as well who's just interested in my body? What is this, a simple way to back hug me?

"Wait! I-I supposed to be behind you right?" Tiffany tried not to sound nervous but failed miserably. This is so not Tiffany Hwang. She had been used to teasing and flirting. She never stammered or blushed due to anyone's presence.

"Oh! Err... Are you uncomfortable?" Taeyeon shifted a bit. "Sorry. I just want to keep you safe. I saw you had quite a few drinks and I'm worried that you might doze off while we're on our way home. I thought that you might fall if I'll let you ride behind me. But if you don't like then I--"

Of course I don't like! You're taking advantage of me!

"No. It's okay." Tiffany answered oppositely from her mental thoughts. What am I doing? Why am I letting this girl enter my life?


The ride from the bar towards their neighborhood didn't take that long as they reached it after 45 minutes of travelling. Maybe it was because Tiffany was not used in riding a bike or more possibly, it was the alcohol she took that made her felt like her head was spinning and her stomach churning. So once Taeyeon stopped her bike in front of the house, Tiffany quickly rode off the bike, her palm leaned against the wall as she lowered her head and throw up the contents of her stomach.

"Tippani...!" Taeyeon was quick enough to parked her bike and attend on Tiffany. Her hand rubbed worriedly on her back.

Though Tiffany know she do smell and look like sh*t that time, but she couldn't care less as she felt too weak after she purged continuously. She expected Taeyeon to leave her because of disgust, but throughout her entire 'vomiting session', Taeyeon was just there, on her back and worriedly helping her.

"I know we've just met and I don't have the right to say this, but I think you shouldn't drink again. It's not healthy." Taeyeon said then sighed. She fished something from her back pocket and handed it to Tiffany.

Tiffany couldn't help but to smile in amusement when she realized that it was a thick and square piece of cloth. Seriously? Isn't it too old school to bring a face towel everywhere? Tch. This girl never fails to amuse her. Well, but instead of saying anything, she just gratefully accepted the towel and used it to wipe over her probably stinky mouth.

Watta' shame to let a 'new friend' see me in such a mess, Tiffany thought.

"Thank you... I'll wash this first before returning to you." she whispered shyly, pertaining at the towel that she used. She tried to stand straight but unfortunately failed because she was still feeling dizzy. Taeyeon who seems to have such a quick reflex held her wrist.

"Be careful..." she whispered.

Tiffany smiled then nodded weakly. "Thanks for tonight." she said and was about to walked but yet again, she almost lost her balance if not because of this overly fast Taeyeon.

Taeyeon smiled and turned her back at Tiffany. Then she suddenly bent her knees a bit and it seriously made Tiffany looked at her weirdly.

"What are you doing?" she asked, stifling a chuckle for Taeyeon looked like a dog with that position of hers.

Turning her head over her shoulder, Taeyeon's hand reached behind her and she patted her back. "Ride on my back. I'll carry you inside."

"What?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow. "Are you out of your mind?"

"I-I said, I'll carry you inside your house." there she goes again, feeling shy and blushing furiously, making Tiffany chuckle once again.

Tiffany doesn’t know where all her inhibitions went, but before she knew it, she was already riding on Taeyeon's back and the latter patiently carried her inside the house.

"Just put me there..." Tiffany ordered, pointing onto the single-seater sofa in front of her 12-inches telly. She couldn't help but feel diffident letting someone see her little nest. Taeyeon was the very first 'visitor' she received. And she wasn't proud. Since she was living there alone, and her 'salary' was just enough for her bills and the other expenses such as her mother's hospital bills, she couldn't afford buying the other necessary stuff that should be in a house. The only thing she's proud of inside that house was her pink wallpapers. She's a proud pinkaholic, anyways.

Taeyeon who doesn't seem to bother her surrounding turned her head to glance at Tiffany. "I'll take you to your room instead so you can comfortably rest on your bed, okay?" she said then once she realized what she said, she bit her bottom lip and her cheeks were red again.

Tiffany raised her eyebrow. "You want to take me to my room?" she whispered against her ear. Well, its payback time for making her blush when she back hug her while they were on the bike.

"I-I mean... We-... You-... Room-- Should-- "

"Sshhh..." she stopped Taeyeon's rumbling and deliberately tightened her arms around her neck, making sure that her chest would be pressed on her back.

Tiffany couldn't help but laughed loudly when she felt Taeyeon's body shook a bit. Aish seriously. If she's just one of my target, then I'm sure I can finish my mission fast. She's so easy to seduce. Tiffany thought.

"Yah!" Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed, getting enough of Tiffany teasing her. "Aish jinjja... Are you making fun of me?" she asked, and that just made Tiffany laughed harder.

"You're so cute, did I already told you that?" she asked then playfully slapped Taeyeon's buttcheek. She didn't realize it but she was acting so comfortable with Taeyeon now even if they just met hours ago. So comfortable that she even have her head resting comfortably on Taeyeon's shoulder.

"Yaaah!" Taeyeon exclaimed once again, and even if Tiffany couldn't see it, she knows Taeyeon cheeks were in deep red. "Aish you're a byun..." she shook her head then walked towards the stairs.

"Yah! Where are you taking me?" Tiffany wondered.

"On your room, where else?" Taeyeon shot back sarcastically. She was feeling comfortable with Tiffany now as well.

"How did you know that my room is upstairs?" Tiffany asked with a frown on her face. Then she faked a gasped when she thought of something. "Wait--you !" she said then lightly smack the back of Taeyeon's head.

"Ouch! What was that for? And what are you talking about? You were the one who touched my , so you're the ert here and not me."

"You peeked on my window, don't you? If not, then how did you know that my room is upstairs? Ah! I knew it! You're a ert! Aish jinjja! Let me go, you !" Tiffany struggled. Well, she wasn't exerting much effort for she was just being playful.

"What? N-NO! Of-ofcourse not! I-I peeked, yes! But I didn't saw anything. I didn't even know that I got a very beautiful neighbor! My intention was just to befriend with the neighbors." Taeyeon stuttered, getting too nervous and defensive.

Tiffany chuckled while blushing. Taeyeon's simple compliment flattered her. "Liar." she remarked then slapped Taeyeon's once again. "Go up. Faster. I know you're tired of carrying me now."

"Of course not. I'm strong. Don't you know that my friends call me super Taengoo? I'm like superman." she giggled dorkily.

Wait-- Su-super Taengoo?--

The name rang a bell...

Tiffany's eyes slowly widened.







Sorry for my rather slow updates. Mianhe. Mianhe.

So...what do you think of this chapter? Did this pass your taste? Hmm... Regarding the story, do you still remember the part where Tiff had a nightmare of her past? It was cut right when Tiff met super Taengoo, right? Don't you even wonder what happened? With Tiffany's parents? What happened to them? Where are they? Keke. So it'll PROBABLY be clarify in my next update.

Comments please :) and you can also upvote me if you like. Hehe..

Speaking of upvote, thanks for those who voted. And more thanks to those who commented. I'm so grateful, seriously. To Derp, thanks <3 Xoxo...

P.S My sister (a Yoonsicretive) made a Girls' Generation's one shot collection and I'll be joining her there to write Taeny one-shots. Here's the link if you're interested: All About Love





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Awakened by a kiss--Will update later... Or maybe tomorrow...


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Chapter 6: Hi! authorssi! I just found out about this wonderful story!! I hope you can able to update and finish this.... Fighting!
why u no update anymore? I just found this btw lol xD
taenytrash101 #3
21Hunchae #4
Chapter 6: Sigh, found so many great fics and many of them are abandoned. just like this. I really like the plot huaaa but the mother ugh. Really hope youd pursue this once more
AllenChi #5
Chapter 6: are u abandoning this story?..
Chapter 6: This is really great story! Hope you will continue this ^^ Please update soon
Chapter 6: author ssi where are you, dont abandon this fic >< TT_TT
yoniyon #8
Chapter 6: authornim, where art thou????? is this the end????? please nooooooo :')
Great story. I used to follow you on SSF but it seem like you didn't actually update at there anymore. So when I roaming around here. I find out you got post your story here! And it's got chapter 6?! Well I hope you will still continue such great story. Please update soon?
Chapter 6: Wahhhh I am so into this fic. I like this!

Hmm, happy that Tiffany found out about Taeng already but sadly the latter doesnt know about it yet. Hopefully, she will notice it so soon.