Hard To Show




“We are here” Manager Ma said at the same time you glance at the big building in front of you. You stood there admiring it, when you suddenly hear girls voices screaming  Go Minam’s name.

“GO MINAM!! AHHHHHH” you look at them trying to get Go Minam’s autograph. “Wah! so many of them…” You mumbled to yourself, feeling a little awkward with all of those fans.

“Scared?” Manager Ma asked. You just nodded looking at the fans trying to reach Go Minam.

“Get use to it, you will see this daily” He said getting you and Go Minam out of all the screaming fans. You were fascinated with all those girls screaming for Go Minam, you weren’t so sure if you could get used to it.

Go Minam and Manager Ma made their way to the president office and you follow them behind. You didn’t want to get lost in that huge place.

When they stopped in front of the President door, you stood there nervously looking at Go  Minam that was saying something to Manager Ma that you couldn’t catch. When they enter you didn’t move an inch and Go Miman noticed, giving you signs to get in. When you snapped out of your little world, you moved tensely inside the office.

When you entered, you saw a grinning man in his early 40’s making his way were you stood. For what you could assume, he was really happy to see you.

“Go Minam! Manager Ma, Finally! Oh…” He said cheerfully and simply grinned at you “You must be [Your_name]! I’m so glad to finally meet you!” He said greeting you. You bowed in respect.

“Umm…Thanks…” You said lightly. President Ahn laid a hand on your shoulder, smiling at you.

“Please have a seat” You nodded and sat down besides Go Minam “Well let’s begin with what you want and what we would like to offer you. Sounds good to you?” He said. You nodded but you weren’t sure if you were making the right decision.



All the boys were gathered in the first floor. Shinwoo was in the kitchen making some tea, while Taekyung was walking back and forth in the living room, mumbling to himself and Jeremy was dancing in front of the fridge and singing with his Ipod plugged in.

“ Come on girls, come on boys, come on come on…Get your Crayon Crayon Come on girls, come on boys, come on come on…Get your Crayon Crayon…Meori eokkae mureup bal swag”  Shinwoo chuckled hearing Jeremy sings and moving his with the beat in front of him while  looking for his favorite Juice inside the fridge.

Shinwoo put his tea cup in the counter of the kitchen, getting besides Jeremy, slapping him on his making Jeremy jump in surprise, hitting his head in the fridge. “Hyung! Why you did that?!”He said taking off his plugs and rubbing his head were he hit himself. Shinwoo chuckled again taking his tea cup again.

“You looked really funny with your sticking out, I couldn’t help it” Jeremy pouted.

“You’re so mean!” He said. Shinwoo smiled, taking a sip of his tea. Jeremy glared at him putting on of his plug in his ear.

“What you were singing?” He asked.  

“Crayon by G-dragon. It’s really catchy! I think we could do something like this. Wanna hear it?!” He said loudly.

“No thank you…I had enough of Kpop for today” He said walking to the living room and making himself comfortable in the couch checking what was on the TV.

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders taking a sip of his juice when suddenly Taekyung snatches the Ipod from Jeremy.

“Hey I was using it!!!” Jeremy shouted.

“Sush! I wanna hear what is so great about this G-Dragon” He said putting the plugs in his ears. Jeremy and Shinwoo look at him waiting for a reaction or a comment from Taekyung. But he only scoffed, taking off the plugs, giving it back to Jeremy and heading out to the back porch.

Jeremy and Shinwoo exchanged looks trying to understand what just happened.

As he went outside, his phone started to vibrate. He took it out, glancing at the screen ‘Go Minam’ .

“Hello? Go Minam? Where have you been?!” He shouted it through his phone.

“Umm, doing what Mr. President told me to do” She said.

“And what’s that?” he snapped.

“Getting [Your_name] , Hyung! She is going to be our new member!“ She said happily.

Did he hear right? She was on his side?.How could she do that to him? He thought she was the only one who he could trust and now she was betraying him. He gritted his teeth, closing his eyes to calm himself.

“Hyung? Are you there?” She asked. He didn’t answer “Hyung? Is everything ok?” He opened his eyes and sigh.

“Go Minam, Where are you now” he asked.

“I’m outside Mr. Ahn office. Why?”

“She is with you?” He asked again.

“Yes” she replied.

“Don’t move, I’m going over there!”He said hanging the phone and running through the kitchen to get his car’s keys. 

Shinwoo watched how Teakyung burst through the door to get his car keys making him wonder what was going on.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“To Mr. Anh” he only replied, getting out of the house.

Shinwoo and Jeremy looked at each other thinking back what he said. When it hit them they stood up from the couch in a hurry and followed Teakyung out of the house.



Go Minam looked at the phone confused. Why Taekyung wanted her to stay where she was?. ‘What have I done wrong?’ She try to think of the things she did this morning that could have made Taekyung mad, but she didn’t do anything wrong. Then why was he mad?

“Go Minam, did you already called Teakyung” Manager Ma asked.

“Yes and he is coming here” she told him.

“Ok, well I think Mr. Ahn likes her a lot. He only needs to hear her sing and I think she is on the band! Ah, I’m glad that everything is going so well” He said happily.

You were more comfortable now. Mr. Ahn was so nice and he has a lot of charisma, which was convincing you to join this band. Maybe this was what you needed to do, be part of this group.

“Do you play any instrument” Mr. Ahn asked.

“Yes, I play the guitar, the piano and some drums” you replied. He grinned.

“This girl is Amazing! Did you come from heaven to help us?”He chuckled making you nervous again.

“Not really…” you mumble.

“Well, everything will be settled by tomorrow after I talk with the guys and the corporation they need to know the project and after you could sign the contract. But first I need to here you sing, I need to….” He stopped when he hears his door burst open showing an angry Taekyung and the others with confused faces.

“Taekyung? What are you doing here?” Mr. Ahn asked him. He ignored Mr. Ahn and glared at you. You shifted uncomfortably under his glare. Why he was glaring at you? You didn’t know this guy and he was killing you with his glare.

“Sing” Taekyung he finally said looking at you.

“What?” you replied nervously.

“Are you deaf? I said sing” his eyes were piercing you, well at least that's how you felt in his glare.

“Taekyung!” “Hyung” Mr. Ahn and Go Minam shouted at the same time. You stood there mute you were shock and tense. Why this guy wanted you to sing and why he was so rude to you?

“What? You can’t do it?” he said with sarcasm. You only averted your eyes from his. Why he was so mean?

“Enough Taekyung!” Mr. Ahn shouted.

“I just want to hear her sing. If she is good as you said I will let her be part of the group if she isn’t good then she is out” Did you hear right, how could you sing when he was already judging you from the start. You were freeze in the same spot. You couldn't talk or move. You wanted to cry and run away from that place. Taekyung scoffed.   

“If you can’t sing get out of here. We don’t need immature in this business. With already have a lot of those in here” He said pointing at Go Minam and Jeremy.

"Hey....." Jeremy got a little offended.

You couldn’t take it anymore. You need to get out of there right now, so you did what your brain told you to do. Get out of there.

“[Your_name]! wait!” Go Minam shouted following you.

You didn’t stop running even when you hear them call your name behind you. ‘Not now, why do I have to cry right now’ you could fight the tears anymore. They burned in your eyes, but you try to blink them back. Go Minam caught up to you. She was really worried and wanted to know if you were right.

“[Your_name] what wrong? Whay are you crying?” She asked you.

“Go Minam…sniff….I’m…sniff…sorry….sniff, sniff… but I can’t…sniff do it” you said letting your tear fall down. She didn’t say anything. She only hugged you.

“[Your_name] don’t cry… I know Teakyung can say mean stuff but  when he hear how great your voice is. He will accept you” She said trying to comfort you.

“I’m Sorry Mi Nyu….But I will not be in this band” you said letting go of Go Minam and heading to your home.


A/N: So here is chapter 2 done! Hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry if it was to short but I promise to make the other one more long only IF  I GET COMMENTS! 

I really want to know what you think and if I have to keep doing this story or just delete it.

Please if you love it subcribe and comment! 

Lot of comment = happy author and chapter updated sooner!

don't forget to comment



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those who already read chapter 4 I'm sorry but I had to change something....I think it oes make much difference but the first that I post was a draft


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PhantomRider #1
Chapter 6: omg, please go on, I really love this story, you are such good writer!!!! <3
Chapter 3: Really great story! I can't wait for the next chapter, oh and please update soon!! :DD
RinaStar #3
It is an amazing story!!!I can't wait for the next chapter!!Please update soon!!
awesome story i totally love it please update soon..