Chapter 6

After All This Time




Yifan’s POV


This is my first time transferring school in the midst of trimester. My last transfer was when I and eomma moved to Korea. I started the high school here in this country.


But this is my first time being introduced to the class as a transferee.  I didn’t expect it was actually this nervous. Before I left the house, Auntie Shinjae asked me if I saw Jaein around. I haven’t seen her this morning, so I told her the truth.


“I didn’t saw her since I woke up.” I said.


Auntie Shinjae scratched her head and began looking for Jaein. When I finished putting on my uniform, she got back and told me that her bicycle is already gone, and that the girl had already left for school.


Aigoo, she haven’t bid goodbye before she left.” Auntie mumbled. She looked at me from head to toe, and then smiled widely. “Yifan, the uniform fits you perfectly!” she said and arranged my collar.


“You said this was owned by your son, right?” I asked her.


“Yeah, you have the same size!” she winked. A small smile escaped my lips.


“Thank you, auntie.”


“I’ll accompany you to school today. You should know how to get there. Are you done with your things?”


I nodded. “Neh.”



When we got to the school, Auntie Shinjae accompanied me to the registrar’s office. The enrollment went smoothly, and one teacher even complimented me when she saw my report card.


“Is this your son, Mrs. Chung?” the lady asked Auntie Shinjae, scanning my files.


“No, he is my best friend’s son. I already adopted him so I will be his legitimate guardian starting today.”


The lady nodded and then looked at me. “So, Yifan. Come back here tomorrow to get your books and extra uniforms. Here’s your schedule,” she gave me the newly printed copy of my class schedule. “Welcome to Gyeongpo High.”



After that, Auntie Shinjae left me as she has to open her store at the market. I bid her goodbye and saw her left through the school gates.


I looked at my class schedule. Room 4-A. I scratched my head before walking ahead.


I bumped unto one of the teachers when I reached the hallways. I don’t know how to approach people but I think I need to ask some directions. It is a must. And besides, this school is still foreign to me.


“Good morning, sunsaengnim. May I ask where the room 4-A is?”


The teacher frowned and asks back, “Are you a transferee?” I nodded. “May I see your schedule?”


I gave her my class schedule. She smiled and looked up at me, “Well, it seems you hit jackpot. You’re in my class. I’m Mrs. Lee.” Mrs. Lee offered a handshake which I succumb to. “Come with me, I’m heading my way there.”



While walking our way to the classroom, Mrs. Lee read my profile that was attached next to my schedule.


“This is good! Best in Arts, straight-A student and a former member of the school’s painting club,” she muttered.


I lightly pursed my lips and nodded. I seriously don’t like people complimenting my achievements. I’m just a typical student.


We finally got to the room and she went inside first. After greeting her class, she signaled me to get in. I introduced myself to class, which was actually my first time of doing so, and then she pointed me the seat where I will be sitting.


The guy who was seated in front of me made his greetings. He was named Luhan, and I find him approachable. I was glad there’s already someone who is willing to help me around.


Mrs. Lee told the class to open their books, which reminds me, I still haven’t got them since today was my first day. She called the girl who was sitting next to mine.


“Ms. Chung, share your books with Yifan.” I heard the girl sighed. Chung? The name sounds familiar.


I hesitantly dragged my chair closer to her since the distance between us is quite afar. I looked at the girl and when I recognized her face, I was literally taken aback.


“Jaein?” I whispered. It was surprising to know that Jaein is actually my classmate, not to mention, my official seatmate.


“H-hi, Yifan,” she said, and I could sense her nervousness with the tone.


Mrs. Chung started discussing while I shared the books with Jaein. I just thoroughly met her yesterday, and the awkwardness between us arouses since we’re not close at all.



For the following classes, Jaein was always called by the teacher to share her books with me. She was my only seatmate because my left side is a window. And throughout those classes, we didn’t converse like related persons—just a little instruction from Jaein about the lesson is enough to kill that awkwardness.


I really don’t know what to do. I never experienced this kind of situation before. And I’m not good in opening up a conversation.


The bell rang, and that indicates lunch time. I pulled my chair back to its position and saw Jaein getting out the room with a friend of hers.


“Yo, Yifan!” The guy named Luhan called me. “Come with me, let’s eat lunch together!”



Luhan and I strolls the hallway as we head our way to the cafeteria.


I find this school really unique. Back at Seoul, all learning establishments there are made in asphalt buildings with the air-conditioning machine attached to every classroom—worsening the air pollution. But here, the horizontal building is eighty-percent made up of wood. The building itself is inspired with the traditional buildings from the Cheoson Dynasty. The walls and floorings are made up of wood. I can even see some students wearing only socks inside their classrooms, padding it as they glide their feet on the glossy waxed floor. The school ground is embellished in green. There were pine trees in each corner, and the garden is bloomed with colorful flowers. The cold and fresh air complimented the scenery—it feels relaxing. And it always reminds you that you are in a province.


“How old are you, Yifan?” Luhan asks.


“I’m 18. Neon?


“I’m 19. Heissh, I’m a hyung then,” he hissed. I shot him an astonishing look, making me stop my pace.


“Really? You’re 19?”


Luhan nodded. “Yeah, yeah… I look younger in my age. But dude, can I have a favor? Please don’t call me ‘hyung’. When someone hears you calling me hyung, they might think it’s a joke.”


I smirked at his statement. “Sure. That’ll be no problem.” I said.


“Hey, I would like to ask something.” Luhan said. We were now inside the cafeteria, with Luhan lightly pushing me to the line.

“What is it?”


“You’re name’s really unique. Are you Chinese?” he asked.


Without thinking twice, I nodded my head. “Yeah, but I’m a quarter Korean. My mother’s half-Chinese.”


Luhan inches back and tilts his head at me. “Really? Cool! I’m Chinese too!”


I can’t help but smile. Upon the mention of his last name at the class earlier, I already knew he is. This is good, I finally have someone who can help me with my Korean. “Besides my name, how did you know I am a Chinese?” I asked.


Luhan giggled as he gave me a spare tray. “Dude, once a Chinese, can identify who’s Chinese. I knew it when you introduced your name to the class. You have the accent. What’s your native language?”


“Mandarin. I can speak a little Cantonese too.”


“Awesome! I can speak Mandarin!” he laughed and pushes me lightly forward. The hyung cleared his throat and said, “Wo men xie hao, peng you.


I chuckled at his statement. He said, ‘We are good friends.’ I almost laughed when I noticed he has a broken Mandarin accent. So, we have a reverse situation then. Luhan grew up with a Korean tongue while me, a Chinese tongue. This is so random.


He frowned when he noticed my reaction. “What’s funny?”


“Nothing. Yes, from now on, we are good friends.” I said.


When we already had our food, we sat together around an empty table. I know Luhan is a good guy, and he has a good sense of humor. We started talking about his life. He told me he moved to Korea at 6. And his father co-owns the biggest fishing line here in Gyeongpo.


“And you know what, I have my own business too.” Luhan mumbled.


“What kind of business?”


“My father gave me a capital to open a DVD rental store. It’s just a small business and it’s doing really good. I love watching movies so I decided to open a rental store. Want to go there later and check it out?”


“Sure.” I said. Luhan smiled and resumed eating his food.


I glanced around and saw from afar a very familiar girl. She was eating with a friend and they were happily talking. I narrowed my eyes and when the girl smiled, I recognized she was just Jaein.


Luhan followed my gaze and then turns back at me, smirking. “Dude, are you checking out Jaein?”


I blinked at looked at him. “No, I’m not.” I said sternly. This guy must’ve thought wrong.


I heard some male voices chanting and when I looked back at Jaein’s direction, a group of guys were surrounding her table. They were just passing by and I could see irritation on her face.


“Go away! You guys are annoying!” her friend shouted. Those guys left and I noticed they were playfully glaring at Jaein’s friend while walking away.


I heard Luhan sighed in front of me. “Aigoo, those guys seriously gets on my nerves. I hate it when I see Misoo shouting at them.”


I leaned closer and ask him, “What are you talking about?”


Luhan puts down his fork and crossed his arms. “You see, Jaein is the school’s fairy. And a lot of guys like her. Good thing she has Misoo with her. That girl is a wildcat. She easily scares them every time they would start pissing Jaein. And yes, she is crazy.”


Ah, so her friend is named Misoo. I almost laughed at Luhan’s expression at the way he describes her.


“So, you like her?”


Luhan looked up and narrowed his eyes at me. “Who, Misoo? No way! She is my dongsaeng, and my best friend! I, Misoo and Jaein are best friends since grade school. I like Misoo but hey, I only see her as my little sister,” he seethed.


“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you angry at me?” I asked cautiously. It wasn’t my intention to insult him or something.


Luhan sighed. “No. How can I be angry?”


I nodded my head and looked at Luhan resumed eating his food. With a silent gesture, I glanced at Jaein’s direction. If only I could approach her, would she smile at me like the way she smiles at her friend?


Oh no, what is happening to me? It’s not like the Wu Yifan I am today. Why do I feel so happy? Is this good? Or maybe I’m just getting crazy. Sigh.




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I'll post the 47th chapter by this weekend. Stay tuned! :D


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Sorry for not updating. Trueasian18 unnie is kinda busy too, we're organizing a Kpop event in our place. But she'll try to update just for you gals ^^
Hi thanks for subscribing trueasian18-unnie's story ^^
kpoplover1028 #3
Chapter 55: ㅠㅠ Author-nim~ u should have updated this story~~~~~~
I ship Luhan & Misoo so much!!!
Please update & I'll love u more~~~ 하트하트♥♥
Chapter 55: Such a cute couple!! ^^
Chapter 55: ah~ yifan must be so happy hmm (/.\) i like how you have the unusual event to make a sweet scent like this <3
Chapter 54: omg sooooo cute >< Fanfan, you such a tease. lol ;p
Chapter 54: owiee such a cute moment of them! :3 kkk~
yeah, Yifan looked more open to Jaein now ^^