Risk It For That One Chance

When It Rains

Edit: Grammar is fixed, and the poster is up. :D

Thank you to everyone who subscribed! And thank you to Shadow_Dagger for commenting! I very much appreciate it! ^^

Enjoy the chapter~

"Thanks for meeting me here, Mi Sun-ssi," Il Sung rubbed the back of his head, shyly gazing at the woman that sat before him. "We don't see much of each other at work anymore, so I thought it would be nice to come here for a little while."

"No problem, Sunbae. Thanks for inviting me out." Mi Sun gave him a bright smile in hopes of making him feel more comfortable.

He smiled back, relaxing a little more than he had been. "So what would you like to drink? Coffee? Tea?"

His words seemed to trigger a memory of Mi Sun's, but it wasn't quite reaching the surface. She tried her hardest to remember, but gave up, nearly sighing. "I'll have an apple juice."

"Apple juice?" Il Sung raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Yeah... Caffeine tends to mess me up, and I don't really care for coffee or tea because they're so bitter."

"Ah, I see," The dance instructor caught the attention of a waitress. "Could we get an apple juice and one coffee? Black?"

The waitress smiled and nodded, walking over to the barista manning the front of the shop. Smiling, Il Sung turned back to the petite stylist. She was staring outside, seemingly lost in thought. The man frowned slightly. I hope everything is alright... I'm not already boring her, am I?

Mi Sun didn't mean to worry him, but there was a memory poking at her mind, teasing her, frustrating her. What was it that the coffee shop reminded her of?

"So how is it being the stylist for Secret? Is it any easier than styling for BAP?"

"Oh," His words had snapped her back to reality unexpectedly. She put on a polite smile. "I suppose it is, just by a little bit. They're girls, so it's easier to go by my instinct, but they're style is different from BAP's, so it was hard at first."

Speaking about the six member group brought pain to Mi Sun's heart, though she didn't dare show it to Il Sung. She hadn't exactly wanted to stop being BAP's stylist, but after what happened with Yong Guk... Things were just too awkward and uncomfortable to work with them anymore.

"Um, wanna..." The rapper paused, his lips and taking a deep breath. "Go out? For coffee or something?"

Mi Sun nearly dropped the clothes she had in her hands. Did she hear him right? Did Bang Yong Guk, the man that was both her bias and best friend, just ask her out on a date? The woman nearly shook her head.

He probably doesn't see it that way; it's just a two friends spending some time together. Still, she couldn't help feeling giddy anyways, or the smile that made its way onto her face.

"I'd love to."

Il Sung smiled at the waitress and bowed his head in thanks as she placed their drinks on the table. "Enjoy!"

"Thanks, we will."

Mi Sun barely even noticed the waitress; the memories were starting to take over again. Her coworker furrowed his brow, concern washing over him. She's really out of it today... "Are you alright, Mi Sun-ssi? You seem distracted."

She mentally sighed and placed a happy smile on her face for Il Sung. "I'm fine, Sunbae. Maybe a little tired, but fine," The woman took a sip of her apple juice. "Ah, tasty! How's your coffee?"

Il Sung smiled back and took a sip of the warm liquid. "It's really good."

"Omo, it's really good!"

Yong Guk grinned, scooping another spoonful of green tea ice cream and feeding it to Mi Sun who was enjoying the sweet treat too much to realize that the gesture was something only couples did. "I told you! When have I ever been wrong?"

"You were wrong about being my ultimate bias," She teased. Yong Guk frowned and turned the spoon around and put it in his mouth instead of Mi Sun's awaiting lips. "Yah, Bang Yong Guk! That was my spoonful..."

"I only feed girls who like me most."

"Fine, you're my bias for BAP, happy?"

He made a big show out of thinking it over, going "Hmm..." several times before grinning. "Am I your ultimate bias?"

Mi Sun rolled her eyes, but smiled anyways. "Yes, you are."

"Then yes, I am happy."

"Mi Sun-ssi?"

"Hmm?" Mi Sun absently stared at the surface of the table that they sat at, enclosed by a booth. Had it really been so long ago that she and Yong Guk had visited that cafe? Was it really that long ago that they were teasing and laughing with each other? It all seemed so fresh in her mind.

"I wanted to know your opinion on..."

She and Il Sung spoke for a good hour or so, discussing work, family, friends, and just about anything that came to mind. Mi Sun had to admit that Il Sung was good company; he wasn't boring like some of the women at work had said. He was just shy at first. The dance instructor knew how to keep things interesting in the conversation and how to hold her attention, but even so...

He couldn't make her laugh like Yong Guk could.

Plip. Plip. Plip.

"Ah, it's raining..." Mi Sun glanced outside where the rain had begun to pour down in familiar heavy droplets.

Il Sung nodded. "It is... I guess it's a good thing I brought that umbrella."

"What time is it?"


Mi Sun faced him again, giving a smile that made it hard to tell if it was melancholy or shy. "What time is it?"

The man glanced at his watch. "It's five forty three. Why?"

"No reason..." She glanced outside again, holding back a sigh. "Just curious."

One hour. That's all the time Mi Sun had to make it to the gazebo. If she was fast, she could get there in time, but would it be worth it? Would he be waiting for her when she got there? What would happen if he was?

"I really want to have the boys try this one dance for their next video," Il Sung spoke excitedly about his work, smiling happily at the woman who smiled politely back. She wanted to engage in the conversation fully, but now the rain was bringing back memories and feelings that she usually kept under lock and key, and the woman found it hard to concentrate on anything else. She glanced outside again and then down at Il Sung's watch. It was already six.

Sighing, Mi Sun stood up, earning a surprised and confused look from Il Sung. She gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Sunbae, but I have to get going. There's some place that I have to be."

Il Sung nodded in understanding. "It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow at work?"

"Yeah. I'll see you then." Mi Sun grabbed her purse and offered the man one last smile before turning and leaving.

Even if he wasn't actually there, it was still worth a shot. What if Yong Guk was waiting for her right now? She couldn't just leave him standing there in the cold. Mi Sun smiled to herself. Wouldn't it be something if he was really waiting for me?

Sure, facing the reality might crush her heart, but if there's even one sliver of a chance that he would be waiting for her, she would risk it.

Plip. Plip. Plip.

I'm here and still am believing that the two of us can meet again
I'm thinking about you, and it won't change
I'm thinking about only you

This story makes me so sad~! T^T But in a good way, if that makes sense! Ah, I love writing this, though! The three lines of lyrics are from Stand by U by DBSK, by the way. ^^ Love that song~!

Hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you have the time, please leave me a comment! :) I'd love to hear what you guys think~

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I just posted the Himchan spin off for this! :D It's called "Last Chance"


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hippo_guk #1
simply beautiful!
Chapter 8: I'm tearing
There aren't a lot of stories here that would make me tear up.
I need to vote for this. You're my fourth story I have voted for.
This is beautiful.
I can't,. This is amazing.
I cannot help but feel all the feelings I do. You're fantastic.
Chapter 7: woo!
oh himchan, you do have to do everything honey
it's what happens when you're the smart one and your friends are dense
i cannot get over how good this is
Chapter 6: SHE'S BACK
I can't,.
The entire diction, style and the way you phrase things are so beautiful.
It's such a form of art. And you've got it pretty mastrered.
This story is flawless
-gives up on writing LOL-
Chapter 5: ADGHGJA
this is so darn good.
I cannot.
Wow, fangirls. XD
Chapter 4: oh this hurts
I love the rain and I've always associated so much with it
and this
brings back memories
;; yongguk go
Chapter 3: oh my heart
this story
is so touching and so sad
ive been sick for a while and finally am recovering and now im reading. oh my heart
that first chapter
yongguk you dork but yongguk your jerk
<3 so nice <3