One More Time

When It Rains

Edit: Grammar is fixed~



"Oppa, are you awake?"


"Oppa, get up, please?"


"Oppa! Do you not know what time it is?"



Yong Guk still refused to get up from his place on Mi Sun's bed, snuggling further into the pillow his head lay on. "I had a bunch planned for today, too..." The petite woman sighed, about to give in, when a light bulb went off in her mind. A smug grin found its way onto her face, and she sighed more audibly this time.

"I guess Himchan Oppa will just have to keep me company..." When her boyfriend failed to respond, Mi Sun continued. "I bet he'll give me a big hug and keep his arms wrapped around my shoulders the whole day, too; it's so cold out, after all. With the way that pabo is, he'll probably want to snuggle by a fire or something and star gaze..." The sly grin became wide and obvious when Yong Guk's head popped up.

"I'm up!" There was no way he was going to let Kim Himchan get all cuddly with his girlfriend.

She laughed. "Good! Now come on; I made breakfast."

Plip. Plip. Plip.

Yong Guk's arms were wrapped snuggly around Mi Sun's shoulders while they sat in the carriage of the Ferris wheel, his chin placed comfortably on her shoulder. He smiled to himself, musing at how perfectly she seemed to fit in his embrace, and buried his face in her neck, eliciting a small squeak from the stylist. The blonde merely grinned.

"Yah, that tickles! Cut it out~!" Mi Sun whined through her laughter.

"Don't wanna~!"

She huffed at him, but smiled nonetheless, enjoying the skinship. "You're such a kid."

Yong Guk raised an eyebrow and brought his face away from Mi Sun's neck to look at her. "You're calling me a kid? I'm not the one who still sleeps with the li--"

Mi Sun quickly covered his mouth with her hand, a blush making its way onto her cheeks. "They have cameras, you know! Don't say such personal things in public..."

Patiently waiting for his girlfriend to take her hand away from his mouth, the rapper listened to her rant for the next few minutes, thoroughly amused by her flustered attitude. When she finally finished, it took Mi Sun a few seconds to realize she still had her hand on Yong Guk's mouth, but just as she was about to move it away, he kissed it, causing another blush to appear on her cheeks.

She quickly put her hand back in her lap and turned her face away from her boyfriend, not wanting him to know he was making her blush, even though he had already seen her red face. Yong Guk chuckled and gave her a light squeeze.

"You're adorable, you know that?"

Plip. Plip. Plip.

"How was your day?" Yong Guk intertwined his and Mi Sun's fingers, smiling at how small her hand was compared to his. The two of them sat on one of the benches under the gazebo, gazing out at the light shower pouring from the skies.

"Okay, but a little tiring. The boss has really been working me with getting some new designs out for your next comeback." She leaned her head against his shoulder. "What about you? How was the concert and practice?"

"The concert went really well. The Babies seemed to enjoy it."

"That's good." Her voice sounded so soothing. "And practice?"

"It could have gone better, but it still went well. I had some trouble getting the dance down."

"I'm sure you'll get it down in no time." Mi Sun tilted her head up to look at the rapper. "After all, you're supposed to be an alien, and aliens are always more advanced than humans, so you'll have it mastered much faster than anyone else."

His gummy smile appeared as Yong Guk shook his head at his girlfriend. "And what if I'm the kind of alien that isn't more advanced?"

"Then you'll still master it because you're Bang Yong Guk." She replied with confidence.

Yong Guk lightly squeezed her hand, his grin softening. "Aigoo, jagiya is so sweet to me."

Mi Sun smiled back. "Only for you, Oppa."

Plip. Plip. Plip.

The end theme of the movie softly drifted from the speakers of the TV, and Yong Guk glanced over to see what Mi Sun's reaction was to the film's ending, only to find her fast asleep against his shoulder. A soft smile graced his lips as he gazed at the young woman's serene features, his hand coming up to brush away a stray hair and lingering by her face for a few seconds before dropping along with his smile. Guilt washed over him, and he found himself pulling away from Mi Sun, laying her down on the couch instead with a blanket covering her small body.

How long had she waited for their relationship to go public? Much too long, he was sure, yet she always put up with being told to wait. He appreciated it, but he couldn't help the guilt that he felt anyways. If it was possible, Yong Guk would protest hiding their relationship in a heart beat, but BAP was still so new, and he didn't want to push their luck.

"I hope you can forgive this pabo for making you wait so long, Mi Sun-ah. Just a little longer, okay?"

Just a little longer.

Plip. Plip. Plip.

"Wake up, Hyung!"

Yong Guk slowly blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the light, and looked over at the sixteen-year-old maknae that was shaking him, the sound of the falling rain resounding in his ears. "What? Are we here?"

Zelo nodded, a happy grin on his face. "Yep! Now come on; Manager Hyung said we need to hurry up because we're a little late."

The rapper walked to BAP's dressing room with the rest of the members and their manager, making a comment during the conversation every once in a while, but not truly paying attention to his surroundings. His thoughts were drifting up and down memory lane, coming back to the present only when it was deemed necessary. Yong Guk tried his hardest to shake off the memories, but to no avail; that darned child-like woman just wouldn't leave his heart alone. What's wrong with me? It's been so long, yet even now...

"Hey, I'm going to go use the restroom before getting ready. You guys go ahead." Yong Guk said, turning to make his way down a different hallway.

"You sure? We don't mind waiting." Daehyun gazed curiously at the leader, wondering if something might be wrong. He was sure he had seen Yong Guk use the bathroom before they left.

The rapper just smiled. "Yeah. Go on."

He needed time to himself, and he wouldn't have a chance for that once preparations for their even began, so the few minutes Yong Guk had to himself were savored. Splashing water on his face, the man locked gazes with his reflection, searching the eyes for something, anything. When his efforts seemed fruitless, he sighed, hanging his head. Once there was a twinkle, a spark in those chocolate orbs, one that was fueled by his dream. Once she showed up, the spark became more than just his dream -- it became his happiness with her, too. The spark was still there, of course, but now it was just an ember, waiting to be reignited. Yong Guk wasn't sure how to reignite it, though; he was doing all he could with his dream, but that did nothing for the spark. It seemed that the only way to get his eyes to shine like how they used to, was to be with her again.

The blonde shook his head. That's impossible now. I'm sure Mi Sun... He took another glance at his reflection before walking out of the bathroom. I'm sure she's already moved on.

...Mi Sun...

"Do you think they'll be happy to see me?" The young woman nervously wrung her hands, causing her pale skin to turn a light pink.

"Are you kidding me? Happy?" Eun Jung snorted at her hubae, amused by her attitude. "They'll be overjoyed to see you, silly girl. Do you know how much Zelo has complained about the stylist that took over when you left?"

The brunette tilted her head. "Was she bad?"

The twenty-six-year-old glanced around and leaned towards Mi Sun's ear. "He was a little overbearing, and a bit of a jerk, if you ask me. Wouldn't take the members' opinions into account at all."

"I'm sure he wasn't that bad..." Mi Sun trailed off, noticing her friend's raised eyebrow.

"Oh, he was that bad."

"Eun Jung Noona~! I'm going to need concealer today, sorry~!" Zelo's chipper voice sent Mi Sun's stomach flipping and her heart racing.

"It's because you ate all those sweets at once the other day even though we all warned you not to, pabo." The make up artist chided, waving her finger at the tall sixteen-year-old.

"The Babies were watching though! They would have been disappointed if I didn't eat any of the things they made for me..."

"So you eat a little then and a little later! Gosh," She rolled her eyes. "You're just lucky it's a little bump on your chin. I can cover it up easily and if the make up rubs off it won't matter since you wear that thing all the time."

"Don't be so hard on him; he just wants to make his fans happy." Himchan ruffled the pouting maknae's hair.

"He should still-- Mi Sun...?" Youngjae's eyes got wide when he saw the small woman standing right behind Eun Jung.

Mi Sun gave a small smile and a little wave. "Hey, you guys," She then grinned happily, opening her arms wide. "Miss me?"

"Obviously," Himchan playfully rolled his eyes. "Who wouldn't miss their best friend?"

"Aw, you consider me your best friend, Himchannie? I'm touched." Her smile widened as she placed a hand above her heart.

"Me? No, you're just a child to me. You're the others' best friend, though." He shot back, a grin of his own beginning to form despite his efforts to keep a blank, disinterested stare.

"And that's why you're my umma-- OOF!"

"I missed you so much, Noona!" Zelo had swept the woman into his arms and was now swinging her about. "You have no idea how mean the other stylist was! I'm so glad you're back!"

Mi Sun let out a laugh, patting the teenager's back. "I missed you, too, Zelo, and I'm glad to be back."

"Yah, you're not the only one who missed her, Zelo! Put her down."

Zelo pouted at Youngjae's words, but did as he asked anyways. "Polite as ever, I see." The stylist teased the vocalist.

"Of course." He smirked. "Manners are very important, Noona."

"Then hurry up and hug me unless you want to seem rude, Dongsaeng." She opened her arms again. Youngjae smiled and went to hug the woman, only for his hug to be stolen by the usually shy Jongup.

"It's about time." He murmured, his lips turning up.

"Yah, what was that? That was my hug!"

Daehyun grinned. "We're glad you're back, Mi Sun Noona."

Her smile softened. "Me, too."

Eun Jung glanced around the room and then to the door way before looking over at Himchan with questioning eyes. "Where's Yong Guk? Did he not come with you guys?" Mi Sun's heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of his name.

"He went to the bathroom. He should be back soon."

"Speak of the devil. There he is." Youngjae pointed out the twenty-two-year-old that was slowly making his way over to the group, his gaze unfocused and turned to the ground. Mi Sun began wringing her hands again, the muscle in her chest pounding painfully fast. This is it.

"Hyung, guess who's back!" Just remember what you planned to say.

Yong Guk brought his gaze up to look at Zelo who was grinning and practically jumping in place. The maknae pointed over at the nervous woman, and the man's eyes noticeably widened at the sight of her. All memory of the greeting she had planned flew from her mind, so instead Mi Sun gave a shy smile and head bow.

"It's been a while, Bang Yong Guk."

I missed you. Will you give me another chance?


One more time, one more time
Can you return to my side once again?

I will always love you
I'll never regret, I will only love you

The song is "One More Time" by Kim Hyun Joong.

Oh snap, she's back! XD How is Yong Guk going to react? Even I don't know! Okay, total lie because I actually planned for this story, so I do know, but still, the anticipation is still killing me~ X) This was an unexpected turn, no?

I don't know if the site will notify you guys, but once I get the chance I will be going back to previous chapters to fix some errors, so if you do get a lot of notifications for this story, that's why.

Thank you to everyone who has commented, subscribed, and read! I really appreciate it! :)

Have a good day/night, and don't forget to comment whenever you can~!

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I just posted the Himchan spin off for this! :D It's called "Last Chance"


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hippo_guk #1
simply beautiful!
Chapter 8: I'm tearing
There aren't a lot of stories here that would make me tear up.
I need to vote for this. You're my fourth story I have voted for.
This is beautiful.
I can't,. This is amazing.
I cannot help but feel all the feelings I do. You're fantastic.
Chapter 7: woo!
oh himchan, you do have to do everything honey
it's what happens when you're the smart one and your friends are dense
i cannot get over how good this is
Chapter 6: SHE'S BACK
I can't,.
The entire diction, style and the way you phrase things are so beautiful.
It's such a form of art. And you've got it pretty mastrered.
This story is flawless
-gives up on writing LOL-
Chapter 5: ADGHGJA
this is so darn good.
I cannot.
Wow, fangirls. XD
Chapter 4: oh this hurts
I love the rain and I've always associated so much with it
and this
brings back memories
;; yongguk go
Chapter 3: oh my heart
this story
is so touching and so sad
ive been sick for a while and finally am recovering and now im reading. oh my heart
that first chapter
yongguk you dork but yongguk your jerk
<3 so nice <3