
When It Rains

Edit: I realized the italics were all messed up for this chapter. >.> Fixed them! I also added in song lyrics. :)

Thank you to everyone who read and an even bigger thanks to those who subscribed! I really appreciate it! :D

Plip. Plip. Plip. Plip.

A groan escaped from Kim Mi Sun's lips as her eyes slowly blinked open. A dampness that had settled on her forehead had stirred her into an awakened state, earning a confused scowl to form on her usually cheerful features. What in the...? She touched her forehead before looking up at the ceiling to find a dark spot residing there. Oh, great! My roof has a leak... She sighed, ruffling her already mussed up hair. Guess I should go get a bucket or something to catch the water until the rain stops.


The sound of rain drops distracted her from getting out of bed for a moment. How long had it been since it last rained in Seoul? It seemed like it had been ages. She briefly wondered what time it was, but quickly shook her head and stood up, dismissing the memories that were threatening to occupy her mind for hours on end just as they had before.

However, once you think of something, it isn't exactly easy to stop thinking about it.

Plip. Plip. Plip. Plip.

"Aish," Mi Sun hissed as the heavy droplets of rain poured down on her, soaking her to the bone. "The one day I decide to go against my gut and

this happens!"

She rushed into a nearby music store, receiving a sympathetic look from the owner who sat behind the cash register at the front of the store. Mi Sun gave a quick bow in greeting before giving the place a quick look around.

Might as well see if I can find anything good while I'm here; I need something new to listen to. The petite woman, hair dripping with water and body shivering, began to walk along the aisles, searching for something to catch her eye. She was pleasantly surprised when she found BAP's No Mercy album; Mi Sun hadn't expected the store to have it because it seemed to sell mostly older albums. She picked it up and continued to look through the numerous CDs, glancing outside every once in a while, hoping that the rain was going to let up soon.

Of course, just because she hoped for it didn't mean it would happen.

The rain seemed to be pouring down harder than ever, slapping the concrete in large, heavy droplets. Mi Sun sighed, knowing that her chances of missing the rain were rather slim, and went up to the front desk to pay for the album and two CDs she had picked up during her walk through the store. After paying for the items, the young woman made her way out of the store, not really paying much attention to her surroundings as she prepared herself for the dreaded walk through the rain, and slammed right into another person who just happened to walk through the door as Mi Sun was leaving. Her bag dropped to the floor, her hold lost on it with the unexpected contact. She left it for the time being, instead bowing to the man who stood before her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!"

She and the stranger both quickly stooped down to pick it up, though he made it to the bag before Mi Sun could. He handed the bag back to her and stood up. "It's fine; I wasn't watching either."

His deep voice surprised the petite woman, but also seemed oddly familiar to her. Mi Sun's brow scrunched together. The man wore a hoody and had his hood up, so part of his face was masked in shadow, but she could just make out a familiar gummy smile...

Omo! Is... Is that really...?


He tilted his head. "What?"

Mi Sun tilted her own head, hoping to get a better look at his face. She mentally crossed her fingers, hoping she wasn't wrong in her accusation.

"Bang Yong Guk?"

That had been their first meeting. Yong Guk was freaking out in the inside when Mi Sun uttered his name, she knew, so that drove her to simply smile, thank him for making enjoyable music, and leave without even asking for an autograph like she had wanted to. It killed her knowing she had just met her ultimate bias and hadn't tried to talk to him a little more; how many chances like that does one get? However, that one moment, that one, little moment had made her day.

And as fate would have it, she got another chance to meet her favorite idol.

"Hello!" Mi Sun bowed at a ninety degree angle before popping up again, a polite, yet overjoyed grin present on her features. "It's nice to meet you all! I'm Kim Mi Sun. Please treat me well!" She bowed again and popped up just like before, eliciting a few chuckles throughout the room.

"Excited, Mi Sun-ssi?" Her new boss laughed, standing off to the side.

The long-haired brunette nodded energetically. "Yes, sir!"

"I'm glad," His expression became serious, though you could still see the smile in his eyes. "Work hard, okay?" This earned another happy nod. He chuckled. "Go on, get to your work."

"Yes, sir!"

Mi Sun could hardly believe her luck, even now when she was at her new job, about to get to work. BAP's manager had been on the look out for a new stylist recently, and it just so happened that Mi Sun was a fashion and design graduate in need of a job. It also just so happened that a good friend of her's knew the rookie group's manager well enough to put in a good word for Mi Sun. It seemed that fate loved her at the moment, and the young woman was going to enjoy it for as long as she could.

She nearly skipped into the boys' dressing room, but caught herself just in time and calmed herself down as much as she could; Mi Sun didn't want to make the six singers uncomfortable because of her feelings. Taking a deep breath, she went to knock on the door, only to have it swing open and knock her onto her back.

How unexpected... Mi Sun blinked a few times at the ceiling before fully realizing what had just happened to her. And embarrassing! Gosh, on my first day, too... She groaned as she sat up, rubbing her backside.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone was behind the door!"

Her eyes met the deep-voiced rapper's in surprise. He gazed at her with concern, offering her a hand. She took it, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. If anything it helped to knock the giddy school girl out of me." Yong Guk smiled, confusion written on his face despite finding her statement amusing. "It's my first day of work here, so I'm a little overexcited."

"Ah, what are you?"

She flashed him a grin. "A stylist."

Yong Guk hadn't recognized her that time, though she couldn't blame him; she had grown her hair out and their first meeting had been for only a few minutes. Of course, that didn't stop Mi Sun's disappointment. She wanted to believe that it was important to him, too, even if she knew it was foolish to. He met fans all the time -- what was one more meeting?

"Oh! Music Store Girl!" Yong Guk clapped his hands and pointed at her.

Mi Sun paused in her examination of the clothes rack and tilted her head. "What?"

"You were at that store that I went into that day it was raining real badly, weren't you?"

She nodded. "Yup."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Yong Guk tilted his own head this time, earning a small giggle from Mi Sun who shook her head.

"I didn't think it was all that important. So what if I met you before? It doesn't change anything now."

The leader nodded, taking her words in and letting a comfortable silence drift between them. The others had left a few minutes ago to eat lunch, but he had stayed behind to chat with BAP's new stylist, having grown fond of her and her child-like, yet mature personality. He had also wanted to try and figure out why she seemed so familiar to him, why he already felt like he could trust her.

Then it clicked. The music store. The rain. Her smile and sudden departure. Mi Sun was the girl from the music store.

He probably wouldn't have figured it out so easily if it hadn't been for the fact that it had rained that day, and Mi Sun had been unlucky and gotten caught in it, causing her hair to stick to her face and head in the same way it had the first time he had seen her. Yong Guk hadn't been all that happy about it raining earlier, but now he was kind of happy it did.

"Who would have thought we'd meet again?" Mi Sun thought aloud, a small smile on her lips as she gazed at Yong Guk.

"I did." He replied stretching his arms out from where he sat in one of the many chairs that were placed by the counters.

The stylist's eyes widened in a way that made her seem more like a child than her height already did. "Really?"

Yong Guk smirked. "Yeah; there's no way you could stay away from your ultimate bias."

Mi Sun's cheeks turned cherry red and she snorted, trying to cover up the truth with humor. "Che, like I'd pick a dork like you as my ultimate bias."

"Yah! I'm not a dork!"

"Who likes a character from Winnie the Pooh at the age of twenty-two?"

It was Yong Guk's turn to blush. Mi Sun laughed, not really meaning her words, but amused nonetheless. "Exactly."

Plip. Plip. Plip. Plip.

Mi Sun sighed, placing both hands on either side of the kitchen sink and shaking her head as if to shake the memories out of her mind. It was of no use, of course, because memories weren't so easily surpressed. They were like water; they always found a way around their obstacle, whether it was by trickling through another way or wearing down the obstacle, kind of like what the rain had done to her roof.

Shoot! The leak!

She hastily opened one of the numerous cabinets and grabbed a bowl, dashing to her room and nearly tripping over air in the process.

"Gah! My bed!" Quickly placing the bowl underneath the steady drip of water, Mi Sun sighed again, running a hand through her hair. Great. Now my bed is going to be wet.

Plip. Plip. Plip. Plip.

Chocolate brown orbs turned to the window where the rain could be seen pouring down from the Heavens relentlessly. The look in the eyes saddened as more memories began to fill the young woman's head, causing her to let out another sigh. I used to love the rain, but lately...

She glanced at the clock, reading nine forty-five in the morning. It had already been over an hour since the rain had woken her up.

Lately it just makes me sad.


You won’t be coming back, I hate myself for being unable to forget
For how long will my heart ache?

Added lyrics at the end are from "Rain and You" by Rumblefish. It inspired many scenes for this story. :)

Okay, so I just made myself a little sad. T.T

I hope you guys liked it! I wasn't completely satisfied, so I might go back and make changes, but for now here's this first chapter! :) If you don't mind, please leave a comment because I would love to hear from you guys and what you think so far!

Till next time~!

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I just posted the Himchan spin off for this! :D It's called "Last Chance"


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hippo_guk #1
simply beautiful!
Chapter 8: I'm tearing
There aren't a lot of stories here that would make me tear up.
I need to vote for this. You're my fourth story I have voted for.
This is beautiful.
I can't,. This is amazing.
I cannot help but feel all the feelings I do. You're fantastic.
Chapter 7: woo!
oh himchan, you do have to do everything honey
it's what happens when you're the smart one and your friends are dense
i cannot get over how good this is
Chapter 6: SHE'S BACK
I can't,.
The entire diction, style and the way you phrase things are so beautiful.
It's such a form of art. And you've got it pretty mastrered.
This story is flawless
-gives up on writing LOL-
Chapter 5: ADGHGJA
this is so darn good.
I cannot.
Wow, fangirls. XD
Chapter 4: oh this hurts
I love the rain and I've always associated so much with it
and this
brings back memories
;; yongguk go
Chapter 3: oh my heart
this story
is so touching and so sad
ive been sick for a while and finally am recovering and now im reading. oh my heart
that first chapter
yongguk you dork but yongguk your jerk
<3 so nice <3