Goodbye ~

~ Obsess ~

Infinite - The Chaser


 Jiyong's POV


 I looked at her moveless body, lying on the floor. At first I couldn't quite realize what has happened. But then.....I hurt her. I tried to stop her from going away from me. I didn't want her to run away with that brat. But what I ended up doing was hurting her. I could have nearly killed her.

  I kneeled next to my beautiful princess. I couldn't hear her heart beat. I think she was barely breathing. What have I done seriously?! I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair. I stood up and went to get a piece of paper. I quickly wrote a few words on it and kneeled down next to my girl again. I folded the paper and sticked it into the sash of her dress. I bend over her and kissed her lightly. I stood up and went out the apartment and took one last look at her before I left.



JoonHong's POV


  As soon as she ran out the hall I knew that something was not right. Well that was obvious since I saw that strange guy in too. I couldn't just leave her to go out like that so I decided to follow her and to see what is happening. I was right - the things were definetely going into the wrong direction. I saw her going in that car with that guy and the only thing I could was to stare at this picture like a perfect fool. That was until I saw some random guy passing by with his bike. I ran down the stairs to him.

"Hey, ahjushi, give me your bike!"- I said to him.

"What? Boy, do I look stupid? How come I should give you my bike?"- He started nagging.

"Please, ahjushi! It's important! I'm going to give it back to you. I promise. Just wait here!"

I had no more time to waste so I kind of pushed him aside and took the bike without his permission. I could hear him yelling after me, but soon I was far enough not to hear him anymore. But thanks to his questions I lost her and that guy. I kept riding the bike in the same direction and soon enough I saw the car I was looking for. Finally my talent for remembering car numbers went in use. That was the only way I could recognize the one I was searching for.

  I kept following the car. What was that girl thinking? Not only that I'm her fiance, but now I'm saving her stupid from that psycho. It was true that she got on that car on her own will, but....I wasn't sure she knew what she was doing.

  I carried away with my thoughts and I lost the car once again. It took me a much more time to find it this time. I finally saw it, parked before some building. I threw away the bike and I was just about to think how am I going to get in that building when I saw that guy walking out of it. He got in the car and started the engine. Soon he was far away from the place I was standing. Good thing he didn't saw me standing there. He was literally freaking me out. The thing that worried me more was that....he went out alone. She wasn't with him. I ran to the building and opened the front door with a crash. I went upstairs taking two or three steps at once. I had no idea what I was doing since I didn't really know which floor I am searching for. Luckily that crazy guy left his apartment door opened and I rushed in. I saw my future wife lying on the floor and that pretty much scared me...a lot. I ran next to her. I put my ear on her chest - good, she was alive! I grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a little.

"Hey, wake up!"

But she didn't wake up and I started to worry about her. Eventually I decided to call an ambulance. Maybe that bastard did something really bad to her. I took out my phone and starting dialing.I let out a small sigh. I couldn't believe that such a tiny girl could get in such a big trouble.



Your POV


  I opened my eyes, but a bright light made me close them again. I tried to open them again and I saw an unknown guy with a white mask covering the lower part of his face. I think he smiled a little when I looked at him, but I couldn't really tell because I couldn't see him clearly. I noticed JoonHong on my other side looking nervously at me. His expression turned to a relieved one when I blankly gazed at him. I heard people talking again, but I felt very dizzy and I lost concioussness again.



  This time I woke up in my bed, in my room. I tried to sit up, but when I lifted my head up I felt like I was going to fall. I returned back to my original position. I just turned my eyes and looked around the room. I saw the tall figure of JoonHong standing by the window. He was staring at something outside. I didn't say a thing and waited for him to turn around and to notice I'm awake. I was a little afraid....maybe he was going to be mad at me after everything. But for my surprise, when he turned around he seemed really happy to see that I'm awake.

"Oh hey! I'm so happy you've finally opened your eyes." - JoonHong said.

I smiled at him, but didn't say anything. I waited for him to speak first.

He approached me and sat on the floor next to the bed. I turned around so I could face him.

"Such a relief!" - He said and laughed nervously.

We stood like this for a while, both of us silent. Finally JoonHong reached out for his pocket and picked out a piece of paper.

"The doctor removed your sash because it was too tight and you couldn't breathe properly. He found this in it and told me to give to you."

I took the piece of paper and unfolded it.


" Hey, my princess


 I'm writing this in case I'm not back yet when you wake up. I can guess you hate me right now. I'm really sorry for doing this to you. I hope you can forgive me.

 Also I didn't want to leave you alone, but I have to get something for you. It's a surprise! I'm sure you're gonna like it.


Love you




  After finishing reading this I immediately sat up in my bed. I was going to fall back into my place, but I found the strenght to stay like this.

" Where is he?!" - I asked JoonHong.

He let out a small sigh, but didn't answer. I stared at him waiting for an answer.

"Tell me!" - I demanded.

JoonHong kept being silent. He was really annoying me now.

"Come on! Why aren't you saying anything?"

He stood up and went to the little table next to the window. He picked up some newspaper and returned back to me.

"I'm sorry. I just can't say it." - JoonHong said and handed the paper to me.

I grabbed it and looked at the first page.



" Car accident takes away young man's life"


  Under the heading there was a photo. Jiyong. What was the meaning of this? I turned to JoonHong with my eyes wide open.

"What is this?" - I asked.

He just kept staring at me with his big brown eyes. He wouldn't say anything, just gazed at me with sadness.

I looked at the newspaper. Could it I started reading the article.


" The accident happened around 11 PM last night. A man named Kwon Jiyong (24) perished in the car crash. There aren't any other deaths or bad injuries."


 The paper slipped through my fingers. Dead....but how could that be? Why? No...that wasn't...

I felt hot tears filling my eyes up. I covered my ears with my hands. That couldn't be true. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I felt how someone's arms wrapped around me.

   "Shhh....don't cry." - JoonHong whispered.

  But I didn't listen to him. Jiyong...he wasn't with me anymore. And maybe I was the one who was guilty. He got out because of me. If he had stayed with me...he could be alive now. It was my fault.

    "It's my fault...." - I sobbed.

   JoonHong hugged me tighter and pulled my head to his chest.

   "It's not...please don't cry." - He said to me again.

  But I couldn't stop my tears from falling. It wasn't doesn't matter what Jiyong did. He was a good guy and he really loved me. And now I was never going to see him again. It could be better if I died last night...not him.

  JoonHong started caressing my head.

  "Don't be sad.....I know he was important to you. But please....don't be sad. I don't like it when you're crying. I will be here for you. I will protect you...I will be with you. I will love you instead of him. I promise."

  Hongie was sounding so desperate. I was desperate too. I wrapped my arms around his body and then I started crying even harder.



* Okay, so this is it....I hope you liked this though I'm not fully satisfied with it. See ya soon, guys! * 

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Beruchi #1
Chapter 5: NOOO!! I actually wanted her to go back with Jiyong!! UPDATE PLEASEEE!!
Chapter 5: NOOO! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ OMG Jiyong ! (TmT)
Anyways it was awesome!
Chapter 3: We want chapter 4!! please update soon ^-^