No, you won't escape

~ Obsess ~

G-Dragon - Obsession/Nightmare


Your POV


  When I went out I saw Jiyong standing by some black car. Since when he had such an expensive car? Probably since never because it wasn’t his own. I hesitated for a second, but when he smiled and nodded at me to get in the car, it was over with my wavering.

   I slammed the door after I sat on the front seat next to Jiyong.

“Easy, the car isn’t mine. But maybe I’ll keep it eventually.” – He said and started the engine.

In a few second we were already far away from the hall. Maybe minutes ago the idea to go with Jiyong seemed pretty great to me. But now….what the hell have I done?! I ran away from my own engagement with my….could I still call him my boyfriend? Yes, I ran away with him. And the worst part was that I don’t think that he was completely sane judging by what he was doing now.

“Where are we going?” – I asked.

“Somewhere we can talk.” – Jiyong answered with no emotions on his face.

We both kept silent until Jiyong stopped the car in front of some building. He cut off the engine and got out, but I didn’t move from my place. He went round the car and opened the door on my side.

“Get out.” – He said.

That wasn’t an invitation. It was more like an order.

I looked at him and shook my head. I was so smart. First I come here with him and now I refuse to go out the car. Seemed like a great plan.

For my surprise Jiyong didn’t get mad. He just let a small sigh out and stretched out his hand towards me.

“Please come with me!”

That guy was amazing. With the right words he could make me do anything. Like hypnotized I took his hand and eventually got out the car. After that Jiyong smiled and slammed the door.  I looked around. I haven’t been to this place before. Come to think of it….I had never been to Jiyong’s home at all. Maybe this was it.

  Jiyong put his hand on my waist and gently pulled me closer to his body. With his other hand he caressed my cheek and then gave me a light kiss on my lips.

  I stared at his eyes for a while. He was so handsome, so gentle, so sweet….and he was mine. Why couldn’t I be with him? Why not? I couldn’t do it because I was going to disappoint everyone if I choose him over JoonHong. It wasn’t right. Our relationship had become forbidden. And now I was realizing that I’m doing something wrong. The right thing was to be there in the hall, next to my fiancé. Instead of this I was here. And since I was here….there was no turning back for now. So I was just going to enjoy my last moments with Jiyong before going back to the reality.  

   I put my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer while kissing him. After I broke the kiss I bit his lower lip and smiled. I felt that Jiyong was surprised by my sudden actions. Normally I wasn’t behaving like that. I was a good girl. Or at least all my life I wanted everyone to believe that I am. But not tonight.


Jiyong’s POV


   I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. First of all I really expected her to run away or do something stupid. But she didn’t. And second I didn’t expect her to pull me like that and to start kissing me. But she did. That caught me a little off guard, but I caught up easily.

  I gently pulled her hair back and kissed her neck. I could feel how her hands were searching for support and her nails dug into my back.

“Let’s go!” – I said and took her hand, pulling her after me.

  We quickly went upstairs in the building and I unlocked the door of my apartment and let her go in first. She made a few steps forward looking around. I closed the door behind me and went closer to her. She turned around and smiled at me. I kissed her again and wrapped her in my arms.

“Come with me.” – I whispered in her ear.

She chuckled quietly.

“I’m serious. Run away with me. You don’t have to get married with that guy.”

She removed my hands from her body and walked a few steps away from me.

“No. I can’t. Everyone is counting on me. I can’t just forsake everything like that.” – She proclaimed.

I stared at her. She was so beautiful, but why she was so cruel now?

“But why not? Don’t you love me?” – I asked.

She kept silent for a moment.

“I love you, but I can’t be with you.”

How could that be? If you love someone you can be with him….whatever it takes.

“I’m sorry. This was all a mistake. I shouldn’t have come with you here.”

   She walked past me towards the door. I couldn’t let this happen. I couldn’t let her just go like that.

“Where are you going?” – I asked.

“I’m going back to my family and my fiancé.”

“Your fiancé? Really? Don’t make me laugh!”

She looked at me confused.

“He’s not your fiancé! He doesn’t even love you! He’s just a brat! What he can give you that I can’t?”

“It’s not about that! Can’t you just accept that I can’t be with you? Now I belong to someone else. Maybe he doesn’t love me now, but soon he will. We have no other choice after all.”

She belongs to someone else?! No….she doesn’t. She’s only mine. MINE!!!

  I reached out for some empty beer bottle on the table next to me and I threw it at the wall in front of me.


Your POV

  I was just about to open the door and to escape from this place, but something smashed in the wall right next to my head. I jumped from surprise and looked down. Pieces of a glass bottle were still rolling on the floor.

“Are you crazy?” – I screamed at Jiyong.

He was now laughing hysterically. He quickly crossed the room and grabbed my wrist tightly. I tried to escape from his grip, but I couldn’t. He was now dragging me in the opposite direction of the door.

“Let go!”

  But he didn’t let go. Instead of this he slowly turned around and faced me. His eyes were burning with the flame of a mad person

“No….if you won’t be mine…then you won’t be his either!”

His hands reached for my neck and I felt his fingers dug into my skin. He was going to choke me...

“Stop…you’re..” – I uttered, but I couldn’t say anything more because I couldn’t breathe.

  I was gasping for air, but Jiyong didn’t seem to stop. I felt how I started to lose consciousness. He finally let go of me and the last thing I saw before I out was Jiyong’s worried face.


* This chapter pretty much so please don't hate me! >< I promise the next will be better and expect a loooot of drama! Besides the iness of this one, I hoped at least you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! * 

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Beruchi #1
Chapter 5: NOOO!! I actually wanted her to go back with Jiyong!! UPDATE PLEASEEE!!
Chapter 5: NOOO! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ OMG Jiyong ! (TmT)
Anyways it was awesome!
Chapter 3: We want chapter 4!! please update soon ^-^