G O I N G C R A Z Y ~

~ Obsess ~


Song Jieun & Bang Yong Guk - Going Grazy

Your POV


  I was sitting in class nervously twiddling my pencil. We were having a History class, but the teacher was examining some boy in front of the board. I let a sigh out and looked through the window. The weather was really bad, it has been raining all day.


  I looked into the opposite direction where JoonHong was sitting. He had focused his gaze on something right in front of him and didn't even moved an inch. I wondered if he knew about the decision our parents made. I couldn't tell and maybe the only way for me to know was to ask him directly. But how could I? I just couldn't imagine myself going up to him and say: "Hey...you know that our parents want us to get married?". I've known Hongie since quite a while and it was pretty awkward to know that he will be my husband someday. And that wasn't the only problem I've faced. Jiyong also...how can I tell him that suddenly I'm engaged to some guy. But I had to tell him that. Because my parents had already warned me not to date anyone anymore. They didn't know about my relationship with Jiyong, but maybe they suspected I'm dating someone. So my father told me that from now on I'm not allowed to date anyone anymore. That aside...I didn't want to fool Jiyong around and lie him about something that won't never happen. He was always saying that he wants to spend his lifetime with me. At first I didn't really believe this, but we've been together such a long a time already that his words were making a lot more sense to me than before. And now I had to tell him I'm going to break up with him after so much time we've spent together.....well it was better than dumping him without saying a word. Because eventually I will have to leave him.


   The bell announced the end of the class with it's sound which cut off my thoughts. A few of my friends went up to my desk and started chattering for random things. I was talking to them until I felt someone was standing behind me speechless and maybe waiting for me to end my conversation. I turned around and saw JoonHong looking anywhere but at me.

"Ah well...the maths...you promised me!" - He said without looking at me again.

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten about it. Wait for me when all the classed end. I will help you then." - I told him

 He nodded looking at the floor and silently went back to his friends in the other corner of the classroom. Now I was almost sure he knew about the engagement thing. Or else he wouldn't act so awkward. Actually I had completely forgotten about Hong's Maths problem and I told Jiyong I was going to meet him. Plans change. 

 I took out my phone and started typing.



Jiyong's POV


 I turned off the water and I runned my fingers through my wet hair. I took the towel hanging near me, wrapped it around my waist and went out the bathroom. The apartment was really dark cause all the curtains were still closed. I didn't like the daylight coming into my home. The curtains were always closed until the sun sets down.

 I went to the little fridge in the kitchen and took a can of beer out of it. I went back to the living room and sat on the old moth-eaten sofa. I opened the beer and took a sip of it. I reached out for the remote controller and the TV. Some stupid show was airing. I gazed at the screen, not really seeing what's on it. Suddenly my phone ringed. A message. I stood up and picked up the devise from the shelf with the books. I unlocked it and stared for a while at the message. It was her.


" Oppa, I will be busy today after school. Please don't wait for me, I'll see you later or tomorrow! xoxo"


  Busy?! Since when she had anything to do after school? That was the first time she was actually cancelling our plans. I knew that something was happening. Plus...that boy from yesterday. Maybe she was dating him secretly? Of course she was. Behind my back....I should have expected this. Well...she may be dating him...but she's still mine. And I love her a lot more than this fool. But first....I had to confirm that.

 I threw the phone on the sofa and rushed into the bedroom. I opened the wardrobe and took some clothes out. She wasn't going to get out of this so easily.



JoonHong's POV



 The last class just has ended. I was still sitting on my place. I stretched my arms and let out a heavy yawn. I was feeling super tired of this day....it was really annoying to keep sitting here and doing nothing but listen to teachers and their never-ending talk. I turned my head and I saw her staring at me. I just nodded and she came over to my seat. I had to keep pretending that I don't understand Maths so I will have an excuse to talk to her.

"Are you ready?" - She asked me.

I just nodded again and stood up, taking my stuff with me.

We both walked in silence through the corridor.

"Where are we going to go?" - She asked suddenly.

"Well...actually...I prefer you come with me at home. I hate studying outside." - I answered.

 Bull...I don't study at all actually, but I had to act like this just a little more. To be honest I had no idea why should I fake being an idiot just to tell her something she probably already knows.

It was pretty strange that the girl walking next to me is actually my future wife. I couldn't even talk to her properly or look her in the eyes. She was pretty, but I didn't know her well. How come my parents decide that she will be my fiancee?!

  We got out from the school's building and she started walking in some wrong direction.

"Uh...go back. You see tha black car over there? The guy will drive us home." - I explained and pointed in the opposite direction, grabbing her wrist.

She turned around.

"Ah..okay. Sorry!"

  We approached the car. I opened the door for her and when we were both in the car I told the driver that he could go.

   The silence was reaaaaally awkward. The whole thing was looking more like a kidnapping than just giving a drive.  Because of that I finally decided to tell her the truth and stop acting.

"Okay,_____(enter your name or whatever name you want here :D). I'm not going to pretend anymore. I don't have a single problem with Maths since I'm the best in the class. You just have to come at my home...because...well...you know! We're getting engaged or something. That's really interesting, since we're both underage and I'm not sure if this is actually legal."

 She was giving me the "what the hell are you talking about" look so I just cut off the nonsense.

"Well...if I have to draw a general conclusion - we're going home and our parents will be there. And they're going to talk about some engagement stuff."

"Yeah...and why didn't you just tell me that before?" - She asked.

" I don't know...that's what I've been told to do. I guess it's a secret or something."

I let out a sigh and just leaned back. That was going to be reaaaally long.



Your POV


  The whole thing in JoonHong's house lasted 5 freaking hours! Our parents decided every detail around our engagement, wedding, announcements about these events and I swear they even talked about how our kids were going to look. The last one must have been the most embarassing moment of my whole life. Finally our parents decided that our engagement will be next week. With big party and stuff. But the problem was that...me and JoonHong didn't want to do this. We were fine with each other but the engagement thing seemed to us too much. And it was happening too early.

  Me and my family finally got in front of our home. It was already dark. I was just about to enter the house after my mother when I felt someone was staring at my back. I turned around, but I didn't see anyone. Suddenly the phone in my pocket vibrated. A message.


"Stay outside."


It was Jiyong.

"Hey, mum! We don't have apples at home right? I'm going to buy some, I really want to eat that right now!"

I rushed down the street before my mother could say anything.

I leaned my back against the wall of some nearby building and waited. Jiyong appeared and stood in front of me.

"Where have you been all day?" - He asked.

He looked extremely angry.

"I told you I was busy."

"Really? Busy going with that boy from your class! Are you that stupid to go out with him instead of me?"

I looked at him surprised. What was he talking about? He sure didn't know about the engagement.

"What? I'm not going out with him! He's just my classmate!"

"Yeah, sure! Listen to me reaally carefully!" - Jiyong said and grabbed my wrist. I felt he was almost going to break my bones.

"You're only mine! Mine! Not his! I don't care if you like him! You're with me!" - He whispered in my ear.

I shivered. It was the first time for me to hear him talk like this.

"Let me go!"


I somehow released myself from his grip and backed away slowly.

"Have you gone crazy?! Why are you acting like this?!" - I screamed at him.

Jiyong tried to approach me again, but I stretched out my hand.

"No,stop! Don't come closer to me! You know what...I'm done with you! I'm not just dating JoonHong. I'm engaged to him!" - I said furiosly.

Jiyong's expression changed. He looked shocked. I couldn't stand seeing him staring at me with his eyes so wide open. Like he was trying to saying something. I turned around and rushed back to my house, leaving him behind.



* Okay, I'm sorry if this a lot, but I was writing it at 1:00 a.m last night and I was being extremely random. xD I hope you still like it! *

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Beruchi #1
Chapter 5: NOOO!! I actually wanted her to go back with Jiyong!! UPDATE PLEASEEE!!
Chapter 5: NOOO! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ OMG Jiyong ! (TmT)
Anyways it was awesome!
Chapter 3: We want chapter 4!! please update soon ^-^