M I D N I G H T ~

~ Obsess ~



      Your POV


     Time went by really fast. Tonight was the night of the engagement. My head was full with confusing thoughts. As few days passed by I began to feel more comfortable around JoonHong. Judging by the way he was behaving now, I think he was feeling the same way. Maybe we even started liking each other a little. When he would touch my hand accidentally I could feel the butterflies swinging their little wings in my stomach. The way he would immediately look in the other direction and turn red after this was so cute. I did believe that eventually things will work for us.

    But there was Jiyong on the other side. I felt really guilty because I left him that way, but he really started worrying me. The way he was acting wasn't normal. Especially the things he said to me. Also I haven't heard anything from him for days. Well what else to expect....after the way I acted the last time with him.

    I leaned my elbows against the table, resting my head on my hands. I stared at my reflection in the mirror infront of me. I was already dressed up and my makeup was done, but my hair was still messy. I reached out for the comb and slowly runned it through my hair. I kept doing this like hypnotized until I heard someone coughing behind me. I put the comb back to it's original place and turned around to see who is it. I saw JoonHong leaning on the door-frame. He was also already dressed up - midnight blue shirt sticked into beige trousers and beige coat. I saw there was a sky blue piece of cloth in the pocket of his coat. I laughed a little - we were wearing the same colors. I was wearing midnight blue strapless knee-high dress. The silk sash around my waist was sky blue. The scarf around my shoulders and the high heels I was wearing were both beige. Besides that we were dressed up in the same colors we both looked pretty good. 

  I stood up from my place and went up to him. JoonHong looked at me from head to toe.

"You look really nice." - He said with approvance in his voice.

"Thank you."

"So are you ready?"

"Yup...are you?" - I asked him.

JoonHong nodded and offered me his arm. I looked at him confused.

"Why are you doing this?"

He shrugged his shoulders and then said:

"We're expected to look like engaged people. We should act like ones." - He answered me.

I smiled at his explanation and wrapped my arm around his.

"Let's go, my future wife!" - JoonHong said and smiled warmly at me.

I laughed as he took me out the room.



Jiyong's POV



 "Oppa, let's go into the hall!" - The annoying woman said while pressing herself into my shoulder.

I threw away the -end and stepped on it to put it out.

" Why do you keep calling me oppa, I'm younger than you?" - I asked her while she was dragging me to the open door.

" Because I feel like a young girl with you!" - She answered and started laughing hysterically.


 She passed her invitation to the stocky bodyguard standing in front of the flashy hall. The big guy nodded to us and let us inside. I stared at him for a while. He would totally kick me out if I was alone.

  I looked around. A pretty nice place. So many well-dressed and good-looking people. A few women stared at me with eyes full with lust. I guess my "lady" felt over-protective of me after this and digged her nails in my arm. I gently removed her claws off my arm and when she gave me a surprised look I said:

" I'm going to get you something to drink."

She let out a melting (in her opinion) smile and released me.

  I started looking around. There were really a lot of people. And then I saw her. My princess. She was so beautiful with her dark blue dress. Nothing to compare with the vulgar, lewd who got me here. My girl was different from her and all the women here. She was smiling brightly to that drone who was calling himself her fiance. I should have killed him at the moment I saw him. At first I couldn't believe that she really was his fiancee, but since both of their families were rich, soon the news about their engagement were everywhere. Too bad because I wasn't going to let this happen. There was no way I could let my beautiful girl to marry that scrub without even trying to stop this madness.

 I stared at her for a little more. That guy didn't even deserve her....she looked so pure, so innocent. What princess.....she was my queen.....my snow white queen. She was perfect, flawless. I watched how her sparkling eyes suddenly noticed me. I smirked at her. She just stared at me with her eyes wide open. Then I decided to just put my charm in action - I bit my lower lip and winked at her. I could tell by her expression change that this worked the way I wanted to. Of course it would...it worked everytime, with everyone! I just laughed at my little victory and went off to take a drink for my annoying companion waiting for me in the opposite corner of the hall.


   Your POV


  Everything was going pretty smooth. I was staying next to JoonHong while we were talking to some of his relatives. He was being so sweet and to be with him was a really nice experience. I didn't have to pretend I like him cause I really liked him for real. I could feel that he wasn't pretending too....he was really enjoying the time spent with me here.

  So the things were perfect until I spotted Jiyong in the crowd. I panicked immediately, especially when he smiled at me.  I was just about to tell JoonHong what was going, but then Jiyong did something which totally withdrew me to do anything. He was just staying there, bitting his lips and winking at me. JoonHong next to me was very good-looking, but Jiyong over there....he was just pure perfection right now. He was dressed all in black. And all the things he was doing now...it was like a calling to me to go over there and be with him. After this he just went off somewhere and disappeared in the crowd. I felt my breath was shaking. I put my hand on my chest....my heart was about to explode from beating so fast.

  "Are you alright?" - JoonHong asked me.

  All I could do was just nodding. I couldn't even speak. While drooling over my ex I didn't even asked myself the question how the hell he got here? Obviously he was with someone. But the bigger problem was...what was he trying to do while being here?

  I tried to calm myself and shake off this feelings, but I couldn't. The worse was that I wasn't even able to see Jiyong around. I didn't even know where he was, who he was with...nothing. It was really driving me crazy. I didn't want him to be here....but on the other side I wanted to see him immediately. And when I see him what? If he did something like before I would jump on him and rip his clothes. No, no...I had to distract myself from this.

  I reached out for JoonHong's hand and hold it tight. He looked at me with eyes full of worries.

 "Do you want to dance with me?" - I asked him nervously.

   He smiled at me and pulled me to the dancefloor in the center of the hall.

 I felt calmer as he turned me around and then put his hand on my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders and let my hips move in the rhythm of the music playing.


* Every time I feel your love and kiss ooh, baby

  Oneuri majimagiran

  Senggak but geuge mamchorom

  Dojiga ana


 Every time no ege

 Tto neul geuoteut.... *



  I closed my eyes for a moment. I felt safe in JoonHong's arms. I was safe from Jiyong. But really...did I want to be safe? Minutes ago I was ready to throw myself in Jiyong's arms. And maybe I still wanted to do it.

  The song ended and I separated myself from JoonHong. I looked up to him and he smiled at me sweetly. Then I looked around. And I saw just the one I wanted to. Jiyong was leaning against a wall, with a glass full of wine in his hand. He smirked at me again and slowly raised the glass. The red liquid touched his mouth and he swallowed it fast. Then he sticked out his tongue and slowly the wine drops left on his lips.

   I was going crazy. Jiyong was doing this on purpose. I turned my head back to JoonHong who was just standing in front of me, not saying anything.

   "How about one more song?" - I asked.

   "I won't refuse." - He answered and smiled to me.

  This time I put my left hand on his shoulder and with my right I grabbed his hand. He turned me around and then I gently pushed him away. JoonHong got the idea and put his hand on my waist, with the other he grabbed one of my hips and pulled my body closer to his. I used the opportunity to look him straight in the eyes and to run my fingers through his hair. Everything was going just the way I planned, but then Jiyong pulled some woman, I've definetely seen her before, on the dancefloor. JoonHong was dancing well, but Jiyong was doing it with such passion. The woman was clearly enjoying herself when Jiyong was touching her here or there. But the whole time his eyes were focused on me.

 I couldn't breathe properly when the song finally ended. But not because I was tired....it was because of Jiyong. At the end I saw him turning around looking at me for the last time before he went out the hall. It was a clear invitation for me to go out with him. But how could I? It was my engagement and my future husband was right next to me. But maybe I could just go out for a while....just to tell Jiyong I can't be with him anymore. Yes, that's right.

 " I'm going out for a while. To get a gulp of fresh air." - I explained to JoonHong while I was taking my purse with me.

 " Do you want me to come with you?" - He asked.

 " No, it's fine. I'll be back really soon." - I rushed to say.

I smiled at him and turned around. It was just around midnight when I went out in the darkness to search for Jiyong.



* Soo I hope you like this chapter. Please excuse me if there are any mistakes because I really rushed with this one and it's possible to be full of stupid mistakes and typos. Enjoyyy ~ * 

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Beruchi #1
Chapter 5: NOOO!! I actually wanted her to go back with Jiyong!! UPDATE PLEASEEE!!
Chapter 5: NOOO! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ OMG Jiyong ! (TmT)
Anyways it was awesome!
Chapter 3: We want chapter 4!! please update soon ^-^