
Lady of Hell


Ok so someone asked me why Yukatas........ well think about Kris wearing a yukata half open like


DAAAAMMMNNN (and I've been watching a bunch of anime again if you can't tell Katekyo Hitman Rebon is not a boyXboy anime I swear) one of my other friends said that this pic made her think of TaoRis lol


"Ah…" Nami's voice was quiet but audible.

"Hm? What is it Nami?" KaYeon smiled while sewing Nami's yukata, which got ripped during the incident. Momo pulled Nami in to her room after Karin fled off with Kris.

"Thank you… for standing up for me. I do not deserve such actions." Nami's head was down with shadows gracing her eyes.

KaYeon looked up from her mending and looked at the red head. "Hey, don't worry about it. No one deserves to be treated that way." KaYeon looked back to the ripped fabric and continued to stitch it back together.

After a while KaYeon's curiosity got the best of her and blurted out, "So, why are in such a place?"

"Oh, the reason that I'm a servant here is because my father left my mother and me a long time ago in Heaven. Soon, my mother got disgusted with me also, so she sold me into the slaves market. That's when I was taken to Hell." Surprisingly, Nami's voice was strong.

"… I'm sorry." KaYeon couldn't think of anything else to say. "My parents neglected me too." She added thinking about her past.

"R-really?" The last statement startled Nami.

"Yeah. But it's okay because a kind old lady took me in when I was lost. To me, it was always natural to not have parents. So it was alright." KaYeon's voice dropped to a sad tone.

"Done!" KaYeon's voice got cherry again as she held up the fixed sleeve.

"Thank you so much KaYeon. I really glad that I volunteered to be your maid." Nami's expression was grateful as she took back her yukata. (She had something else on.)

"Maid? More like friends." KaYeon corrected. KaYeon looked out her huge glass window to look at the 'Dead Woods' the had told her about earlier.

"I'm extremely sorry, but I have to take care of some errands that needs my assistance. Will you be alright just by yourself?" Nami politely asked.

"Yeah, definitely! I'll just roam around the castle!" KaYeon joyfully replied.

"Please be careful." Nami had a worried expression as she left KaYeon's room.


"I can't believe that brat! How dare she mock me!" Karin flared out. She was in Kris' study room ranting on and on about the incident. Kris just sat in his chair looking out the window.

"WuFan! What are you going to do about this?!" Karin stomped in front of the desk and leaned in looking furious.

"Nothing." His cold reply set the room in silence… until Karin broke it.

"N-nothing!? But she-" Karin was cut off by his icy tone.

"Just let it go Karin. I'm not going to do anything. What happened, happened." His gaze fell on the black haired girl, who had a stunned look on her face.

"But-" Before Karin could finish her sentence, Kris was already out the huge doors of his study.


"Wow…" KaYeon looked around her surroundings.

"There's nothing but hallways here!!" KaYeon shouted her anger out.

No matter how many corners she turned or doors she entered, it always led to a dark, secluded hallway, leading to more dark hallways.

"Um, are you trying to find a way outside?" A butler dressed in white tapped her on the shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. I think so. Would you show me the way please?" KaYeon asked. "If it's not too much trouble." She quickly added.

"This way Miss." He murmured like only a butler could.

He guided her to the entrance that KaYeon entered through when she arrived there, after turning and walking through many hallways and doors. She wondered how the man could memorize such a complex mansion.

"Um, thank you sir." KaYeon awkwardly said.

"Yes. The doors will close at midnight sharp, so don't stay out to late Miss." The man said professionally.

"Alright. Thank you once again sir."

The butler nodded and headed for one of the long hallways. KaYeon slithered through the giant black and gold doors and slowly stepped down the stairs. She walked to the left of her and noticed that the farther she got, the more eerie the atmosphere got. In a few more steps, Momo was in front of a forest.

The branches were from any green life and strange noises leaked out from the darkness. The forest itself seemed to loom over her small figure.

"This must be the Dead Woods." KaYeon said out loud.

"Going in there is a suicidal idea. Once you go in, it is said that it is almost impossible to get out. That is how we lost some guards; they went in and never came. Probably dead"

The 's words came into her mind clearly.

"Better be smart and don't go in there." KaYeon told herself.

She turned and swiftly walked away, no matter how much she wanted to enter through to take a look herself. She once again saw the grand doors of the entrance. But after seeing that she had more time to look around, she went the opposite direction of the Dead Woods.

Her feet found themselves in a trail of stones. KaYeon looked up to find herself looking at a spectacular garden. There were all kinds of flowers beautifully grown. There were some plants that she could name such as roses, tulips, daises and other common flowers, but as she went further into the garden, the more complicated the flowers seemed.

When she decided that it was time to go back however, she found out that she was lost in the garden. The tall bushes and trees made it impossible for her to find her way back.

'Oh no! I'm lost! What if I'm locked out?! This is not good. Better look for the castle right now.' KaYeon frantically thought in her mind.

She retraced her steps but kept getting more confused and lost. When she was too tired to walk anymore, she leaned onto an apple tree.

"Lost?" Suddenly a deep mysterious voice reached KaYeon's ears.

She squealed quietly and quickly turned her head to find Kris leaning against a fountain casually, holding a black and violet flower in his hands. He seemed to smell the attractive flower because it was close to his nose. But his black coffee eyes were on her, his lids half closed. (Man, he would he look y!)

"H-how do you know I'm lost?" KaYeon found her voice again.

"…You passed this part of the garden five times."Kris coolly replied.

"Oh…" KaYeon was embarrassed as she blushed and looked down.

Kris pushed himself up with ease and advanced towards her. KaYeon didn't know what to do as he was now within three feet from her. As he took another step towards her, she took a step back only to meet the tree's trunk, keeping her in place. He was now only inches away from her face.

'Too close!' KaYeon wanted to shout out, but her voice seemed to be hiding from her.

When KaYeon looked up, she could see Kris staring at her and then at the flower and back to her again. He reached up to her hair and tucked the dark flower into her rich brown hair. KaYeon blinked a couple of times to register what just happened.

Suddenly she felt a hot breath on her sensitive ear and notices that Kris was leaning down to her ear.

"That flower surprisingly looks good on you." He whispered.

He took a step back with a smirk on his face. He walked towards the right way, expecting her to follow him.

'W-what just happened?!' She yelled in her mind.

After awhile, she noticed the prince walking and caught up with him blushing madly.

"Why did you give me this flower?" She didn't even know why she asked that.

"Because." He said lazily.

She stared at him to continue.

"Because it's such a shame to have a flower whither on the ground." He finished.


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roserika #1
Chapter 1: Ah no wonder why this story made me think of bleach.some of the names are from it right? interesting story.
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