3rd chappie

Lady of Hell


"Oh, you don't have to call me 'miss' all the time. Please call me KaYeon!" KaYeon said at the red haired girl.

"Are you sure?" Nami answered with uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course! But only if you let me call you Nami."

The maid nodded and exited with a smile.

'Well, at least the people working in the castle are nice.' KaYeon thought as she unpacked her belongings.


KaYeon was setting her last book on the shelf when there was a small knock on the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Jang?" Nami's voice carried. 

"Hm? Oh Nami!" KaYeon greeted the rose haired girl.

"Good evening, dinner is prepared Miss." Nami said with a smile.

"Please call me KaYeon! I am not familiar with someone calling me with so formally before." KaYeon had her finger on her chin and tried to think about the last person that spoke to her like that.

"Forgive me. I did not wish for you to be so uncomfortable. I shall call you KaYeon from now on. If that is okay…"

"D-don't apologize! And it would be lovely if you called me KaYeon."

"Well then, shall we join the others for the meal?" Nami's hand gestured to the stairs that led to the first floor.

The two left KaYeon's room and Nami led KaYeon down the stairs to the dining area of the palace. Otherwise KaYeon would have been lost between the hallways.

When they arrived, there was a long table with gourmet food lined up, ready to be devoured by hungry mouths.

KaYeon noticed right away that the royalty sat at one end of the table and the servants at the other end. Kris was sitting at the front of the table while Karin was sitting beside him glaring at KaYeon non-stop. KaYeon just raised her brow at the girl until she felt a nudge at her arm.

"I'm not sure where you are supposed to sit KaYeon." Nami said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll ask this so called Lord." KaYeon said with a hint of sarcasm.

KaYeon's feet dragged to the front of the table where the blond prince sat. He had his elbows on the fine polished wood and had his chin on top of his clenched hands. His once closed eyes opened when KaYeon was a few feet away.

Karin glared at her more fiercely than before and spat out, "What do you want? This better be quick."

She inwardly flinched but refused to show it outside. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I do not know where to sit. It would be a problem if I sat in someone else's seat."

Wufan's dark eyes drifted towards her chocolate ones and held her there. But before his reply came out of his mouth, Karin stepped forward and said with a smirk, "Well let's see, you definitely don't look like someone important, so I think you should sit at the very back. It only makes sense that way." Karin snobbish voice rang in KaYeon's ears. Now everybody near the front of the table was looking at the two.

Not wanting to look weak in front of everyone, KaYeon's reply was, "That's fine with me. It's not as if where I sit in Hell is important anyway."

KaYeon swiftly turned around and advanced towards the end of the table. Nami ran to catch up with KaYeon and asked quietly while they sat down, "So, what did he say?"

"He didn't say anything, she did. Apparently, she wants me as far away from her as possible. But it doesn't matter."

"She? Oh, you mean Lady Karin." A small chuckle escaped Nami's throat. "Don't mind her, she's always like that."

"So who is this Karin anyway?"

"She is one of the noble's daughter. Her elders and WuFan's council wants them to marry each other, so Lady Karin has been hanging on to him for some time now. I guess the same type of people are best for each other." Nami explained with a shrug.

She laughed half-heartedly when she noticed that the Lord was sitting right across from her, although it was a far off distance, she could tell he looking at her with a stoic face. KaYeon tilted her head in confusion, but looked away when one of the royal people announced that it was time to eat.

After dinner, KaYeon went straight to her room, Nami excusing herself to do some chores that needed to be done. The silence forced KaYeon to think about the day more clearly.

'I can't believe I'm really in Hell. It seems just like yesterday that I was in heaven… wait I was in heaven yesterday. I left all my friends there and there is no way for me to contact them. They even forced me to leave Michi there. Well, at least I have Nami here. And what's with that Karin girl? She acts like I'm a threat to something. It's all captian Hangeng's fault that I'm in this situation right now. Oh well, what can I do?' KaYeon thought with a couple of sighs escaping her lips.

However, her train of thoughts was interrupted by a shrill scream outside of her room.

"What going on?" KaYeon stepped outside of her room to find a furious looking Karin looking down on Nami, who was cowering in fright. KaYeon could see that Karin's kimono was partly damp as Nami tried to pick up broken parts of a teapot.

"You ruined my Kimono!! You're even lucky enough to serve under the Lord and this is how you repay your dept?! By spilling tea all over me?! You are so useless!!" Karin's harsh words seemed to slap Nami's face as tears stung her blue eyes.

"F-forgive me my Lady. I-it won't happen again. Please forgive me." Nami was in a low bow, apologizing to the dark haired girl too many times.

"What's all this commotion?" WuFan's voice was unheard by the three girls, and the Lord stood by looking at the scene unnoticed.

"Do you think a simple apology would be enough?! You deserve to starve in the streets!!" Karin ranted on with her shrill voice and finally KaYeon couldn't take the harassment Nami was getting.

"Hey! Leave her alone! She said she was sorry!" KaYeon stood beside Nami. By this time, all the people nearby stood still to watch.

"What's this? Another sack of garbage huh?" Karin snarled at the two. That was when she noticed Kris leaning on the railings looking at them. "Kris! These peasants are getting on my nerves. You should banish them!" Karin clung to his arm while looking at him.

"We're getting on your nerves? Who taught you your manners? A stray dog? A real lady would be kind enough to forgive a mistake anyone can make." KaYeon said, all her fears gone. Her anger for Karin grew and wondered what kind of person could be this cruel. All the people near-by gasped quietly and moved away before the situation got too ugly to watch. Kris looked a bit surprised at the courage of the brown-haired girl.

"What – What did you just say?? How dare you!" Karin's bewildered face was yelling like there was no tomorrow.

"You heard me! And you-" She swiftly looked at WuFan. "You should help your people when they are in trouble! Not watching them like if its some kind of show! You-you royal jerk!!" KaYeon yelled at the Lord, her shyness dissolving by the second and KaYeon didn't regret any of the words she had spoken. Someone needed to tell them what was wrong here.

Kris' face was amused and walked towards her. He had a smirk on and said, "You are one interesting girl." And turned around and walk towards his room with Karin behind his trail huffing in anger.

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roserika #1
Chapter 1: Ah no wonder why this story made me think of bleach.some of the names are from it right? interesting story.
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