New Life

Lady of Hell


"Well this is it guys. I hope I get to meet you all again in the future." KaYeon stood by the gates with her little belongings.

Kris waited for her with his guards.

"Bye KaYeon. Don't you dare forget us!!" SooMin exclaimed.

"Make sure to drop by any chance you get!" Aida yelled.

Isane and Bomi could not say anything because of the attempt to hold back tears. The girls had a final group hug and KaYeon entered the gated with the Lord.


KaYeon walked awkwardly with the Prince and guards through the dark and empty tunnel. Their footsteps echoed off the curbed walls and the silence was making the moment tenser.

She timidly peeked at the Lord at the corners of her chocolate brown eyes. The handsome man was staring forward, into more darkness of the tunnel. Eventually Kris noticed her light gaze and turned his head towards her slightly.

KaYeon tore her staring almost immediately to the seemingly interesting ground. 'Why am I so nervous? Well, maybe it's the fact that I am going to live in Hell with the Lord. But my heart is pounding so fast that I'm sure everybody can hear it in this silence! Maybe I should make some small talk to make it more… endurable. What was the guy's name again? … Kris WuFan! That's right, I remember now. But should I call him Kris? The captain did call him WuFan. Should I call him that?'

However, KaYeon's train of thoughts were cut as she bumped into the Lord himself, not realizing the group had come to a stop.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't pay attention." She apologized. But before Kris could reply, the guard spoke.

"My Lord, we arrived in Hell. An should be here to accompany you in your way back to the mansion." The strong voice boomed.

"Thank you." he replied with no emotions.

'What a cold guy.' she thought bitterly.

Soon enough the was there to lead to two away. The gates to Hell opened and KaYeon couldn't help but stare in awe. The first thing she saw was a magnificent black castle standing tall and proud. There was only one trail to the castle to the gates and below the trail was scorching hot lava bubbling.

As they walked, she noticed the castle was surrounded by land with many buildings. Beside the castle was a forest that looked scary and dead. She looked up and saw that the sky was black with no moon or stars. It looked like an endless hole.

Curiosity finally getting to KaYeon, she turned to the , who was a young man with brown hair and auburn eyes and asked, "What time is it sir?"

"What? Oh, it's 9:30am miss. Why do you ask?" The looked behind his shoulders to look at her.

"Really! I just noticed that it looks like night time here even though it morning." She explained her curiosity.

"Well, it always looks like night time here. The sky is always black." The turned back to look at the front.

"Oh. I'm sorry to disturb you, but would you mind answering some of my questions?" KaYeon asked nervously.

"If it doesn't bother the Lord. Do you mind WuFan?" The brown haired man turned to look at Kris.

"No." Was his simple reply.

"Alright then. What questions do you have miss?" The turned to look at KaYeon again.

"What are the building over there for?" She gestured at the various buildings at the sides.

"Oh, those temples and buildings are for judging the hollows and souls. It makes them confess their wrong doings and the judgment's court orders them what pit they are going to go where they are tortured."

"O-oh." KaYeon was a bit scared because the closer they went to castle, faint screams of the hollows and souls could be heard. "What about the forest there?"

"That's called the 'Dead Woods'. Going in there is a suicidal idea. Once you go in, it is said that it is almost impossible to get out. That is how we lost some guards; they went in and never came. Probably dead."

"Really? How unusual." It was true; She had never even seen a forest that thick and dense. "What about far beyond Hell? What lies there?"

"Oh, another part of Hell. It is similar to here."

"Another part of Hell?" Hinamori said, perplexed.

"Yes. You see, WuFan Rules the South side of Hell and another Lord rules the North side.

"I see. Thank you very much for your time." KaYeon slightly bowed to the and he couldn't help but blush a bit.

"It's no problem really."

Suddenly, Kris' icy tone filled both ears. "We're here."

The bowed deeply and left. The Lord started up the castle stairs and advanced towards the huge black doors.

"Are you coming or what?" The hard voice made KaYeon cringe a bit.


As soon as the doors opened, thousands of maids, butlers, and servants lined up. Her eyes couldn't believe it. Literally, everybody worshiped and respected him. In unison, all the people greeted, "Welcome back Lord WuFan."

'I can't believe this! Is he really that great?' KaYeon thought in her mind.

Suddenly, a cheery voice broke through the crowd. "Kris darling!! Your back!! I was so lonely without you!!" A girl with short black hair and black eyes came running towards them.

"Karin. How have you been?" Kris answered back. 

"Good, except that I was lonely without you!" Karin said girly and glomped him. Finally noticing KaYeon staring at the two, Karin let go and walked towards Momo, not looking pleased.

"Who is she" Karin snarled in KaYeon's face.

"Some girl named Jang KaYeon." Hitsugaya answered coldly.

'Some girl? How rude! And what's with this girl? Does she have a problem with me? Well, the last time I checked, it was not my decision to come here!' KaYeon yelled angry in her mind.

"Hmph! Whatever, she doesn't look of much value anyway." Karin flipped her hair and walked away.

'What?! Those two are getting on my nerves!' She thought while glaring at the back of Karin and Kris' heads. They were walking up the stairs, Karin clinging onto Kris' arm.

"U-umm, Miss?" A friendly voice called out to KaYeon. She turned around to find a girl around her age smiling at her. "Hello, my name is Nami and I'm your personal maid from here on out." She had natural red hair that was in a tidy ponytail and sparkling blue eyes.

"W-wait, personal maid? But-" KaYeon was cut off by Nami.

"Please, I insisted. I wanted to meet you. Shall I you to your new room miss?" She gestured to the Hallway up the stairs.

"Y-yes. Thank you."

With that the two went up to KaYeon's new room and she gasped at the size.

"This is my room?? But it's even bigger than my division!!"

Nami giggled at the cute girl and said, "My room is right beside yours, so please don't hesitate to call me when you are in need. Please get comfortable and I will visit later when it is time for dinner miss."

"Oh, you don't have to call me 'miss' all the time. Please call me KaYeon!" KaYeon said at the red haired girl.

"Are you sure?" Nami answered with uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course! But only if you let me call you Nami"

The maid nodded and exited with a smile.

'Well, at least the people working in the castle are nice.' KaYeon thought as she unpacked her belongings.


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roserika #1
Chapter 1: Ah no wonder why this story made me think of bleach.some of the names are from it right? interesting story.
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