Chapter 6

The wedding on holiday


Kris POV

“AAARRGGGHHH, FINE I sleep on sofa!ARE YOU HAPPY!”said Amber. I'm already pretty sure she will succumbed and sleep on sofa tonight. Haha.she  grab  the pillow beside me and go sleep on the sofa. 

“Good night llama” I  close a lamp beside the bed.

“Hmmm” she answer me.

I start close my eyes. After 3 hours I sleep, suddenly I wake  up .I look at clock beside me and I saw now 1:00 a.m. I don’t know why I can’t sleep. I glance toward the sofa who Amber sleep now. She sleep so soundly and her body almost at the tip sofa,she can fall on the floor if she moving a little further. I know I hate her but I still have compassion.

I stand up from the bed and walk toward Amber. I carried her like bride style.

Should I give her sleep on bed ? Maybe she will fall again if I lay her on sofa.

I lay her on the bed . I think she will kick me if I sleep beside her so I choice to sleep on the sofa.  I lie on the sofa and sleep.

Next morning, I open my eyes and sunshine irradiate the bedroom. I glance toward the bed to saw Amber but she not there.

Maybe in the kitchen. My thought . Because I hear something noise in kitchen. I walk to the kitchen and saw Amber was make coffee.

 Impossible she make coffee to me.

“Good Morning llama” I greet to her.

“Morning”She said with cold voice. She walk toward me.

“Err… Kris I make coffee to you for thank about last night you carried me on the bed” She smile to me.

Maybe this time she really  make nice to me.

“Oh, no problem about that you know I gentleman”I take coffee which Amber give to me. She walk to the fridge and take milk box .She drink it.

“Ermm…why you drink milk?why you didn’t drink coffee who you make it?”I point my index finger toward a teapot of coffee which her make.

“arr…I-I didn’t drink a coffee”

Why I feel something weird?errr…maybe it  only my  feeling.

I started drink coffee which amber give to me. I drink it and the taste of coffee is…verrry bitter. I spat the coffee who I drank.

“Wuueekkk…Why this coffee so bitter?”I ask her and she laugh so loud.

“HAHAHAHHAAHAHAAA” She laugh while her hands on her stomach.

“Oh… so sorry giraffe ,the sugar was exhausted…haha” She laugh again.

I should know from began she was impose me, not make nice to me. She never make nice to me.  I’m so stupid.

“ you llama” I shout to her. She stick her tongue out.

Now, she give me bitter coffee and maybe next time she give me poison. I should careful with her.



How you think about this chapter? In this chapter turn Amber who impose Kris. HAHA.

Sorry so long I didn’t update because I went to my cousin house for her wedding and I didn’t bring my lap top.==’ and sorry this chapter so short. Next chapter will long than this and now I was working for chapter 7.  I hope you enjoy it

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Why I feel my story so slowly?


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Chapter 7: all the best on your exam..
Chapter 3: its a beautiful funny love story...fighting you write awesome Krisber..
watdaaa #3
Chapter 7: Hey. When the story will be updated;;;;;;;;
jamineliu #4
Chapter 6: Know wht ...i repeating all the chapter everytime..haiss poor me....hurry update this story pless!!!..@.@
kpopfx #5
Chapter 7: I love your story. .I'll be waiting for your update. . :)
Lukber #6
Chapter 7: i like your story ..please update soon
aylintekknikker #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon :)
shahirah2 #8
update soon please....