Highschool Flower Boys















A/N:oohh couldn't update yesterday~ had to much thinking to do~~anyways, I just updated the foreword to my second story,Secret Garden Luhan.


WHO KNOWS THE KOREAN DRAMA SECRET GARDEN?! I love it and I decided to make a little re make of it~^^keke. Sadly...this story is coming to an end...NO~ ara...selpoㅠ.ㅠ but I have to~





>>>Beakhyun's POV<<<



Im so confused at myself. Ever since the accident, I thought my heart would stop letting people get to it. Yesterday, I caught Sohyun red handed. She was staring at me during practice. She seemed bery amused by the looks of SM Building. I remember her sying something that it wasn't what she had expected to look like. Nowadays, my mind isnt thinking straight. It's cooked. I only think about Sohyun at the most randomest moments. When I was walking out of SM Building yesterday, I had tripped and fell on the asphalt road.



A big truck was speeding towards me and honking viciously at me. I tried to get up, when a hand had hoovered over my back , then to my shoulders and that hand that had pulled my body back to the sidewalk, was Kris. 

Kris had saved my life.

"You idiot! Get your mind straight! What's wrong with you lately?! Get a grip!"

Kris's face was red as fire, he clentched his fists so tight that it was pale white. He left as the other members were running towards Kris.



Kris ignored them as he walked to the van.

The other members ran up to me.




They all helped me get up. I was just staring cluelessly at the sidewalk, not really shocked to the scene that just happened.

"ANWSER ME! WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?!" Suho screamed so loud that manager hyung, Xiumin and Luhan had to drag him away and calm him down in the van.

The rest of the members pretended to not care about what just happened and just helped me get to the van. I had some scratches on my knee and arms from the incident, but other than that, my body was okay.




I shook the thought off my head and went to go get ready to go to school.





>>>Kris's POV<<<



im gonna tell that girl today. BEakhyun is obviously possesed by that girl...ani...lovestruck by her. After his 'accident', a few years ago with his ex-girlfriend,which was his first love, he has never acted like this before. Yes, I knew him before we were trainees. Our moms knew each other and that was how we met. It still surprises me that we are both in the same kpop group.

But that is not the issue right now.



=================AT SCHOOL===================





I went to Building number 7...that was the music building.

I didn't feel like going to my classes so i managed to sneak in the piano room and play the piano.

I probably played the piano for about 4 hours without getting caught. The piano room was on the 6th floor anyways and that is last floor on Building number 7.

Since it was lunch time, I normally walked out of Building number 7 and headed to the Cafeteria, to meet Sohyun.

I caught a glimpse of her and I ran up to her, grabber her arm and dragged her behind the cafeteria.

"OWOW AYAAAA!" I let her go. "YAH! WHAT THE H?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Sohyun yelled.

"I don't think you are supposed to be the one who's yelling right now."

Sohyuns eyes widened. "I didn't do anything...i swear...meangsae!" Sohyun lifted her right arm into the air while batting her eyelashes.

"No...you did do something...you broke a heart..." 

Sohyun then slowly plunged her arms down like they had no muscle's.

" I w-what?"

I held my breath and released them, making Sohyun's hair sort of fly.

I couldn't handle it anymore. *Let's get this over with.*

"YOU BROKE BEAKHYUN'S HEART! ARASO?! YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO RUIN HIS LIFE?! HA! ALL GIRLS ARE THE SAME! THE SAME I TELL YOU! HE SKIPS MEALS, HE PRACTICES UNTIL HE LITTERALLY FAINTS, DAYDREAMS ALMOST EVERY MILLI SECOND OF THE DAY, AND THE MOST HEART-BREAKING THING THAT I KNOW, IS THAT HE KEEPS ALL OF THIS TO HIMSELF! I KNOW HIS FEELINGS BECAUSE I KNEW HIM EVERY SINCE WE WERE LITTLE! HE'S LIKE A BROTHER TO ME YOU KNOW?" I pinched my temples and pointed my finger out to the cafeteria door." GO AND TALK TO BEAKHYUN. I REALLY CAN'T SEE HIM LIKE THIS ANYMORE. YOU ARE BEAKHYUN'S MEDICINE. GO NOW." I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see Sohyun's face. I knew that she was probably crying because whenever I get mad, i end up making someone cry, a boy or a girl, doesn't matter i end up making at least one person cry.



>>>Sohyun's POV<<<


A/N: PLEASE PLAY BG MUSIC NOW>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfPf2bmOFnc

My heart dropped when Kris said his name, Beakhyun. *Beakhyun likes me?* Tears started to well up my eyes. *Why am I crying? I keep wiping them away but as soon as i wipe them away, another river flows right back down my face. Oh what am I going to do?*

I started to head inside the cafeteria as tears were still running down my ugly face. My face looks really ugly when I cry. I look like a monkey drenched in water. 

As i was slowly walking up to 'EXO's' table, people stopped what they were doing and drew all of thier attention to me.

A few feet before I had reached exo's table, all of the members eyes were on me, their eyes were worried eyes, shocked eyes. But Beakhyun's eyes looked like he was seeing his death door and his face turned pale.

I was crying still. No one dared to speak. The cafeteria was DEAD scilent. We didn't even hear a cricket, nor a pen drop. This was rare.

I turned to Beakhyun, with my beaming red, sticky, tear-filled face. I took his hands and stared at him while crying, out loud. I was wailing.

Beakhyun took me into his arms for a long 2 minutes. I started to calm down.

Beakhyun seperated us as he cupped his hands and tried to wipe my tears away, but kept on flowing and he gave up.

"W-what's wrong Sohyun?"

"I-i im s-sorry Beakhyun. No...I'll make this even. This is not fair...I've made my mind clear now...I don't think that my heart is beating because I think of you as a good friend...Now its official...my heart beats because I am in love with you." I forced the viberations to come out of my mouth as I continued to cry hard.

Beakhyun looked shocked. He nodded as he took me into his embrace again.

"Thank you Sohyun." Beakhyun let out a big sigh." Now I think i can finally breathe...I love you Sohyun." He my hair as couple of tears fell down his face also.

I couldn't speak anymore. Crying has taken over me.

"Shhhh...It's okay now...stop crying..." Beakhyun whispered as he sniffled.

I calmed down again and seperated us. I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. My eyes were still filled with tears so his face was a blur. The whole cafeteria started to cheer and chant.


The members at the table started to cheer with the others.


Beakhyun and I looked at each other and I had to giggle cause it was so funny and everything felt so comfortable now. Before I knew it, Beakhyun's lips crashed into mine. He angled his head to be comfortable. This is probably the best day of my life. Shivers crawled down my spine as I started to get goosebumps.

We both stopped as we gasped for air. Beakhyun slowly lifted his head. Beacause of his hieght, he litterally had to bend a little and I had to stand on his feet.

We both smiled at each other and hugged tightly again. The teachers also cheered.

"WOOOOOOO~" Whistles were blown by people's mouths.

After all the dramatic scene in the cafeteria, Beakhyun and I were official couples. My feminin hormones couldn't take it, and I kissed Beakhyun on the cheeks in 8th period. We both blushed as we giggled in each other's arms. Our teacher didn't say anything about that since he was cheering for us in the cafeteria.* im so luck to have someone special as Beakhyun*

The bell rang and we were both still hugging. Beakhyun was back-hugging me and I got our stuff as we both walked out of the classroom like penguins.

"HEY! Walk faster would ya? Dang couples!" One student from our classroom yelped at us as he laughed and patted my head.

We both laughed but we disobeyed his suggestion.

"WELL...WELL..WELL...LOOK WHO'S HERE KRIS GEGE! THE COUPLES ARE CLINGING ON TO THEMSELVES LIKE THIER LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!" Tao blurted as he was smirking. * How dare that kid smirk at us like that?*

"Wipe that smirk off your face before i wipe it off for you!"

Tao pushed his head towards me. " Then please do so, only if your 'gum' would say yes to it~"

"NO WAY! CMERE!" Beakhyun wiped Tao's mouth as Tao purposly made his mouth into his regular mouth shape.

"He Hay! Lookie! Beakhyun really wiped it off for me!" Tao pointed to his mouth as we all laughed.

"Im going home with Sohyun, you guys can go on somwhere else..." Beakhyun spat out as he eyed me.

"W-what?! Your home?"

"No...YOUR home...I wanna pay my respects to your parents and ask for permission that if i can have you...oh and tell them that you will not be marrying that one Joon guy." Beakhyun laughed a bit.

"NOONA WAS GOING TO GET MARRIED?!" Sehun blurted out as couple people looked at us.

"HUSH IT NOW WOULD YOU?! It's a long story ill tell you guys later." Sehun pouted cutely as I rolled my eyes at his cuteness.


"Now...please excuse us...we are going to go get some permission!" Beakhyun smiled and put an arm around my shoulders as we walked off.

I turned my head around and  waved to the members as they waved back. Chanyeol, Xiumin, Tao, and Sehun were having a 'who can wave bigger' war by jumping in the air and waving both thier hands while pushing the others down. I giggled at the sight and turned around smling with Beakhyun.





















A/N: Annyeong~ The story is about to be an end!ㅠ.ㅠ but don't worry~ we still have couple more chapters left~ kekekeke! AAAHHH! IM GOING TO CALL THIS COUPLE...SOBEAK!KEKE Its really 10:40 pm and I have been typing this chapter for about an hour now!>.< here is some Beakhyun down below^^ hope you guys enjoy it~~~oh and I still have to write the exo chapter! I promise i will write it! i think i might write it after the story is done...idk...but look forward to it i will definetly write it~ okie now look at some beakhyun down bellow^^















~ooh! and this pic was taken in London, at the sandwich shop,Subway~^^











 someone is trying to choke Beakhyun!? NOO! i THINK IT IS SE HUN! LOL



































































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Chapter 18: They're in loooveee~~~~~ how cute they are. *happy* i'll be reeeaaaly happy when the first kiss comes. *kyyyyyaaa*
nerdyninja #2
Chapter 29: AW such an awesome story! I'm sad that it had to end! Can't wait to read more of your stories! ^^
Chapter 28: Yay they're dating now :D Update soon.
Chapter 1: update soon,author-ssi!!!!:D keep it up ^^!
Chapter 24: I'm hopeing for soyeon to be with joon!
Chapter 9: i love Baekhyun
Chapter 23: Update please
ELFaye #8
Chapter 23: up date soon ~~~ this is so addictive ><
nerdyninja #9
Chapter 22: lol so funny! update soon!