Not an Update

✲ β.E.S.T ❊ --Apply Closed--

Sorry for the LOOOONNNGGGGG not updating. ;AAA;

I was busy with my school life and next week, will going to have a camping in forest.

Since I'm the class' president, I've to came along with them. TT^TT

I miss typing for updates.


I can't update today until next 2 weeks. 

Please don't be mad at me. ;______________;

I'm promise that I'll update after I get back from camping.


And don't forget to pray for me to get a safe ride. ^^

Will be on hiatus for awhile. 

Hoping you all (applicants) would be patient with my updates.


Thank you for your understanding. 

I'm soooo sorry....AGAIN. T^T


updated: 1th November 2012 at 11:36 pm.

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--geeniee #1
Chapter 3: juliet's creator here owo
Chapter 8: Lo evil leader~ I missed Neptune though... But boy I couldn't help laughing at the evil Leader lol! XD !
kipi9899 #3
Chapter 8: Yes, yes. I'm one evil leader who pour water on members xDDD lol~
Chapter 8: I like the introduction~ B.E.S.T! xD
Chapter 8: it's okay~
and ohh yeah radio time!!
and with boyfriend. :D

welcome back~
Chapter 7: have a safe trip ~!! :D <3
Chapter 7: no biggie^^
have a nice trip naexD
kipi9899 #8
Chapter 7: It's okay! ^^ Hope you have a nice trip~ Have fun~
Chapter 7: aww it's okay~
have a safe trip!
and have fun too!!
i miss camping~
unless... this group you're going with what make it fun? lol
but still have fun!
will wait~
Chapter 7: Hey don't push it! It's fine to be on hiatus