
In-Sync One-Shots! Request for Too :(! ALWAYS OPEN!

Arent you tired of my updates?

You should be because this one ssssssssssss.

I wasn't feeling it but hell you get to know a lot more about my wild self in it.

Also read my other ongoing story, I'm sure you won't regret ^^

They're all angsty though, I never write a ongoing story without angst.

Rated H or Not (Such as or Cussing):Rated H for cussing

Selected Characters Appearance:


Characters Name:Yoo Hye Ri (HyeRi)


Position In Group (If Any):Lead Singer & Maknae, trouble maker of the group

Group Name (If Any):Victory [6 member]

Enthicity:Half Korean.


Talents: Can burp on comand O.o ... 4 years into learning the piano, fluent english(Came from America),Improvisation, Quick reflexes,

Personality:HyeRi is NOT bubbly. She likes to laugh and prank others, but she keeps it under a certain level. She's sarcastic when she's mad, and is good at lying. She has a temper that flares only rarely, she has a ... creative and smart mouth. She had LOTS of male cousins and friends back in the US so she isn't affected by males or what they say. She's tomboy and likes to play basketball,volleyball, & tennis, but hates watching it on television(It's boring +.+). She has a rouch personailty as well, she's strong so it doesn't frighten her to fight a male or someone bigger then her. She likes being erted (or a bit dirty minded) because she likes the reaction she gets, she's not bothered by anything gross either, so the males like talking to her, or involving her in pranks or things of amusement. She's a people person, she gets along with anyone from the silent type,gross type, to the hyper type.She's more of a listener then a talker because she's been accused of being concieted & spoiled before in her life for the fact that her parents work hard so she gets anything she wishes for, so she's not used to people asking her questions or paying attention to actual self. She's disliked more by females because she's pretty but doesn't, well she hates acting all cute and that. People says she's pure because she's never been kissed, had 'it', or had any intimate relationships with any male, but she's also not because she likes wrestling and acts like them(Not full out, but playful wise). She's honest most of the times, but lies or twists the truth when she wants to get away from something, usually she says what comes to mind because of her almost closed life. She's a little naive,gullible, & easily scared.(Meaning if someone comes from behind and suprises her she freaks out a little bit). She's not afraid to tell the truth, so she catches people off guard a lot.She keeps her promblems to herself behind a smile, and she doesn't know why, probaby embarrased to show it.(WOW THAT'S A LOT.SORRY)

Habits:Bites nails.Bites pen caps.Plays with loose strands when nervous. CanNOT seem to be able to sit in one place for too long.



People in your life:Lee Yoo Mi(Sister),Lee Eun Ae(Mother),(Father In America),BestFriend YooMi,BestGuyFriend DuHo

Comments: I'm glad to see how this will turn out if you decide to write it. :)

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zeewei #1
I just applied but I'm not sure whether i still can or not but if you're not accepting any request just fell free to tell me... thanks^^
how can I apply??? i want too!! XD
Just applied~~ \/(^ㅅ^\/)<br />
Hope u got it~ ^ㅂ^;<br />
<br />
Awwwww Hwaitingggg! <333
Hmm..better..haha! Really? I used to swim competitively but i concentrate on piano nowadays..LOL You know it! We're waiting! :P
Loving Eet(:
Sure if you want...:P<br />
Weiiss #8
Hmm, never really been a fan of those "you" stories, but it's more up to you isn't it? :D
I Applied~<br />
hope you get the app~<br />