So many stories~

In-Sync One-Shots! Request for Too :(! ALWAYS OPEN!

So yeah I can actually create 5x better rated scenes but I'm just so god damn lazy because real scenes take SO MUCH TIME.

And I've got Why I Like You, Flawless Adrenaline, Just That One Kiss, and NOW I Don't Need Balls To Be In Super Junior, to finish.

So so so many stories -.-

I can take easy hiatus on this thread but honestly, I'm lazy to even do that, lol.

And even worse these ideas hit me like a hurricane, having to write them out is the real .

Anyway new oneshot here!

Status Complete
AFF Username? Ai_Dami
AFF Profile:
Ideal Partner? Kim Hyungjun
Rated H or Not? Cussing
Insert Picture of Selected Characters Here: PIC O1 - PIC O2 - PIC O3 - (I got a pic of Teukie when I typed in Kim Hyung jun hot haha)
POV(Point Of View) Third Person
Character's Name (Preferably not English): Mizuhana Ai
Age/Birthdate: 16/March 3
Position In Group (If Any): Maknae
Group Name (If Any): ROLE (Recent Obvious Lies Exposed)
Enthicity(I prefer not English): Chinese-Japanese
Talents: The "Arts" and bringing up the mood
Personality: Seriously childish and never takes people seriously. She is an extremely hard-worker even though her parents spoil her and holds a grudge against anyone who thinks she is spoiled. She is extremely hard to make angry because of her easy-going manners and laid back attitude. A happy girl, she never EVER listens to people. Unless of course, it's an emergency. Ai illustrates the phrase "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" very well and has a very fiery temper which acts up randomly..because of her childish tendencies xD.
Habits: Laughing for no reason, saying "tch", insulting people with weird terms like hot sauce, staying up all night, stomping her feet,
Dislikes: Girls, stupid questions, mosquitoes, hot wet summers
Likes: Fall/spring, rain/snow/bad weather, flowers, attractive (cute, pretty, sparkly) things, kimchi, RICE
People In Your Life: Parents, SJ, SHINee, SS501, ZE:A, uKiss, FT Island, Miss A, 2NE1, BEAST, 2PM
Comments: Ahaha, my second application! ^W^ Hope it's not too short ~ :)
Date 2011-03-22 20:16:16
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zeewei #1
I just applied but I'm not sure whether i still can or not but if you're not accepting any request just fell free to tell me... thanks^^
how can I apply??? i want too!! XD
Just applied~~ \/(^ㅅ^\/)<br />
Hope u got it~ ^ㅂ^;<br />
<br />
Awwwww Hwaitingggg! <333
Hmm..better..haha! Really? I used to swim competitively but i concentrate on piano nowadays..LOL You know it! We're waiting! :P
Loving Eet(:
Sure if you want...:P<br />
Weiiss #8
Hmm, never really been a fan of those "you" stories, but it's more up to you isn't it? :D
I Applied~<br />
hope you get the app~<br />