A Dangerous Reunion

Start of Something New



Victoria is hosting the show with Kyuhyun, ZE:A Kwanghee and Secret Sunhwa. Kwanghee and Sunhwa are still a married couple in We Got Married season 4. They love to bicker each other. Vic stares at them with an envious stare. She’s been in that position before. She knew what its like to feel the bickering moment. She knew perfectly how it feels when a couple is comfortable with each other. She can’t help but to let out a sigh.

Vic is looking around the shooting area. She’s looking for Khun, but he’s nowhere to be found. She checks the rundown of the show and relieved as she saw 2PM on the list.

Kyuhyun, who sits besides her, observing her behavior that seems unusual to him.

“Who are you looking for, Qian ?”, Kyuhyun asks as he scans through his rundown and cue cards.

Vic startles as he caught her up. She tries to composes her expression.

“Oh.. um.. nobody”, she quickly answers as she concentrates on her cue cards, reminding which part she has to say.

Kyu furrows his eyebrows and looking at Vic intensely.

“You know, you’re a bad liar, Qian…” , Kyu chuckles as he teases her.

Vic rolls her eyes and turns her head to Kyu. He’s her best friend since the first time she got accepted in SM Ent. He definitely knew her well enough.

“Okay,,I give up… I was looking for him….”, Vic confesses with a small voice. She tries to hide her blushing cheeks as Kyu’s stares is straight to her.

Suddenly, Kyu’s expression’s change. By “him”, he knew perfectly whom she meant.  

“I thought we agree on this , Qian”, Kyu says with a stern voice, “I thought we agree that you should move on”

Vic lays her head down. Her grips on her cue cards are tight.  She agreed that she should move on. But the question is, is she ready yet ?.



F(X) girls are gossiping around while waiting in their changing room. They invited EXO-K boys and joking around with them.

Amber and Chanyeol are busy taking everyone’s picture with Chanyeol’s new DSLR. Luna is vocalizing, Baekhyun joins her too. Kai and Sehun are dancing with Sulli as a warming up. While D.O and Suho are brainstorming new songs to cover.

Amber walks around the room and even the corridor to take good pictures. She checks her captures as Chanyeol already standing next to her.

“Nuna, lets see your candids !”, Chanyeol excitedly says.

Amber holds the camera and both of them scans the pictures she took.

They both laughing over those candid, but then suddenly, Amber stops the preview.

“Oh ! Appa ! Khun Appa issoyo (there’s Khun Appa)”, Amber says with a bit yelling.  She points the camera screen in excitement.

All heads are turning to her, as F(X) girls quickly run to her to see the picture. Sulli and Krystal didn’t meet him at the waiting room this afternoon, so they’re excited to see what their Appa look like now.

Sehun, Baekhyun, Kai, and Suho stop their activity and run to Amber and Chanyeol to see the picture. Meanwhile, D.O is still focusing on listening to foreign songs to cover.

Luna turns to him and calls him, “D.O oppa! Come here!”

D.O turns his head and takes off his headphone. He stands up and walks to where the crowd is without excitement on his face.

D.O leans his body to Kai to get a closer look at the picture. Not a while, he scoffs antagonist and looks away.

Krystal catches his acts and furrows her eyebrows.

“I hope Appa and Omma can be together again !”, Sulli says as she clasp both of her hands together. Luna nods as she agrees with her. Krystal nods to agree but then she still bothered with D.O’s uninterested act recently.

Krystal pats Amber’s shoulder to asks, “Unni, what’s wrong with D.O oppa? He seems uninterested with the picture. His friends do”.

Amber shrugs her shoulder, “She’s Vic Omma’s fan. A little protective maybe ? I don’t know”.

After hearing from Amber, Krystal walks to D.O and asks him, “D.O oppa, what’s wrong ?”

D.O shrugs his shoulders and looking away from Krystal.

“Is it about Khun Appa ?”, Krystal tries to look for the problem.

But D.O still remains silent.

Krystal nearly gives up as she waited for him to say something for a couple of minutes.

Then suddenly, D.O turns his face to Krystal.

“So you think they should be together again ?”, D.O asks Krystal.

With confuse, Krystal innocently answers with a nod.

D.O scoffs again and shaking his head, “Maldo Andwae (No way)” .

He said that with a compose voice, but even Krystal and the others in the room could feel that there’s something.

“But..but why, Oppa?”, Krystal still holds to her believe, “You’re supposed to be happy when Omma’s happy”.

“He’s not worthy of Omma, Kry!”, D.O says with several intonation on his sentences, “Omma deserves better than him”. He really points out that he doesn’t approve Vic Omma to get back together with Khun Appa.




I saw him. I saw Khun Appa. I just walked down from the stage and found him laughing with his fellow 2PM members. I look intensely to him. He’s tall, he’s handsome, he’s charming. That’s why Vic Omma fallen head over heels for him.


Vic Omma has been like an Omma to me in SM Ent. She cooked for me once in a while, she cares for me and I’m also a fan of her. She has a bright smile that could cheer the whole world, but then I was so sad when I see her sad. She cried when she heard about the traffic accident that involved Khun Appa. She even still re-runs watching her Khuntoria videos. I could see in her eyes, she’s still has feelings for him. She’s not moving on yet. But Khun Appa did something that affected his carrier. And that’s why I don’t approve him with Vic Omma.

Sehun and Chanyeol run back to the changing room, while Baekhyun and Suho greet our sunbaenimdeul (seniors). Kai bows immediately as Chansung-sunbaenim passes us by.

“Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim! EXO-K ei Kai imnida (EXO-K’s Kai)”, Kai bows to Chansung-sunbaenim, and he bows back to Kai.

I bow and greet him too, “Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim! EXO-K ei D.O imnida (EXO-K’s D.O)”

“Ah..ne..EXO-K… bangapseumnida (nice to meet you)”, Chansung-sunbaenim says to us. “Have you meet the rest of 2PM members ?”

Chansung-sunbaenim drags us to the rest of 2PM members. I’m gonna be face to face now with Khun Appa.

Kai and I bow together in unison. We greet 2PM members excitedly. I put a big smile on my face and introduce myself to them, “Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim! EXO-Kei D.O imnida”.

Taec hyung, Junho hyung, Junsu hyung, Wooyoung hyung and Khun Appa bow back to us.

I give a smile to Khun Appa. He smiles back at me. He stretches him hand to me and I shake his hand in polite way.

I really want to know the X factor of this hyung that Vic Omma still can’t get move on yet from.

“D.O-ssi, right ?”, Khun Appa asks.

I’m surprise, “Ne…ne…sunbaenim”

“I love your songs, you have a great voice”, Khun Appa praises me.

Another surprise to me.

“Ne… gamsahamnida, sunbaenim. I love your songs too”, I praise him back.

He furrows his eyebrows and then laughs, “Don’t call me Sunbaenim, call me “Hyung””.

Call him “Hyung” ? Maldo Andwae. We just barely know each other but he treated me like a little brother.

“oh..ne..Khun hyung…”, I try to call him.

He seems satisfied with it. He pats his hand on my shoulder and giving a gesture of a brother. A figure that I missed so much.

Uh…wait a second. I was supposed to hate this person in front of me. Vic Omma deserves a better man. Babonya (Are you stupid), Do Kyung Soo ?

Then suddenly, Vic Omma and Kyu Hyung pass Khun Appa and me.

Khun Appa turns his head as he sees Vic Omma passes him. His head follows her through.

Kyu hyung – Vic Omma – Khun Appa.

I let out a smirk. What if I created a scene here ?. I really want to know the reactions.

“Omma ! Vic Omma !”, I yell to call Vic Omma, who just passed us a few inches.

All heads are turning to Vic Omma and me.

Khun Appa looks at me with a khunfused look and then turns his head to Vic Omma. Kyu hyung scrunches his eyebrows and tenses right away when Khun Appa lays his eyes on Vic Omma.

Vic Omma’s body freezes on where she’s standing, She looks at me and then to Khun Appa. Kyu hyung suddenly takes an initiative to break the situation.

“Nichkhun-ssi, oraemanhaeyo!”, Kyu hyung greets Khun Appa, “What a coincidence. Let’s have a reunion!”

Khun Appa changes his expression right away and greets Kyu hyung back, “Kyuhyun-ssi, oraemanhaeyo. Yeah, what a coincidence…”, somehow I can feel Khun Appa hangs his last sentence.

Uh – oh. I think I created a dangerous reunion here.



*sorry for making the story more complicated now. Mianhae yeorobun, Hopefully, you still enjoy reading my ff :)) thx for the supports , gamsahamnida.

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I just posted chap 7,but the story will end on chap 8,so hopefully i can have enough time to write again so i can post it as soon as possible. Thank you


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DaniellyNery #1
Chapter 8: I would like to translate your fic to portuguese, would you let me??
If you let me I will post on fanfiction.com.br, and I'll obviously let the readers know that this is not my fic it's yours!!! =D
afzadoojoon #2
Chapter 8: Love this story
Chapter 8: One Shoot!!!
I love this fanfic!
Thank you for posting such a heartwarming stories author-nim.. Jeongmal gomapsumnida *deepbow*
Chapter 5: I'm crying reading this chap.. Feeling what eomma feels.. This is good stories!
Chapter 8: Though its short,i still love it♥
Chapter 8: i misss khuntoria, really miss it chingu
thx for make khuntoria fanfic !!!!!!! i love it
deechadeecha #7
Chapter 8: It make me miss khuntoria more...T.T
it would be good if it really happen....I hope one day *praying...
but thank you for your story about khuntoria :)
aarasa #8
Chapter 8: thank you so much for the lovely story! awwww that was so sweet :') Hopefully the day would come when it happen for real kekeke. Thank you and I hope you'll have another story in store for us soon ^^
ezwanie #9
Chapter 8: Ohhh...it ends already. Thank you for a very entertaining story. Sequel? Hihihi