Part IV



The third time they met was deliberate on Junjin’s part.

Junjin had no idea why he sought him out. Perhaps he was just curious about the other—what he did, what his life was like—or perhaps he finally found the need to fulfill his thirst for companionship. Someone to talk to. Someone who could listen. A human presence that could offer life in the silence and death and decay that was the world around him. Maybe. Junjin didn’t know, and he didn’t want to waste his energy mulling over it.

So he sought Andy out to fulfill an unknown need inside of him. Trudging past piles of fallen rubble and the ruins of the metropolis that was once Seoul. He had memorized the path to Andy’s house, swiftly ducking into the familiar building and searching for the steel door that leads to Andy’s room. He didn’t even know if Andy was home, but it was worth the try. He found the door with ease—the shining steel a stark contrast to the peeling paint and dust-covered walls—and reached out to open it, only to find it locked.

Junjin cursed, he forgot that there was a latch in the inside as well.  Well, now he knew Andy was home, but his journey had still proven futile.

He kicked a pebble with an irritated huff. Now what will he do? Andy’s home was actually quite far from his, and while Junjin did take walks practically every day, knowing that he had expended energy for nothing still irked him. Energy was precious. He ate only the bare minimum, and rested the minimum six hours (it was dangerous not to keep alert), he had little energy to spare for anything other than sitting at his house counting down the seconds and his walks.

Just as he was about to head back home—too irritated to care anymore—the steel door behind him opened with a loud creak, and out popped Andy.

Andy looked surprised to see him, if the slight jump was any indication, but quickly gestured Junjin to go inside and closing the door as quickly as he opened it. He rotated the crank and the yellow mist dissipated to clear air. Andy took off his mask once he was done, and offered Junjin a wan smile. “I didn’t expect you to come. I was just about to go out.”

Junjin replied with a shrug, “I was bored.”

“Ah, boredom can certainly kill you,” Andy nodded in understanding—it wasn’t a joke when they were both aware of what boredom can really do to the mind—walking back to his room, “I was just about to seek you out actually, but then I realized I don’t know where you lived, so this coincidence is really convenient. I found some tea the other day, don’t worry, it’s safe as far as I know. You’ll have to take it cold though. I haven’t gone hunting for matches yet.”

As Andy spoke Junjin trailed behind him, observing how Andy’s gait was stout and his pace was quick. Junjin wondered where he got that much energy to walk so quickly. An hour of walking normally had Junjin panting and heaving for breath. He couldn’t imagine even a few minutes of walking in Andy’s pace. Junjin was too immersed in his musings that he barely heard what Andy was talking about.

“What do you think?”

Junjin snapped out of his thoughts when Andy turned around to address him. If he were his old self he’d be flustered and embarrassed for not listening, apologizing profusely to the other party, but this was Junjin after everything rained down on him and beat him on the shoulders, weighing down on him until he was could no longer stand up and defeated. So Junjin just gave Andy a lazy blink and said unabashedly, “I’m sorry, I was thinking. You were saying?”

Andy stared at him, an unreadable stare that seemed to try to pry into his mind, and turned around to continue his trek back home, “I was saying we should meet regularly. It’ll be really inconvenient if either you or I go looking around for each other. It’ll be best if we just spare some time, perhaps each Tuesday and Thursday, for each other. What do you think?”

Junjin frowned, face scrunching up as he contemplated what Andy had said. They barely knew each other, and Junjin only looked for Andy out of a whim that day. Did he really want to commit himself to meet up with Andy on a regular basis? Not really. But he guessed it was best to first find out Andy’s intention behind his offer.

“Why?” Junjin asked, slowing down to a halt. He kept his tone flat, but he couldn’t help but let a trace of intrigue and curiosity dance in his eyes. Not that Andy could see it anyhow, even if his back wasn’t facing him, Junjin was still wearing his gas mask.

“Why?” Andy stopped, turning around to face him once again, confusion written all over his haggard face. “Why what?”

“Why do you think we should spare the time to see each other?” Junjin elaborated. “For all you know, I could just be using you to get to your food.”

“And for all you know,” Andy rebuked, “I could be luring you to a trap right this minute. Waiting for the opportune chance to kill you and roast your innards for dinner.”

“You wouldn’t have bandaged my hands yesterday if you did.”

“What if I didn’t want to die of poisoning because my food was contaminated?” Andy scoffed, “Besides, if you were really after my food, you would’ve knocked me out and taken all my rations once we were inside yesterday.”

“Then what if I was trying to trick you right now by gaining your trust?”

“You would have accepted my offer earlier if you did.”

“And you wouldn’t have told me your plans if you really are going to roast my innards.”


Junjin didn’t know how it went from a curious question to a childish battle of wits. Though what really gnawed at Junjin’s mind was the fact that he didn’t care. He didn’t care that he was wasting energy engaging in their childish banter. He didn’t care that for the first time in a long while, he was enjoying a conversation with someone. He didn’t care that the weight on his shoulders seemed to have lessened considerably. Interesting…

“I don’t really keep track of time,” Junjin finally said, breaking the silence that set upon them. “How many days has passed, what month it is, all that stuff. I don’t really keep track anymore.”

Andy’s face seemed to have brightened, since Junjin wasn’t exactly rejecting his idea outright. “I can make a copy of my calendar for you. I started making one when the printing production stopped. Today’s May 5th, by the way.”

May already? Junjin thought it was still December with how cold it was outside.

“And you can come over to my house,” Andy continued, turning to walk back to his house with a slight skip in his step and a giddy tone to his voice. “It’s pretty spacious, and I have some old board games from back then to entertain us. I’ll leave the door unlocked so you can come inside on your own. Just remember to filter out the dirty air with crank once you come inside. I don’t want to die of air poisoning yet.”

Junjin dutifully followed Andy inside as he continued with his excited chatter, closing the door behind him as Andy went to prepare some tea. Junjin took a look around once again, trying to commit everything to memory, before walking over to the couch and plopping down ungracefully on the soft cushions. Junjin had no complaints with meeting up in Andy’s place, Andy’s home was far more comfortable than his own house.

Junjin took off his mask just as Andy placed a glass of clear brown liquid in front of him. Junjin took the offered glass gingerly, taking a tentative sip of the drink. It tasted like any normal tea—albeit a bit bland and a tad stale—so he downed the drink like a man starved of water.

“You know,” Junjin said, scooting over to make some space for Andy on the couch, “You never really did answer my question. Why do you want us to keep meeting up?”

Andy, who had just taken a seat next to Junjin, looked up with a sort of startled expression. But then his features softened and a wide, almost innocent, grin decorated his face that made him look ten years younger. A grin that was reminded Junjin of a child’s own innocent smile. A grin that tugged at Junjin’s heartstrings because it looked as if there was nothing wrong in the world, that they were just normal friends coming over for tea, and that if Junjin stepped outside Seoul would be back to its normal self. It was a terrifying grin, because it almost made Junjin believe that there really was nothing wrong with the world.

Andy’s reply, though, was what shattered the illusion that everything was back to normal. “Two lonely souls in a world that might as well be dead should stick together to survive, don’t you think?”

With a reminder that they were just two people looking out to survive (not friends, you do not have friends in this day and age) Junjin found himself nodding in agreement.

You people deserve a thousand virtual cookies. TT^TT I don't even know how I got 1000+ view for this thing. Hope this will satiate you fans of Salvation for a while 'cause I'll be concentrating on my other stories. I've put them off for longer than this one D: Sorry it's kinda short, but I can't see myself expanding on the chapter any longer and I'm content with leaving it there. Again, thank you so much for giving JinDy and my story the attention! I do not deserve all you lovely people!!! TT^TT

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And we are now at 2500+ views. Thank you to all the readers because this really means a lot to me! TT^TT


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Chapter 14: I LOVE your story! I couldn't stop thinking of Fallout 4 the entire time I was reading it and as it's one of my favorite games, it made your story all the more enjoyable. :) I can't help but wonder what happened to Eric and where he is. Is he a leader of some band of survivors somewhere? Are Minwoo and Dongwan ever going to show? I also love your characterization of Jindy. So different and yet so alike still in many ways. Really a job well done! I hope you get to continue this but fully understand if you can't. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Chapter 14: WAAAAHHH!!! A new chapter!!!! and a quite important game changer one. The world is now full of infinite possibilities.
Junjin living with Andy...could that become a permanent status? Could Andy change his heart and let Junjin take Junghyuk's place somehow and Junjin do the same? I'm just wondering, will Junghyuk ever come back?...and what if he actually does?
I'm just thinking out loud here, hahahaha.
Thank you so much for this chapter, yur hard work is really noticeable in every chapter, the story plot is very engaging...I just can't stop reading once I see there's a new chapter out!
Keep the passion on!
Chapter 14: My, I can see what you meant by a 'pivotal' chapter. This chappie is everything! :D
I love the beginning, how Junjin's conflicting feelings about Andy is still there - that split moment of suspecting Andy - but in his heart, he has definitely taken the step to accepting Andy, trusting his sincerity. Ahh this part, "Junjin knew that whatever Andy did and said was heartfelt and sincere, enough to chip away at the frozen walls of his blackened heart." ♥ ♥ ♥

I also love this particular aspect of your fic - how the audience is left guessing, as much as the two characters are left guessing about each other. Junjin's most prized possessions - ooh I can't wait until we - and Andy? - get a good look into that bag XD

That detail about Junjin enjoying listening to Andy's voice - GAHH MY HEART. Oh yesss, we can definitely see not-so-platonic like on the horizon now hurhurhur.

Your Andy is ... I love your Andy. I love the brightness of ihs personality, and how through all that, he still gives off that vibe that something is off about him and how you convey that so well through Junjin's eyes. It does a good job of putting the reader on edge in certain scenes involving Andy, and also increases our curiosity, that's for sure! :D

"Whatever he was getting into when he decided to stay at Andy’s, he knew that it was going to be troublesome." - Yeah, Choongjae, like falling in lurve.

Ahh this fic is still amazing and keeps me on my toes and draws me into its world completely. I'm so happy you updated. Good luck with the next chapters~♥
Chapter 13: wow, this story is really one of my favorites!!! Since the update came out I had to read it all over again, but it was completely worth it. It made me fall all over again this pair of guys who try so hard to survive not only the day-by-day post-apocalyptic Seoul but also their fragile (sort of forced at the beginning) relationship, and I found myself wondering what would have really happened to Junghyuk.
You have a great imagination and the way you transmit Junjin and Andy's outer as well as inner worlds is really alluring, I sincerely appreciate the time you spend working on your writing (any of your stories), and all the passion you put into it.
Thank you for coming back to this story, and thank you for keeping the hard work of imagining and translating into words this sad but hope giving universe.
Thank you so much, and don't ever give up, no matter how much this story takes to be completed, this reader will always wait patiently for it.
Chapter 13: embrace the light junjin...embrace andy's friendship TTATT
Jasonlee #6
Update soon authornim.. I love your story.. Please update soon
kill3rpuppy #7
Chapter 13: I love this story!! I have been looking for so long to find a well written jindy story and your's is the best! I'm glad that junjin is starting to warm up to the idea of being friends with Andy. I also wonder when Andy will realism that Eric is dead. He is isn't he? Anyway great story and I hope you plan to continue it. =)
Chapter 13: I internally screamed when I saw the update! I'm so glad you're back with this fic :D
I missed a couple of chapters earlier, so I had a great time catching up with this story. Totally loving how the tension between Junjin and Andy is thawing out.
And I adore this chapter because Junjin is finally admitting to himself he's changing thanks to Andy. And that he likes Andy XD Hehehe ain't no one safe from Andy's sun-powered beaming smiles :D
This is still one of the best Jindy fics I've ever come across and perhaps, love best, so I'm always willing to wait for updates. Thanks for this chapter! ♥
Chapter 12: HHHHH jinnie your walls are crumbling!!
andy's sun powered beams are highly effective!! ^p^
Chapter 11: Wahhh you just KNOW how to write those tension moments rightly! I love how you portray the moments so well, distinguish between the silences, the awkwardness to the peacefulness. It's a great achievement to be able to make it so comprehensible. Really, that's amazing achievement for a writer; you did great. d-(^ヮ^)

And now for the chapter: that's so out of character for Junjin to actually go on with Andy &ask him questions about his past..oh&swing him..&touch his hand in the process..&the whole-..shaking-..-hands..starting-over thing~ (//∇//)
Andy seems to have a hold on Junjin or something.. something that provokes him..
Andy changes him, makes him react even though all Junjin's trying to do is maintain his cold facade, which is obviously not his true self; but it seems that so much time trying to maintain that facade, in addition to the current situation he's gotten into and the lost he had experienced, just made him believe in this facade for a while as it was true.
A lie becomes the truth after you tell it to enough times to convince even yourself.
But Andy, with all his-.. vitality.. makes Junjin's facade crack.
Reading all of this is so captivating, thrilling, interesting.. and with all the coldness, it's still exciting.

You've done a great job writing this chapter, chincharo.. your writing skills are fantastic. The developments you chose are slow, yet, have a strong impact. I really like it that way, those slow developments are convenient, reasonable & rational. They fit the situation, the mood, the tense- slow-yet-timeless -feeling in the air perfectly. The flow of the story is absolutely making it all so very realistic.

I love the psychological side of it, the unsolved-unanswered questions, not only the reader has but also the characters have about each other and themselves.
I hope you'll have much luck writing the next chapters! 11 chapters is honorable- you've really done a great job writing this story! FIGHTING! ❤ o(〃^▽^〃)o