Part XI


June was when they first came into terms with their situations and established a working companionship.

The weeks that transpired after the incident with Andy’s revelation were filled with an impenetrable tension. It wasn’t only Junjin that felt it, but he knew Andy felt it too. He could see from the way Andy acted carefully around him, much less chipper and vibrant compared to the Andy he first knew. Junjin had always felt awkward around Andy, so the tenseness in which he addressed the other man was definitely nothing new. But to the previously unaware Andy it was definitely foreign experience.

Junjin was surprised that they still met up at all with the blanket of awkwardness and discomfort plaguing the air around them like the suffocating smog. Their conversations never amounted to anything either—not that it did before. It’s just that there was less of Andy’s endless chatter to fill up the emptiness around them. There were more periods of silences, curt answers, and half-hearted replies than what Junjin was usually used to.

It’s clear that the incident tipped the delicate balance between them. It’s a mark of change, how this change would affect them, Junjin didn’t know yet. But he knew for sure that they couldn’t go back to the way things were. They’ve passed the point of no return—how things went beyond that point would be completely up to them.

Junjin was startled out of his thoughts when knocking came from his front door. He took a short glance at the clock—it was earlier than the usual time, but Junjin didn’t really care about that. Lazily, he slid off his couch and stood up straight, making his way to the door.

“You’re early.”

Andy ignored Junjin’s remark as soon as he opened the door. Andy was still wearing his gas mask, his face completely hidden from Junjin’s view. Andy inclined his head slightly towards the main door, “Ready to go?”

Junjin nodded. “Just let me get my mask first, wait here, I won’t take long.”


Junjin ignored the curt response and made his way to his room to grab his gas mask. When he returned, Andy was still in the same spot on the doorstep, staring listlessly into thin air. He had been doing that more often, just staring, unblinking, at a random spot in the air. It was his habit, Junjin guessed, whenever he was thinking deeply. It was rather eerie, sure (especially with that gas mask on), but it wasn’t really distracting. Besides, it gave Junjin time to think himself as well.

“Shall we?” Junjin’s words seemed to snap Andy out of his reverie, and Andy gave a hurried nod before taking off ahead of him and disappearing from his doorstep.

Junjin sighed as he followed Andy, closing and locking the door behind him as he did so. Andy was waiting by the front door, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other as Junjin slowly walked towards him. Junjin could practically feel the terse, awkward air radiating from Andy as he approached him. From the way Andy subconsciously scooted closer to the door as Junjin approached, Junjin could tell that being there was far from what he wanted to do.

Neither of them said anything as Junjin opened the door, or even when they stepped out and into the ruinous city beyond them. Junjin took slow, languid steps while Andy’s pace was short but brisk. They headed out to nowhere in particular, and Junjin was left to stare at the back of Andy’s head as the other man walked slightly ahead of him.

They somehow, in all their awkwardness, arranged to take walks once a week—just to add variety into their dull lives, Andy had quietly joked. Junjin didn’t find any reason to complain (not when he already buried himself this deep in Andy’s life) so he acquiesced with a minute shrug. Being holed up at home everyday—as arguably safe as it was—was terrible for anyone’s sanity.

“Hey,” Andy’s quiet, but clear, voice broke the silence between them. Junjin slowed his steps when he saw that Andy had stopped completely, letting out a gruff ‘what’ in inquiry.

“Can,” Andy seemed to hesitate for a while, before he straightened his back and turned to fully face Junjin. Junjin could feel Andy’s unfaltering gaze pierce through the tinted glass of his gas mask. “Can we—there’s this place I have in mind, can we go there?”

Junjin blinked in confusion, but realized that Andy couldn’t see him and instead voiced out his thoughts, “Why?”

Andy’s demeanor seemed to wither slightly at Junjin’s (not exactly reprimanding) question, and shifted to look down to the ground. “I, uh, it’s been a long time since I went there. I just want to see what it looks like.”

No different from the rest of Seoul, Junjin was willing to bet. But Andy sounded earnest and adamant in his request—despite his hesitations—and he just really, really couldn’t find any reason to say no. Even his usually grouchy mind was silent at Andy’s request. He didn’t know where Andy would lead him, for all he knew Andy could be trying to trick him, yet his mind couldn’t offer a plausible scenario of that situation. He had already known Andy for a month, and Andy never tried to lay a hand against Junjin or bring him harm. He didn’t know anymore—he just found that he really didn’t mind going.

“Sure,” Junjin said nonchalantly, “Lead the way.”

The way Andy had perked up and proceeded to drag Junjin by the hand past crumbling buildings and debris-littered streets was painfully reminiscent of the day Junjin had first agreed to meet Andy everyday. The way Junjin was trying not to falter in his steps and catch up to him was also reminiscent of that day. Junjin could just imagine the smile gracing Andy’s face, could just imagine Andy turning to him and flashing that headache-inducing, blinding smile of his. The thought slightly grated at Junjin’s easily provoked temper, so he stopped thinking and let Andy drag him to god knows where.

Andy stopped abruptly when they’ve reached a small clearing in the middle of all the debris. Actually, upon closer inspection, Junjin realized that the clearing was actually a playground. There was a sandbox (littered with pieces of concrete and various mysterious gunk) at one corner, and a dilapidated slide at another, barely recognizable rocking horses at the other, a broken jungle gym took up a good portion of the small playground, but what caught Junjin’s attention the most was the swing set next to it. The swings looked worse for wear, but they were in a far better condition than the rest of the toys in the playground.

Andy seemed to have the same thoughts as Junjin and released Junjin’s hand, going over to the swings to sit on one of them. He rocked himself back and forth slightly, trying to swing as much as he could while being wary of the protesting creaks of the chains.

“Come on,” Andy exclaimed giddily, having seemingly forgotten about their previous awkward tension, “Join me, it’s fun!”

Junjin had reservations about taking a seat on something that looked like it make snap under his weight, so Junjin declined with a weary shake as he took to stand beside Andy. Andy shrugged, looking unperturbed at Junjin’s lack of enthusiasm, and began swinging again. It was like that for a while, Andy swinging and Junjin standing in utter silence, but the quiet didn’t feel as suffocating as it was before. Junjin found that the silence was actually, admittedly, kind of nice.

“I used to go here a lot.”

Realizing that Andy was talking to him, Junjin hummed absently before replying. “With the kids?”

Andy ceased his swinging and started to rock his legs back and forth something. “Well, with them too.”

Junjin had a feeling Andy was going to start ranting about his past again, and wisely chose to keep quiet and listen.

When nothing came Junjin found himself more than slightly bewildered. Andy just looked down at the dirt-laden ground, not looking like he wanted to say anything. Junjin didn’t know what to do in this situation and (he will later realize that this kind of action was horribly out of character for him, but will find that he couldn’t care very much about that issue) so did the first thing that came into his mind. He asked Andy. “Did you go with Eric, then?”

Andy seemed to take his question as an invitation to talk more, because he straightened up and inclined his head slightly so he was more or less face-to-face with Junjin. “Yeah, with Eric. And the kids too.”

Andy paused once more, looking straight at Junjin. Junjin took it as a hint to keep egging him on, “What did you do?”

“Nothing much, just a small picnic once in a while, as a reward for being a good boy all month or something to that effect,” Andy shakily shrugged, trying to look nonchalant but failing, “I—we’d bring them out here and let them out to play as they wish. We’d intervene if they got too violent with each other—I swear they’re the most violent kids I’ve ever met—but otherwise we’d leave them be.”

Junjin nodded attentively at Andy’s story, and watched as Andy heaved a ragged sigh as he looked back to the ground.

“The rest of the time we’d be fooling around with the swings. We’d get some weird looks from a ton of strangers, but the ladies who frequent the playground always greeted us with smiles. They liked to joke about how we looked like a pair of kids ourselves,” Andy laughed, sounding hollow even to Junjin’s ears, “I just—I just kind of miss those times. When everything was still carefree and I didn’t have to worry about surviving another day and stuff.”

Andy paused again, the silence engulfing them both in a shroud of cold stillness. Junjin was about to say that perhaps that was enough for the day, but the broken sob that left Andy’s lips broke into his thoughts and the words just died in his mouth. “I really do miss them.”

It didn’t take much time for Junjin to react, but it did take him a while to realize that he was pushing Andy on the swing set. The chains felt cold to his bare hands, and he pushed at them just barely enough for them to swing forward before letting them settle back in his palms. He pushed Andy till he swung to and fro delicately on the chains, careful not to push him off or to offset the seemingly fragile chains.

They were like that for a few more minutes, silence reigning over them once again. Junjin continued to push while Andy continued to swing. Once, Junjin accidentally took hold of Andy’s hand when trying to push. It felt surprisingly warm to the touch, thin and bony fingers clutching strongly at the chains and blue-green veins bulging out in slight exertion. He took hold of it and pushed once more, not bothering to change his position when Andy’s hand came into contact with his palm once again.

Junjin didn’t know why he was doing this. Junjin did know he was going to regret it to some extent. He also knew that he would want to forget this had ever happened. But Junjin couldn’t bring himself to care about all those thoughts that plague his mind as he continued to push, letting them dissipate to a thin mist in the abyss of his mind. He liked the silence, liked the sudden blankness of his mind and the way that everything felt oh so peaceful for once.

Junjin only stopped when he felt himself getting out of breath, letting his hands rest over the chains (and one of them still over Andy’s hand) to pull the swing into a stop. Andy was looking straight at him, inclining his head at an awkward angle to be able to fully face Junjin. Junjin took pity and angled his head down so Andy was looking at him more comfortably.

“I,” Andy choked, sounding somewhat breathless, “I—thank you. Thank you, Junjin.”

Junjin shook his head, letting go of the swing (and Andy’s warm hand) as he took a step back. “We should head back home now, I’m tired.”

Andy shot up from the swings, stumbling a little when he nearly lost his balance. “Yes, okay, yeah, we should, um, go.”

Junjin nodded, pulling his hand up in a lackluster wave as a goodbye when he began to retrace the steps back to his apartment. A soft tug at the back of his jacket stopped him in his tracks, and he looked back to see Andy taking an insistent hold at the fabric of his jacket. Tilting his head towards Andy to show that he’s listening, Andy took a deep breath.

“How are you,” Andy cut himself off, looking like he wasn’t pleased with what he said. “Why are you so—How—I—Never mind.” Andy ended with a dejected sigh and a shake of the head.

“I just,” Andy abruptly continued, “Can we…Can we start over? I know we haven’t been getting along the best and you may detest me, but I—I want to make this friendship work. So…can we start over again?”

It was Junjin’s turn to pause, regarding Andy’s sincerity as much as he could without being able to see his face. He considered just leaving Andy then and there, but it had been a crazy day and Junjin was clearly not thinking straight. He took Andy’s hand and pried it off his jacket. Once the obstruction was cleared, he shifted to face Andy.

“My name’s Park Choongjae, but I like to be called Junjin.” Junjin extended his right hand towards Andy, “Nice to meet you.”

Junjin didn’t have to see Andy’s face to notice his surprise. And he sure didn’t need to see Andy’s face when he could feel Andy smiling his blindingly bright smile at him as he took Junjin’s hand into a firm hold. “My name’s Lee Sunho, but everyone calls me Andy,” with an eager yet simple handshake Andy concluded his introduction, “It’s very nice to meet you, Junjin.”

AN: Another chapter, and it's actually longer than usual! *^* I did promise to myself (and to you, kind of) that I'd try to update once a month, but January was too hectic for me to handle and I just wanted to die midway through the damn month. This is the start of the fluffier chapters, so yeah, expect lots of moments. And yes, this story isn't completely angst. I'm saving that for other stories ;) Anyways, hope you enjoyed, thanks for everyone who reads this!! :D I appreciate all of you guys!

P.S.: Thank you my friend (you know who you are) who gave me the lovely idea for this chapter. Couldn't have done it without you :D

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Chapter 14: I LOVE your story! I couldn't stop thinking of Fallout 4 the entire time I was reading it and as it's one of my favorite games, it made your story all the more enjoyable. :) I can't help but wonder what happened to Eric and where he is. Is he a leader of some band of survivors somewhere? Are Minwoo and Dongwan ever going to show? I also love your characterization of Jindy. So different and yet so alike still in many ways. Really a job well done! I hope you get to continue this but fully understand if you can't. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Chapter 14: WAAAAHHH!!! A new chapter!!!! and a quite important game changer one. The world is now full of infinite possibilities.
Junjin living with Andy...could that become a permanent status? Could Andy change his heart and let Junjin take Junghyuk's place somehow and Junjin do the same? I'm just wondering, will Junghyuk ever come back?...and what if he actually does?
I'm just thinking out loud here, hahahaha.
Thank you so much for this chapter, yur hard work is really noticeable in every chapter, the story plot is very engaging...I just can't stop reading once I see there's a new chapter out!
Keep the passion on!
Chapter 14: My, I can see what you meant by a 'pivotal' chapter. This chappie is everything! :D
I love the beginning, how Junjin's conflicting feelings about Andy is still there - that split moment of suspecting Andy - but in his heart, he has definitely taken the step to accepting Andy, trusting his sincerity. Ahh this part, "Junjin knew that whatever Andy did and said was heartfelt and sincere, enough to chip away at the frozen walls of his blackened heart." ♥ ♥ ♥

I also love this particular aspect of your fic - how the audience is left guessing, as much as the two characters are left guessing about each other. Junjin's most prized possessions - ooh I can't wait until we - and Andy? - get a good look into that bag XD

That detail about Junjin enjoying listening to Andy's voice - GAHH MY HEART. Oh yesss, we can definitely see not-so-platonic like on the horizon now hurhurhur.

Your Andy is ... I love your Andy. I love the brightness of ihs personality, and how through all that, he still gives off that vibe that something is off about him and how you convey that so well through Junjin's eyes. It does a good job of putting the reader on edge in certain scenes involving Andy, and also increases our curiosity, that's for sure! :D

"Whatever he was getting into when he decided to stay at Andy’s, he knew that it was going to be troublesome." - Yeah, Choongjae, like falling in lurve.

Ahh this fic is still amazing and keeps me on my toes and draws me into its world completely. I'm so happy you updated. Good luck with the next chapters~♥
Chapter 13: wow, this story is really one of my favorites!!! Since the update came out I had to read it all over again, but it was completely worth it. It made me fall all over again this pair of guys who try so hard to survive not only the day-by-day post-apocalyptic Seoul but also their fragile (sort of forced at the beginning) relationship, and I found myself wondering what would have really happened to Junghyuk.
You have a great imagination and the way you transmit Junjin and Andy's outer as well as inner worlds is really alluring, I sincerely appreciate the time you spend working on your writing (any of your stories), and all the passion you put into it.
Thank you for coming back to this story, and thank you for keeping the hard work of imagining and translating into words this sad but hope giving universe.
Thank you so much, and don't ever give up, no matter how much this story takes to be completed, this reader will always wait patiently for it.
Chapter 13: embrace the light junjin...embrace andy's friendship TTATT
Jasonlee #6
Update soon authornim.. I love your story.. Please update soon
kill3rpuppy #7
Chapter 13: I love this story!! I have been looking for so long to find a well written jindy story and your's is the best! I'm glad that junjin is starting to warm up to the idea of being friends with Andy. I also wonder when Andy will realism that Eric is dead. He is isn't he? Anyway great story and I hope you plan to continue it. =)
Chapter 13: I internally screamed when I saw the update! I'm so glad you're back with this fic :D
I missed a couple of chapters earlier, so I had a great time catching up with this story. Totally loving how the tension between Junjin and Andy is thawing out.
And I adore this chapter because Junjin is finally admitting to himself he's changing thanks to Andy. And that he likes Andy XD Hehehe ain't no one safe from Andy's sun-powered beaming smiles :D
This is still one of the best Jindy fics I've ever come across and perhaps, love best, so I'm always willing to wait for updates. Thanks for this chapter! ♥
Chapter 12: HHHHH jinnie your walls are crumbling!!
andy's sun powered beams are highly effective!! ^p^
Chapter 11: Wahhh you just KNOW how to write those tension moments rightly! I love how you portray the moments so well, distinguish between the silences, the awkwardness to the peacefulness. It's a great achievement to be able to make it so comprehensible. Really, that's amazing achievement for a writer; you did great. d-(^ヮ^)

And now for the chapter: that's so out of character for Junjin to actually go on with Andy &ask him questions about his past..oh&swing him..&touch his hand in the process..&the whole-..shaking-..-hands..starting-over thing~ (//∇//)
Andy seems to have a hold on Junjin or something.. something that provokes him..
Andy changes him, makes him react even though all Junjin's trying to do is maintain his cold facade, which is obviously not his true self; but it seems that so much time trying to maintain that facade, in addition to the current situation he's gotten into and the lost he had experienced, just made him believe in this facade for a while as it was true.
A lie becomes the truth after you tell it to enough times to convince even yourself.
But Andy, with all his-.. vitality.. makes Junjin's facade crack.
Reading all of this is so captivating, thrilling, interesting.. and with all the coldness, it's still exciting.

You've done a great job writing this chapter, chincharo.. your writing skills are fantastic. The developments you chose are slow, yet, have a strong impact. I really like it that way, those slow developments are convenient, reasonable & rational. They fit the situation, the mood, the tense- slow-yet-timeless -feeling in the air perfectly. The flow of the story is absolutely making it all so very realistic.

I love the psychological side of it, the unsolved-unanswered questions, not only the reader has but also the characters have about each other and themselves.
I hope you'll have much luck writing the next chapters! 11 chapters is honorable- you've really done a great job writing this story! FIGHTING! ❤ o(〃^▽^〃)o