A Plan

What's mine is yours, BABE

I slowly opened my eyes , blinking until I finally awoke from my sleep. The first thing I saw was Hana with her dark hair draped messily all over her face. I chuckled to myself because of how ridiculous she looked. I couldn’t even see her face.

I rested my head on my elbow for better elevation and gently brought my hand up to her head then carefully swept the hair to the side, revealing her face. That’s more like it. I said proudly. After I did so, Hana furrowed her eyebrows before fluttering her eyes open.

She saw me and smiled softly, “Goodmorning.” She said.

“Goodmorning.” I responded. “So, wha-” I began but my cell phone began to ring. I put pointed my index finger up, asking for one minute before I turned around and reached for my phone on the nightstand behind me.

Dad was calling...What’s now?

I pressed the answer button and  brought the phone to my ear. Obviously I was already annoyed.
“Hello, what do you need me to do now, Dad?” I asked.

“Why do you always assume that I need you to do something?” He asked chuckling. I rolled my eyes. “I just need you to come to the office today, that’s all.”

“For what?”

“Must you ask? Just come.” He said. “As soon as possible, preferably.”

“Ugh, Okay bye.” I hung up before I could my dad could speak. I grumbled in frustration and it was only 9 AM in the morning. What does he want from me?

I looked back at Hana and pouted. She mimicked my face pouting as well. “What’s with the face?” Hana asked, pressing the area between my eyebrows, to ease the crease.

“My dad is calling me to go to the company today.” I explained.

“What time do you need to go?” She asked.

“He said, ASAP.”

“Then what are you doing here? Hurry, get ready!” Hana exclaimed.

“but-” I tried but Hana  sat up and pushed me out of bed.

I bolted through the doors of my dad’s office. “What’s the emergency?” I asked, loosening my tie as I came in. My father was standing by his desk and looking over a few papers. He looked up and saw me.

“Take a seat, Kyungsoo.” My dad said in his proper CEO voice. I was directing myself to his couches. “No not there.” He said. I stopped and gave him a confused look.

“Then where?”I asked.

“Here.” He patted a seat on his chair. Weird..

“Okay?” I raised a brow and made myself comfortable on his desk chair. I sat there and eyed him questionably as he made his way in front of the desk. He rested his hand on the table and looked at me.

“How does it feel? The seat.” He asked. “Because, from this day on, it’s yours. Everything is yours now, son.” He said proudly.

My eyes bulged out and my heart stopped. Is.This.A.Joke? I don’t have time for jokes. He better not be joking with me or I swear... “Dad, is this for real?” I asked him.

“I’m serious, son. I’m officially retiring as the CEO of this company. But you know, if you ever need help. I’m more than willing to come in and help out once in awhile.”

“But but-”

“Kyungsoo, just sign the paper and this will all be yours. You will be able to support Hana and your future family on your own now...” He said. He laid a paper down in front of. One of the many papers he was holding in his arms earlier and handed me a pen.

I took the pen and took a long look at the paper. It was an official statement saying that I will be inheriting this company from my father.

Am I ready for this? Am I ready to devote my time and hours for this company? What about Hana?

No. This is good for me.Me. Hana. Our family.


I put that in thought and signed my name on the bottom, with a date.

“I’m glad to see that you have grown into a wonderful man. I’m very proud of you son.” My father said to me. I went around the table to give him a hug.

Hana POV
Kyungsoo told me that he was the new CEO of Do Supply Corp. It was great news really. So I decided that, I’d head out to the market to buy ingredients since I wanted to cook a nice big dinner for Kyungsoo when he got home. To congratulate him. I knew that deep down inside of his semi cold heart of his, he wanted this too. He just wouldn’t admit it.

I was mindlessly strolling down the vegetable aisle with my cart, going forward and looking at the vegetables on the side. I snapped out of it when I felt that my cart had collided with another cart.

“Oh I’m so-” I began to say but I stopped and froze. It was Eungi. And there was Daehyun not too far back.

“Hana..” She paused.

Daehyun kept running to her. “Is the baby alright?” He asked. He pushed her cart to the side and that was when I noticed the huge visible bump on her stomach.

“Dae- it’s okay. The baby is fine. In fact, the cart didn’t touch me at all.” She said.

Daehyun looked up and saw me. He looked apologetic when he saw my eyes on Eungi’s stomach. I gulped, “You’re pregnant?” I asked.

“Y-yes.” She said, she couldn’t even look at me. It was Daehyun who wouldn’t stop.

“Oh that’s great.” I put on a smile. “How many months?” She looked at Daehyun before speaking.

“Six.” She said. Around the time he dumped me.

I took in a deep breath and continued to smile. “That’s just...awesome. You’re getting there!” I said enthusiastically.

“I’m so...” Daehyun began but Eungi stopped him.

“Dae, can you take these to the cash register and pay, I’d like to walk around with Hana for a bit and catch up. I’ll just meet you up front, okay?” She said.

“You sure?”He asked, she nodded.

As soon as Daehyun walked away, Eungi and I began to walk the opposite direction.

“He was going to leave me you know.” She began. I looked at her and she continued. “It’s true that we used to mess around. But I grew too attached to him and before I knew it, I was in love with him. But he was in love with you.”

“What are you trying to say?” I asked.

“I was stupid. I got him drunk and... that’s what led to his.” She touched her stomach. “When I told him I was pregnant, he told me to abort it because he was afraid that you might find out. I mean you two were engaged for christ sake. So I begged him and threatened to kill myself... and he stayed. He left you for the baby, not me. It was all an act , he wanted you to get over him. He never loved me but he promised me that he’s getting there, Hana.” Eungi stopped and put her hand over mine, “ I’m truly sorry for hurting you.” She said as a tear dropped onto her shirt.

“It’s alright, Eungi.Besides, you can’t undo what’s already been done, its all in the past.” I assured her. “The truth is, we’re all happy now. I’m happily married and you’re...happily pregnant!” I lightened up the mood and side hugged her avoiding the stomach.

“Thank you, Hana. Well, Daehyun must be waiting for me. I should get going now.”Eungi said.

“Don’t forget to invite me to the baby shower!” I said waving her off.

Lucky her, they’re about to have a family of their own.............. I sighed and continued through the store.

At home, I flipped through a bunch of cookbooks. What would Kyungsoo like to eat tonight; Korean Cuisine? Hmm... Italian? Or how about some Chinese? There was too much to pick from. So I decided, why not all?

The food took about 3 hours or so to be cooked, I glanced at the clock and it was... 8 o’clock already?!?

He’s most likely on his way home. I said to myself as I set the table and lit some aroma scented candles. He deserved a special dinner.

I took a seat across from the seat where Kyungsoo was expected to sit and I waited. And waited...and waited...
It was already nine.

Where the hell is he? Yah! Kyungsoo-yah! I swear, you are dead to me when you come home. I thought  in frustration.

I was exhausted after this long day that I felt myself yawn. My eyes drooping down heavily.

I stepped out of the car and onto the cement of my driveway.The lights inside the house were still on. I checked the time on my clock and it read 10 o’clock. She’s still awake?

Either way, I was excited to celebrate my good news with Hana. I rushed to the front door and came in the house expecting Hana to be watching something on the TV like she usually did. But nope, she wasn’t in the living room. I saw that the lights in the kitchen were still on, so maybe she was chilling there. The air smelled of all sorts of appetizing foods.

I made my way to the kitchen, “Mmm...that smells so;” I was saying but I stopped as soon as I realized that no one was there.

Then I stepped out and there ,I saw her with her head resting on top of her arms. And before here was a nicely set table with candles and everything...

Oh god... She fell asleep, waiting for me.

I picked her up, carrying her sleeping figure in her arms. “Kyungsoo-yah...” She mumbled in her sleep.

“Shhh...”I hushed her and she silenced. I took Hana upstairs and tucked her under the blankets.

“Don’t worry, Hana. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” I said before placing a small kiss on her forehead.

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The first chapter for the sequel is up guys!


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Hagralic #1
Chapter 5: Is this inspired by what happens in vegas?? There's a lot of similar scenarios.
Chapter 30: Had a great time reading this!!!!
ctnajihah #3
Chapter 30: <3<3<3
Rinvien_yukina #4
Chapter 30: Reread it again and i'm still in love with this
JellobaByNaekoYya #5
Chapter 3: Omg, I just found your story. But can I ask u ? YOUR STORY COME OUT ALIVE! AS IN SOMEONW MADE A DRAMA ABOUT IT! OMFG. I'm so shock when I read this. It's so similar to the drama.
Rinvien_yukina #6
Chapter 30: Reread it again and again.. I'm in love with your story! Keep up the good work!!
MissElieykaMiracle #7
Chapter 29: all i can say is 'jjang',.keep a good writing.
Chapter 30: Love it so much. Heheh hana and kyungsoo.
nowaywth #9
Chapter 27: I enjoyed it
spaghetti_soda #10
Chapter 27: I love this. It's great story ^.^