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Remember the first time?
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This is Chanyeol talking so it is on his point of view, in the flashback. It is in gray btw


"It was two years ago...."


It's winter! Oh how I love winter~ I can't believe my parents actually allowed me to spend my vacation with my best friends. "Where are we going?" Kai asked. "Oh, my parents bought all of us rooms to a ski resort." I answered "Ahhh~ fancy. Tell your parents we said thanks." Sehun said. "Mm, I will." I said.


These are my best friends. I know we are all still young but our parents makes us do whatever we want. "Hey, hyung, when are we going?" D.O asked. "Uhmm, it says here on the brochure.. tomorrow." I replied. "Jinja? Well, I'm going home to pack!" D.O said as he went to the door. "Annyeong." He waves and leaves. 


We were in our hideout at the time. We made it just last year. It used to be an old abandoned ramen shop but we took up the same and made it our secret hideout. And the furniture? We always took them from people who want to throw them out. "How long are we staying there?" Suho asked as he sat back in his rocking chair.


"For a week." I said. "Hey guys, how about we all go home and start packing?" Suho said. "Arraso." the rest said and started to head out the door. But I stayed behind. "Are you coming Channie hyung?" Baekhyun asked. "Nah, I'm going to stay in the hideout for a bit." I said. "Oh, okay, I'll stay here with you then." He said. "Whatever bacon." I said. That was me and Baekhyun's thing. We each had a nickname for each other.


That whole time, Me and Bacon talked about whatever popped up in our minds. Then we cleaned up the hideout so when we came back from our vacation, it was clean. We went out to buy locks and blankets so no one could rob our hideout while we were gone. By the time we were done, we covered our whole place with blankets and locked up the hideout.


"Good job today, Channie~" Baekhyun says and chuckles. "Yah, whatever bacon. Wanna go to the cafe?" I asked. "Sure, let's go!" he exclaimed. I thought *Huh, this kid..* 


We arrived at the cafe. "It's so cold." I said. "Yeah, Channie, it's winter that's why." Bacon said. I slap the back of his head lightly. "I think I know that bacon." We both laughed and sat a table. The waitor came, took our orders and we talked for a bit. "So bacon, what should we do at the resort, the other members don't seem very excited." I said. *Sigh* "Hmm, we should... I don't know, we're going to be together anyway, we'll have fun." he said. "You're probably right. We'll have fun on our own." 


Finally, our drinks came. "Ooo! Channie, look mine has a little heart." bacon cheered at his little drink art. "Bacon you're so girly~" I joked. He laughs a little. "I know I am." He says as he brings out his phone to snap a picture of the drink. I rolled my eyes. I looked down at my drink. "Channie~ look up." Bacon said. "What?" I looked up, and thats when bacon snapped a picture of me. "Yah! delete it pabo bacon!" I said. He shook his head. "I don't think so." 


I lunged foward to take his phone away but he quickly put it in his jacket. He laughed so hard. "Channie, calm down, I'll delete it later." he said. I sat back in my chair. "Really?" I asked. "Maybe." his said under his breath. I rolled my eyes at him. "Come on Channie, you can't be mad at me, I'm your bro~" he said. I didn't look at him. "Fine, I'll delete it." (-___-)" bacon said finally. 


I started to laugh. Bacon looked at me, confused. "I'm just kidding, you don't have to delete it bacon~" I said. I took a long sip from my drink. "I really like it when you laugh channie~ and you should smile more,"  he said. I choked on my drink. "Bacon, you are so weird and girly." I said. He looked kinda said at my comment. I continued. "..In a good way, that's why you're my best friend~" He smiled. "Let's go, pabo channie." He said. We both stood up, paid for our drinks and left. 


"Woah, channie~ look it's snowing!" he said. I smiled. "Hey, bacon, I'm gonna head home to start packing, I'll call it a day." I said. "Oh okay, I'll see you tommorrow Channie~~" bacon said and turned to walk home. "Hey, bacon!" I called out. He turned around. "Call me when you arrive at my house, tell the group to meet at my house at 7, arraso?" I said. "7 at night?!" He asked. I shook my head. "In the morning~ If they are late, then we'll leave them." I said. "Okay, bye channie!" Baekhyun shouted. I waved and walked home.




The next morning, I grabbed my luggages and got ready for my vacation. I woke up my abeoji to drop us off. I looked at my phone, 6:56 am. I walked to the front of my house. That's when the rest of te group started to arrive. "Kai~ don't forget to shower, arraso?" Kai's mom said. "Yah, omma, arraso. Annyeong!" he said and waved. I laughed. "Be quiet, hyung." Kai said.


Everyone came. "Come on boys~ get into the car, we have to go before it snows harder." Abeoji said. We all put are luaggages in the trunk and went inside to c

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Such an amazing story ^^
AMAZING STORY UNNIE!!! xD I love this story so much!!! well done author-nim. ^^
Angelzontop22 #3
Chapter 70: This is such a beautiful story im like crying a river at the end XD hahahaaha good job author-nim :* :''')
Chapter 70: omg I just finished this amazing story! I love ur story very much author-nim hehe^^
Cassidy_JM #5
Chapter 70: Sorry I Accidentally Pressed The Post Comment Button Haha I Wasn't Finished Yet. Anyways, I Was Supposed To Stop At Chapter 30... Then 40... Then 50... Then 55... But As You Can Tell, I Went All The Way To 69, and I'm So So Glad I Did. You Did An AMAZING Job, I Absolutely LOVE This Story. I Am Obviously Subscribing To You(: Please Write More Stories! You're Amazing. There's No Other Word To Describe It. I'm Speechless. Terrific Job, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY!!!❤❤❤
Cassidy_JM #6
Chapter 70: Its 3:38 am. I Stayed Up To Finish Your Story And I Am So Glad I Did. I Do Not Have A STRONG Love For Reading, But This Story Just Got Me Hooked. I Kept Telling Myself "Okay One More Chapter and I'll Stop." Yeah, That Didn't Happen.
Chapter 70: I love the ending..... You did a really great job on this author-nim :)
GdragonILY #8
Chapter 70: PERFECT I LOVE IT:)
good job^^