Mind explaining?

I love you more than ever
*Minho POV* My mouth hung open in shock as I continued to stare at the two kissing right before my eyes. Wh-what was this!? Since when was Taemin cheating on me?? And with kibum?? SRE YOU SERIOUS!? Oh Mai god.......... Well if Taemin were to cheat on me I would have at least thought it would be Kevin or something since he's so pretty..oh but--- woah wait no what the hell am I thinking!! Aish this is not the time to get off topic... Now back to the matter at hand... I cleared my throat loudly to get both of their attention. I folded my Arms across my chest and glared at them... Well mostly kibum. When I turned my gaze over to Taemin he flinched and looked away with a panicked look in his eyes. Then he whipped his head and opened his mouth widely to start talking but I held up a hand and cut him off. "mind explaining?". I demanded. "hyung! It's not what you think it is!!! I swear!!!please just let me explain!! " he pleaded while kibum shamelessly looked at the ground while keeping his mouth shut. Smart move. I glared down at him and cocked a eyebrow. "oh really now Taemin? Because I'm pretty sure what I'm thinking is correct." "no!! J-just please...... "he begged with his eyes brimmed with tears. I felt my anger rising up a notch as each second passed. "just please what!? Listen to your side of the story?? Forgive you easily?? Listen to your lies? And your excuses??" "no hyung!! That's not what mean! Please let me explain though!! " "I don't think there's anything to explain...... I never thought you were the type to cheat..... Wow what an disappointment." no I wasn't disappointed....... I was jealous yes I was also furious...... But I was also shocked he would do such a thing. I turned around and didn't look back while I silently walked away from the sobbing behind me. I quickened my pace eager to get away from him.,.. I was just so confused right now..... What was I supposed to do in these kind of situations??? I seriously had NO clue whatsoever ever. I jerked open the door in which all the u-kiss members were in. I harshly dragged out a chair and plopped down. I looked up to see 6 semi-shocked faces. "what?" I growled. Kevin was the first to reply," a-aniyo it's nothing. Um anyway..." "so why did you and your group members need to talk to me about??" "oh yes, uhm we know that your plane had to land on here because it ran out of fuel...and well" "what?? Just hurt up and spit it out!!" i was losing my patience. "we'll give you fuel for your plane so it'll be able to reach it's destination, but in return we want something....someone to be exact. . . . . " "who!?" "well we want you to leave Taemin with us.. . . . . . . . . And if you don't want to do that you're welcome to stay on this island and become hm.....something like an indentured servant for us. But you know either way, Taemin will be staying here. So which will you choose??? " "I---" DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN~~~~~~~!!!! Hey everyone!! I'm finally back!! I know all of you are probably really mad at for not updating in like forever!! I'm really sorry guys!! Mianhae~~~~ >.< But I've finally come back for good this time! Ive just been so busy with life these days with you know school and sports and all of that!! I promise to start updating everyday from now on tho so no worries!!! Oh and I need to go update my other stories too, but I Also have this other really cute 2min story so please go read it if you have time!! Thanks again for being patient and I hoped you liked it btw comments pweeaaaseeee!! <3333
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Minhoyoubuttface. Anyways~ UPDATE SOON ^_~
o___o''' Minho... WTF. <br />
He's gonna like, kidnap taeminnie right? righttt?!?!? >:I<br />
update soon
Hahah thanks and lul yeahhhhh
Nice update my friend ^^;; <br />
<br />
Minho's being a bit of an though -////////-
Ahaha xDD wow >w<
so gooood! :D