On the plane~

I love you more than ever

~Taemin POV~



“Omg my baby is already so grown up!” key squealed. We were currently at the airport on my way to my honey moon with Minho.


I stood next to Minho grinning from ear to ear. Minho just stood next to me smiling and rolling his eyes. We both had matching rings on our left hands, a sign that we were finally married.


Minho, excuse me, cough, cough, my husband>< looked at his watched and spoke up, “Hey hyung? I know you’re excited but our flight leave in less than 30 minutes so we gotta go….”


Key’s turned red, “Haha sorry, I just got excited that’s all.” We all laughed at this. Key had been the most excited during the wedding and the planning of the wedding. Actually Key had been the one who planned everything out for us.


As Key and the rest of the SHINee members walked away Key looked back and hollered, “Minho, you better go easy on my Tae bb, got it? Oh, and don’t tire him out!”



We both looked away pretending not to know them. Hand in hand like a real married couple we walked towards the terminal gate to board our plane.


Minho flashed me a grin, “okay Taeminnie, close your eyes until we are on the plane.”


I pouted, “Aw but hyung, why~?’ I whined. “I won’t be able to see anything!”


“That’s why I'm here” I closed my eyes and yelped in surprise when I was lifted into the air, and thrown over Minho’s shoulder.



I heard chuckling and assumed it was Minho.




I was then put down gently on a soft…. Mattress? Why would that be on a plane?


“Can I open my eyes now?”




I opened my eyes slowly anticipating the sight before me. I gasped out in surprise.  Before me was a elegant looking room with nice furniture, and a coffee table and sofa in the middle. There were drawers near the edge and the bed that I was currently laying was in the corner of the room.



Minho stood next to me glowing. “How do you like it?” he asked.


I literally jumped up in joy and nearly squeezed the life out of him. “I love it! Thank you so much!”


He hugged me back and both of us landed on the soft bed with a loud thud. “Anything for my wife~” I blushed uncontrollably.


He my hair and we separated from each other, staring. He nuzzled our noses and whispered, “Saranghae, Minnie”


“Saranghae.”  Shyly, I reached up and kissed him sweetly. Without hesitation, he responded and kissed me back, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I wrestled my tongue with his for a while before letting him take totally control. I focused on letting my hand roam his perfect abs.



As time flew by, the kiss became more and more heated. And it came to the pointed were we were both out of air. “mmm~” I unconsciously moaned when he on my neck, his hands trailing down…….





Hahahaha cliffhanger~~~~!!!! Okay sorry I kinda ate too much chocolate I think……. Anyways um yeah I know that was unbelievably crappy but um I promise to make the upcoming chapters and the rest of this story better so don’t hate me ><

Btw thank you all for subscribing!!! I promise to work harder for you guys~!!! Love you all~


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Minhoyoubuttface. Anyways~ UPDATE SOON ^_~
o___o''' Minho... WTF. <br />
He's gonna like, kidnap taeminnie right? righttt?!?!? >:I<br />
update soon
Hahah thanks and lul yeahhhhh
Nice update my friend ^^;; <br />
<br />
Minho's being a bit of an though -////////-
Ahaha xDD wow >w<
so gooood! :D