chapter 3

I love you more than ever

Here is the long awaited chapter~~~ hope ya'll enjoy~~ <3



~Minho POV~


I walked out of the bathroom and into our room after calming down. i couldnt help but smile when i saw Taemin passed out on the bed. Maybe he had just been tired. i sneaked towards the bed and layed down next to him. i wrapped my arms around him carefully. i started to drift off before i was suddenly kicked.


"ouch!" i yelped in pain. suddenly, Taemins arms started to flail about and he was thrashing on the bed. At the dame time he was screaming, and there were tears dripping from the corner of his eyes.

I instantly started to calm him down. i grabbed his arms and pinned him down.  Then he stopped kicking and was gradualy starting to calm down. i held him in my arms and pulled him in close to my chest. i his hair and  kissed his forehead.


There were still tears running down his face and he was whimpering. Then his eyes opened up and he looked up at me. He quickly burst into tears and clung on tightly to me.


i tried my best to calm him, but it was hard.

"Shhhh, Tae baby, whats wrong? your okay, your okay. Calm down."

But Taemin kept on crying and he kept on repeating my name while sobbing.

"M-minho~ please dont leave me. im sorry. i didnt do anything. stay with me."

"I would never leave you, now tell me whats wrong."

Taemin breathed in deeply before calming down slowly. He stopped crying and and i wiped away the tears.











"I had a really bad nightmare..... there was nothing... and then i - i found you lying on the ground with blood everywhere. and you wouldnt wake up..... And-and you were dead and it was all my fault!" he started to sob again. 


"Minnie, its alright, Im still here and i am def. not dead, trust me. And besides it was just a dream right?? so it'll be okay."


He had a small pout on his lips and i kissed it away, making him smile again.



Then the door opened again, and the captain rushed in AGAIN. shisus what was it with this guy and ruining our moments???


"Sir.... Ummm"




"the members of u-kiss need to talk to you...."


"what? why? tell them im sorry but im busy so can we just go already?"


"er... no. they refuse to give us fuel, unless you go talk with them............."

"are you serious?? ughhhhh"


the captain bowed and ran off.


i looked at taemin, "Hey im sorry but i have to go talk, do you want to come with me??"


he nodded his head timidly and i picked him up and walked out side.

There waiting for us were the 7 members of u-kiss. they all grinned and waved like fool. sigh. typical u-kiss.


i put on the best smile i could muster up at the moment and walked towards them with taemin still in my arms.




"Hey Minho Long time no see~~" kevin said.


"um yeah, so you guys wanted to talk?"

"yeah actualy we do, But only with you. hey Taemin, why dont you go hang out with kibum?" Eli suggested, he slung his arm over kevin and started to lead me elsewhere. Haha everyone knew that they were together.


i sighed and followed them. we soon reached a proffesional like meeting room.


"erm... hyungs?"


"what?" they anwered at the same time.


"Can i go use the restroom reall quick?"


"oh yeah sure."


i swiftly left the room in search of the bathroom.




what. was. that. ?


i peered around a corner to see my wife, (yeah hes kind of the girl in this relatinship. kekeke) being kissed by non other than kibum. not to mention he even looked like he was enjoying it. The was going on???????








yupe...... that was a stupid chapter........ sorry guys, but maybe it'll get interesting~

















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Minhoyoubuttface. Anyways~ UPDATE SOON ^_~
o___o''' Minho... WTF. <br />
He's gonna like, kidnap taeminnie right? righttt?!?!? >:I<br />
update soon
Hahah thanks and lul yeahhhhh
Nice update my friend ^^;; <br />
<br />
Minho's being a bit of an though -////////-
Ahaha xDD wow >w<
so gooood! :D