Trust me

I love you more than ever



~Minho POV~


“Mmm~” Taemin moaned under me, making me want more of him.




I jumped off of Taemin and he fell off the bed. I quickly rushed over to the other side of the bed to help him up, “I’m so sorry baby, are you hurt anywhere?” I asked worriedly while cradling him in my arms.


He giggled, “No I think I’m fine now, but what was that noise?”


I scratched my head, “Um… well I'm not really sure…..”


Just then as if to answer our questions, the door slammed open revealing a very red faced captain. “Err… is everything alright?” Taemin clutched my shirt while I spoke.


The flustered captain stuttered, “Um, w-well you see….”


“Shisus! Just spit it out already!” I was beginning to lose my patience.


“We have pretty much crash landed on an island… yeah… mmhmmm that’s why you probably heard a BAM!”


I stared at him in utter shock ….. THE PLANE DID WHAT NOW!? Why the heck did we have to crash land???? Arrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


Okay, calm down. Calm down. Breath in, breath out. It would all be okay.


I spoke as calmly as possible, “So, what island are we on, and how long would it take to get the plane running again?”


“Gkfghlaiunvalewiurglhfeiakd…………” he mumbled something.



He sighed heavily, “We have landed on one of U-kiss’s private islands, and as long we have some more fuel we should be just fine.”


I sighed in relief. The captain left without another word.


I looked at Taemin standing beside me with a blank look on his face. I smiled brightly at him trying to lighten the mood. “Hey at least we didn't land on SNSD noona’s island! Haha.”


“Tae? Baby? What’s wrong?” I asked. His expression was still blank and he suddenly doubled over. I scooped him up in my arms and snuggled him close. He sat in my lap, a single tear streaking his cheek. He looked up at me with fear filled eyes, “Would you ever hate me hyung?”


I frowned,”Of course not, why would you even ask such a question?” I pecked his lips to reassure him.


“But, if you ever do … hate me… please know that I really loved you, and I haven’t regretted a single moment I’ve spent with you.”


Why was he suddenly talking like this? “Taeminnie, what’s wrong? Why are you saying these things? I couldn’t ever hate you, I love you too much.”


His lips twitched a little bit at this.


“Now, would you like to explain, why in the world you are crying?”


His look faltered for a second, “No hyung, I'm sorry but I can’t tell you that…”


“Pleaseee~” I gave him my cutest look.


He giggled at my face, and then sighed sadly, “I want to… but I'm sorry I can’t…”


I felt hurt. Now that I married him, shouldn’t he trust me with everything? I mean we were here for each other. And I always supported him no matter what.


“Taemin, tell me. You can tell me anything.”


He shied away. “No hyung.. “


I felt a dagger pierce through my heart, why couldn’t  he trust me? Aish! Why couldn’t he just tell me? Frustrated, I let go of my hold on Taemin and walked out the door, saying I needed to use the restroom.


When I actually got to the bathroom, for some reason, a few tears soaked my eyes and dripped down. Taemin must already hate me…. What did I do wrong? I thought we were suppose to trust each other… I thought bitterly.




~Taemin POV~


I let out a deep breath after Minho left the room. That was way too close…. If Minho actually found out about…… I shuddered not even wanting to imagine what that would be like.



Okay, that’s chapter 2~~~ yeah its short….. but hey, look on the bright side! Its about to get interesting!!!! So stay tuned~!!!! And thank you so much for all my readers!!!!!! And commenters~!!!! Criticism is appriciated~ <33 

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Minhoyoubuttface. Anyways~ UPDATE SOON ^_~
o___o''' Minho... WTF. <br />
He's gonna like, kidnap taeminnie right? righttt?!?!? >:I<br />
update soon
Hahah thanks and lul yeahhhhh
Nice update my friend ^^;; <br />
<br />
Minho's being a bit of an though -////////-
Ahaha xDD wow >w<
so gooood! :D