Can we be friends?

Still Stuck On You [discontinued]



Cham bi knocks on the desk in front of hers.


"Yah......." she whispered waiting for the man's reply, "Pssst....Daehyun-ah!"


He shot a look at her. "What?"


"Can you help me with this?"


Not moving a muscle he stared at Cham Bi intensely without a word before deciding to walk around to help the clueless girl. It has only been 3 days since Cham Bi started working with Daehyun and she's already bothering him. It's not like she cares since she just wants to get closer to him but it seems Daehyun doesn't mind this situation either even if he thinks she's a bit of a burden.




"Ah, gomasseumnida" She sighed in relief.


The man shook his head with a quiet sigh so the girl wouldn't hear and went back to his desk. Cham Bi looked over at Daehyun and slouched with a little frown on her face.




Daehyun looked at her like he was tired of looking over his desk.


"Mianhae...." She looked into the depths of his brown eyes. "I keep bothering you. You're probably tired of me" She said with a fake slight laugh followed by her head hanging and disappointment in the fact she keeps having to ask him for help plus just bothering him most of the time.


Daehyun sighed and just stared surprised at the sad girl with his arms crossed as he laid back in his chair. He didn't want to make anyone pout but quiet laughter came out of him.


"Apology accepted" He chuckled as he sat up in his chair and shuffled through some papers. "I'm getting used to it."


Cham Bi lifted her head, looking at the man across from her with a smile forming on her lips. Not knowing what to say she just watched as Daehyun look over the papers.


"But..." He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "You need to know how to do your job because I can't help you out all the time Miss Jang" He set down the papers in a file and slid it in a desk drawer.


Cham Bi looked around hesitantly not wanting to make eye contact with Daehyun and nodded her head in agreement.


"Ne, Can I make it up to you?" She raised her head and smiled up at him.




Daehyun ate his ramyun ferociously like he had never eaten anything like it before. I guess that's what hunger does to you when you haven't eaten all day. Cham Bi laughed as he was finishing this delicious noodle and placed her metal chopsticks down.


"Wow, you know how to EAT" she laughed even more at the fact of what she said was true.


He looked up with a clueless puppy face, finishing up the leftover juice inside the bowl. Ignoring what she had said he leaned back in his chair and exhaled satisfied of his meal. Cham Bi sipped her cup of water and laughed through her gulps still finding Daehyun's eating still rather hilarious.


"What's so funny?"


"Nothing" She laughed.


He observed her suspiciously then sat up gesturing he was ready to leave back to their work building. Cham Bi got up and paid for their meals while Daehyun was already outside waiting. Cham Bi walked out of the little restaurant and stood next to the waiting Daehyun who checked the time on his wrist watch.


"Alright, let's go back" He started walking.


Cham Bi followed behind until she caught up next him. She held her purse with both hands in front of her almost dragging it onto the ground.






“Um is it okay if…..we hung out.”


He looked over at her in confusion.


“What do you mean?”


“I mean as friends.” She looked up at him. “I want to get to know you more and since we already talk to each other at work, I just want to know if it’s okay for us to be friends?”


He quietly let out a sigh followed by a long pause of thinking. They slowly continued walking as Cham Bi was anticipating for her answer. She bit her bottom lip as many things were running through her mind.


Why is it so hard for him to answer a yes or no question? I’m not asking for a whole explanation on why he should or shouldn’t be friends with me. There’s no harm in being friends…..right?



((I'm so happy I finally updated (シ_ _)シ

I wanted to get this up as soon as I could because I don't want you guys to wait forever  (;° ロ°) ))

What do you think Daehyun is thinking? does he want to build a friendly relationship with Cham Bi or keep things professional as co-workers? Mwuhahaha *evil laughter* ψ(`∇´)ψ

Eeek~ I'm running out of Daehyun pics!!!  ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ

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Don't worry! ch.6 is in the making! :) it should be done soon, thanks for waiting! ^^ (it's not like you had a choice or anything >_>...idk)


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Chapter 6: Hahhahahahah Daehyunnn, you are killing that girl while not answering ;d So get rid of yourself, could you? ;p
Hi, I'm your new reader :) Can't wait to read more :) Fighting ^.^
I love bap zelo vs daehyun:)
miyoung-sshi #3
Chapter 5: i love the storyline! keep updating :)