I want this job

Still Stuck On You [discontinued]

Saturday. 10 a.m.

I stared at the mail box, holding onto an envelope that contained my application and resume. I looked at it then back at the mailbox and dropped the envelope inside hesitantly. I sighed and starting walking home, which was only across the street. I entered the house and walked up to my room, heading straight to my bed. I fell down on the bed and faced the ceiling.

what if I don't get the job? but what if I do? how am I supposed to act if I got an interview? ><

I grunted and pulled a pillow onto my face.


My phone was vibrating on my bedside table. I got up and looked to see who was calling. 'Mommy <3'.

I answered my phone.

"Yoboseo? mom?"

"Cham Bi, I forgot my my wallet at home and I need to pay for the groceries. Can you come bring it to me quickly?"

"Um okay, where is it?"

"It's on the kitchen counter, I think."

I headed downstairs and looked around the kitchen 'till I spotted a pink wallet covered in little flowers with a bunny head in the middle. I remember giving that to my mom as a present back in high school. I grabbed it and headed towards the front door.

"Okay, got it. I'm coming now, bye" I hung up and slid on my flats.

I walked outside and climbed on my bike. I headed towards our local market where we usually got our food at. When I finally arrived, I stopped at the windows trying to see if mom was in line. I left my bike laying against the wall and went inside.

"Oh ma!" I walked towards my mom who was still waiting in line about to pay for her things. "here's your wallet."

"Ah, thank you, now we can take home our food." she laughed as she started paying the cashier.

I grabbed our bagged groceries, filling both arms. Mom carried a basket and took a bag with her.

"Did you take your bike?" She looked at me.

"Ne, it's faster than walking and it saves more time." I took my bike and put the bag inside the basket that hung on the front. "I'll walk with you, mom."

We started walking home and on our way I can see my mom getting lost in her thoughts. Once we got home, we put the groceries on top of the kitchen counter.

"Did you mail your application to them already?" Mom asked as we both started unpacking the bags.

"Uh yeah.." I pulled out some vegetables.

"Do you think you'll get the job? It would be nice to work there."

"Hmm..I don't know mom, I'll just have to wait until they call me for an interview."

I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I unpacked the eggs quickly and looked at the caller ID. 'Unknown number'. I pressed the accept button hesitantly and answered.




"Who is that?" Mom looked at me as she was putting away the food. I shrugged and carefully listened to the caller.


"Hello, We are calling from B.A.P Magazine. We've received your job application as well as your resume and we would like to know if your available to come in for an interview monday at 3:30?"


My body froze and my mouth was speechless. I looked at my mom who was already staring and I started squealing silently. She had a huge grin on her face and walked closer to listen.


"Ah Yes, I'm available at that time. I didn't know you received my application so quickly." I replied.


"Well yes, this company runs a tight schedule and we need the interns as soon as possible."


"Okay, thank you." I hung up and jumped up and down. "Mom! I got an interview already!" Mom joined in on the excitement party going on.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Monday. 3:27 p.m.


I sat patiently in the waiting room, waiting until my interview came. I observed the room seeing if I knew anyone from class. No one. I let out a silent sigh and smoothed out my suit skirt.


"Just 2 more minutes 'til my interview…." I sighed nervously. 


A minute later the office door open and a girl walked out. Everyone watched as she walked away, wondering if she got the job or not. 


"Jang Cham Bi"


I quickly stood up when hearing my name called and started to feel shaky. I headed towards the office door and went inside. Waiting there were the editors who came to our classroom the other day. There was an empty chair, waiting for me to sit on it. I sat down as they stared at me and looked through their papers.

I didn't know why they needed all these people to interview one person but they probably had their reason.


"Jang Cham Bi, correct?"


I nodded….


"How bad do you want this job? are you ready to commit and work hard?"


"If I get this job It would mean a lot to me and my mother. It may sound cliche but fashion is my passion and so is beauty in general. I will work hard and commit to this job because it's related to something I love doing."


They shuffled through their papers. I let out a silent sigh and my hands were a bit shaky….





Sorry if this chapter was boring >< but like i said before, it leads to the main events


(and i don't know what's wrong with all the font sizes, like each chapter is different from eachother :S)


but don't worry! daehyun will be coming soon, like real soon!!! :D


keep reading!

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Don't worry! ch.6 is in the making! :) it should be done soon, thanks for waiting! ^^ (it's not like you had a choice or anything >_>...idk)


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Chapter 6: Hahhahahahah Daehyunnn, you are killing that girl while not answering ;d So get rid of yourself, could you? ;p
Hi, I'm your new reader :) Can't wait to read more :) Fighting ^.^
I love bap zelo vs daehyun:)
miyoung-sshi #3
Chapter 5: i love the storyline! keep updating :)