First Impressions

Still Stuck On You [discontinued]


8:06 am
I walked inside the elevator and pressed the button to the floor I was going up to. As soon as the doors were closing, someone's hand stopped it to get in. It was Daehyun. He ran inside and looked at me as I looked at him. I turned my head away, trying to act calm. I heard a smirk come from him.
"First day and you're already running late, Miss Jang"
My face was turning pink with embarrassement.
"But I see you are also running late, Director"
"It's not the first time" He laughed.
My heart melted..
The elevator rang and the doors opened. I was about to walk out until I got stuck between the doors with him. It looks like Daehyun was walking out at the same time and we both got a little stuck.
"Oh sorry, ladies first." He backed up and waited for me to go.
My heart is fluttering...
I laughed awkwardly and dusted off my clothes lightly. I walked out of the elevator and headed over to my desk, holding my lunch mom made for me. Daehyun was walking behind me. I almost forgot his desk was in front of mine. I set my things down on top of my desk and sat down. I peeked over at Daehyun who was already sitting down.
*type.....type...* I looked over Daehyun, then quickly looked away. *type....type...*
Why am I pretending to type? ._.
I looked over at him again but he was already staring at me, chuckling. I had a confused look on my face.
Why is he laughing? do I look funny?...
"What are you doing?" He laughed.
"What do you mean?" I looked around nervously.
"Your monitor is off and the keyboard isn't even connected" He looked at me and laughed even more
 with his arms and legs crossed.
"I-I knew that! I was just....seeing if this worked!" I was turning red.
He sat up and smiled like he had a good laugh. I bent down, acting as if I went to grab something out of my bag. I was banging my head lightly with my fists.
Babo, Babo, Babo ><
I took a breath and sat up straight. I looked at Daehyun as he was looking over some papers.
"Um, excuse me, Director Daehyun?"
"Hm?" He said without looking up at me and continued working.
"I don't really know what to do. I haven't gotten any assignments." I bit my lip.
He stopped and looked up at me. 
"Then you can just........" He looked over at his computer screen. "go get me some coffee" He smiled.
"Wait, what? but I don't think that's my job. Don't I have any paperwork or something?"
"Yeah, but I want coffee. So, I'm asking you to go get me some"
I stared at him dumbfounded.
He stared at me and smirked.
"Fine. I'll just ask Zelo" He reached for the phone.
"Ah~ okay, okay, I'll go." I got up and grabbed my purse, stomping away.
He smirked as he watched me walk away.
I made my way out of the building and walked to a nearby cafe. There was very few people there so it was easy to get through since there wasn't much of a line either. I stood by the counter and looked at the menu.
"First day and I'm fetching coffee" I sighed "I didn't even ask what he wanted. shoot."
I went over to the cashier and just ordered something from the 'Today's special' for both me and Daehyun. I walked back to the building and up to our office space. 
"Here" I set down his coffee on his desk.
I sat down and waited for him to respond.
"Thanks. What is this?"
"Just something from the little cafe nearby. I forgot to ask what you wanted so I ordered something from their special today"
He observed the coffee. "It'll do." 
I smiled and drank my coffee happily.
"Is there anything else that I can do? because I don't want to sit here all day and do nothing."
He shuffled through his papers as he took a sip of his coffee. He piled them up together and threw them on my desk.
"Take these to Youngjae's office and tell him that I finished these for him."
I nodded and took the papers.
"Is that it?"
He nodded his head not taking his eyes off the monitor.
12:34 pm
It was lunch break so I took out a bento out of the bag and set it down onto my desk. I opened it up and looked at the yummy food mom made for me.
"Ooh!~" I squeeled as I revealed more food underneath with my chopsticks.
Daehyun was peeking over at my commotion. I began eating my rice and kimchi, stuffing my face with food.
"What's that?"
I looked up at daehyun and swallowed slowly.
"My lunch." I blinked.
"I know that, I meant what are you eating?"
"Food my mom made me" I smiled. "It's delicious"
"Oh..." He looked away.
I shrugged and continued eating. I paused for a moment and looked over at Daehyun, who was still on his computer. I looked down at my lunch then back at Daehyun.
"Where's your lunch, Director?"
"Didn't bring any. I'll eat something later"
"Aren't you hungry?"
I waited for an answer but didn't get one. I quickly got up and stood over Daehyun. 
"What do you like to eat?"
He looked at me.
"What are you doing?"
"Sandwhiches? kimchi? Ramyun? chicken? ddeokbokki? Kimbap? pick one."
He sighed and turned away. 
"Come on~ let's go get some ddeokbokki~" I sang.
He ignored me and kept on working.
"I know your hungry" I stared at him. "Come on, I'll pay."
He looked at me.
"Can't you see I'm still working. Stop bothering me and go eat your lunch."
"But you're hungry~! I'm not going to let you work until you've eaten." I crossed my arms.
He let out a sigh and stood up, taking his blazer that sat on the back of his chair.
"Okay, fine. But, next time don't bother me or I'm going to fire you." He started walking off, leaving me.
"G-got it" I followed close behind.
We headed towards the park until we found a few food stands with very few people around. As we walked up to a stand I stared at all the hot steamy food, ready to be eaten. Daehyun observed the food in front of him with little expression on his face. He bit his lower lip and picked out what he wanted. I stared at him as he enjoyed chomping down on some ddeokbokki along with some Odeng like it was the last time he was ever going to eat.
"Good?" I giggled.
He nodded with agreement and proceeded to eat.
I smiled and took some myself since just looking at the darn things were so delicious looking I had to take a bite out of them. As soon as we finished, I paid for the food like I had mentioned before and we left satisfied.
"Thanks for the meal." 
"No problem." I smirked. "When you want some lunch just ask me"
"You're not trying to up to me, are ya?" He turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised.
"What? No! that's not it at all!"
He sighed with relief. "Good."
"I'm not like that. I just did this because you were hungry, did I not say that earlier?"
"No, I heard you." He laughed. "But I don't know if you're lying or not."
I rolled my eyes and exhaled. This guy..... 
There was a sudden ringing coming from his pocket. He shuffled through it and grabbed his phone. 
It read: Kim Yu Min
I continued walking as he answered the call. 
Honey-ah~~ what are you doing? working?
"Ne, just finished eating lunch. Aren't you working?"
I'm on break so I decided to call you. When you're done with work, let's go have dinner, okay?
"Ne" He sighed. "I'll see you later, I have to go back to work."
Giggle. Can't wait~~! see you, Honey~!
Daehyun's POV
I hung up and caught up with Cham Bi. 
"Sorry, had to talk to my girlfriend."
She suddenly came to a stop and shot a look at me with wide-eyes. She looked almost speechless and turned a ghostly pale.
"S-sorry? did you say girlfriend?"
"Um yeah......?" I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
" s-so who's your girlfriend?"
We came to the entrance of the building and headed inside to the lobby.
"She's a model."
We reached the elevator and went back to our office desks. I sat down in my chair and worked on the computer, continuing where I had left off. I looked over at Cham Bi who seemed to be staring off into space with her head resting on her hand and her elbow supporting it by sitting on the desk. I leaned over my desk, barely hovering over hers and snapped my fingers loud enough for her to hear.
"Yah, what are you doing? get back to work. You're an intern for a reason."
She shook her head slightly like she snapped back to reality and lost balance with her hand making her upper body to all forward. She stared at me blankly as I chuckled at her little incident.
"Ah...yeh....sorry..." She looked around nervously.
I scoffed and went back to work.
I can't think straight!! Daehyun has a girlfriend!!! B-but when?! How?!~~ Ay-ah~~!! I'm such a fool...
how is it so far?????
It's kinda rushed and I wasn't thinking too much when writing the rest of this (to be honest v-v)
But anyways, sorry it took a while to put this chapter up. I kept getting distracted o-o
But, saranghae~~ <3
my dear subscribers~~
*PS.   follow me on Tumblr please? it would mean the world to me ^-^
edit 1: it is now ( but you can still follow ( i've made it my personal blog :P
*PPS. You're probably wondering why there's no color well I didn't feel like color coding all the dialogue for this 'cause it takes a lot of work. No joke. ><
I might add it in later though because I lurv you guys~~~
Until then! annyeong~~ ^-^
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Don't worry! ch.6 is in the making! :) it should be done soon, thanks for waiting! ^^ (it's not like you had a choice or anything >_>...idk)


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Chapter 6: Hahhahahahah Daehyunnn, you are killing that girl while not answering ;d So get rid of yourself, could you? ;p
Hi, I'm your new reader :) Can't wait to read more :) Fighting ^.^
I love bap zelo vs daehyun:)
miyoung-sshi #3
Chapter 5: i love the storyline! keep updating :)