It's HIM?!

Still Stuck On You [discontinued]

"You can come in tomorrow in the evening so we can show you around and tell you about your duties. Once that's done, you're all set and ready to work. Welcome to B.A.P Magazine."

"Okay, thank you." I hung up, excitedly.

I tried calming down but was too happy to even sit still. I still had those words echo through my mind. 'Thank you for coming in. We will call you back once we've decided.' Which probably ment I got a chance to work there. I jumped off my bed and ran down stairs.

"Mom! mom! I'm going to be working at B.A.P Magazine!" I ran around the house searching until I found my mom sitting on the couch watching a k-drama.

"Honey! that's great!" She hugged me and we both were jumpy with excitement. "when are you going in?"

"Tomorrow. They're going to show me around the building and then I can start working ." I couldn't stop smiling. "Oh! I have to tell Shin Hye!" I ran up stairs to my room and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.


"Ah! Shin Hye! guess what?!?! guess what?!?!"


"I got the job! I really got the job!! I'm going to be working at B.A.P Magazine now! can you believe that???"

"-gasp- No freakin way!! Congratulations, Cham Bi!! I'm so happy for you and jealous! you get to see all the hot editors and staff!"

I laughed. "Are you serious? You think the staff is hot??"

"C'mon, let's be real here. You know they were pretty cute too when they first entered the classroom."

"Haha, okay I have to admit they were handsome. But I wonder what the one who was missing looks like?" I layed down on my bed.

"'re right!" I started to hear yelling in the background. "Sorry, Got to go. But when you start working there, tell me if he's hot or not! Byee~" She hung up.

I chuckled. "Bye."

I threw my phone next to me.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I wonder what it would be like there...

I closed my eyes and started drifting off to sleep.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The next day~

I took a 5 mile trip to the city in a taxi cab and entered this large building that look liked it was 200 stories high. I walked into the lobby and saw a reception desk, comfy red looking couches laying around, a coffee table in the middle with the magazines scattered on top. I headed towards the reception desk with a girl sitting behind it.

"Um excuse me, I have a-"

"Miss Jang, over here."

I looked over and saw Young Jae along with their assistant Zelo.

"Oh, Hello" I walked over and bowed. "Are you guys going to be showing me around today?"

"Ah, yes. Since the Editor in Chief couldn't be here today I decided to come and help you around." He smiled. "Zelo will be folllowing along in case we needed anything." Zelo bowed and smiled.

I smiled back.

"Shall we start?" He reached out his hand, leading it to the way. I nodded.

He showed me around their offices and work rooms, going up the elevator. I saw how hard everyone worked and how concentrated they were. He also took me outside and showed me around the back, which wasn't too big but wasn't too small either. We got back inside and had lunch before showing me where I worked. We reached one of the top floors and exited the elevator, heading to one of the cubicles next to the large windows displaying the city.

"This is your work space where you'll be doing paper work and such." He then pointed to a desk facing mine. "and over there is where our Advertising Director will be working at."

On the desk were a pile of paperwork and a few necesseties like a pencil holder full of pencils and pens. There was also a small desk lamp and some paper organizers. From what I see it was a pretty organized desk.

"Um, may I ask why he works out here with the rest of us instead of the bigger offices like the all of the main editors and staff?"

"Oh, well he doesn't like how he has to sit inside a huge office alone so he works out here instead and chats with everyone else. But, he won't bite."

"Oh okay" I nodded. "When can I start working?"

"Um well if you want we can start training you tomorrow and you could take it from there."

"Alright then, so what am I going to be training on?"

The elevator went off and we both turned our heads to look. someone was coming towards us. This person was very quiet but I couldn't figure out who it was until I saw his face. He was wearing a white, dressy shirt with a patterned vest, dark gray pants and a red tie along with some black, shiny dress shoes. There was a messenger bag hanging on his left shoulder with both hands in his pockets.


There was a flashback of his face, I tried adjusting my eyes as he walked over to the desk that was supposedly the Advertising Director's desk. He looked at both me and Young Jae.

"Is this the new intern?" He then looked at Young Jae.

"Ne. She's the one who is going to be working right here." He knocked on the desk.

"Ah." He looked at me and bowed. "Annyeonghaseo, I'm Daehyun the Advertising Director, from now on let's try hard and work together." He said with a small smile.

Wah~?! he's the Advertising Director?!?!..

I was frozen and speechless. I couldn't stop staring and it felt like time stopped. Was it really Daehyun from highschool? or am I just going crazy? I wanted to say something but my body wasn't functioning like I wanted it to.

", I'm Cham Bi" I said spacing out. "JANG! Cham Bi, Jang Cham Bi.." I laughed awkwardly. "I look forward to working with you".

He looked at me with a straight face while I scratched the back of my neck nervously with a stupid smile on my face.

"Well, I just came here to grab some paperwork. I'll be off now." He quickly grabbed the stack of papers and put them into his bag. "It was nice meeting you, Cham Bi." He smiled at me, bowed and walked off.

H-he doesn't know me...he doesn't recognize me? maybe I looked different from before, but that's no explanation since we've never actually talked before. He still looks the same as before, still handsome as ever...I have a feeling I get to have a second chance with him. Why else would I get to see him again, right? ^^". Well It's going to be a new start from now on....



So........It's not much but YAY! you finally get to meet him! haha... ^^"

I just decided to put a Daehyun picture just cuz.....he's cute *-*....

(why don't I have any subscribers? TT^TT yet, I have 4 chapters for everyone to read? *sob*)

But wait for more? yes? no? maybe so?.......*sigh* v___v ....(read my storehhh please??? Dx <------whoa, desperate much? <.<)


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Don't worry! ch.6 is in the making! :) it should be done soon, thanks for waiting! ^^ (it's not like you had a choice or anything >_>...idk)


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Chapter 6: Hahhahahahah Daehyunnn, you are killing that girl while not answering ;d So get rid of yourself, could you? ;p
Hi, I'm your new reader :) Can't wait to read more :) Fighting ^.^
I love bap zelo vs daehyun:)
miyoung-sshi #3
Chapter 5: i love the storyline! keep updating :)