Like A Star

Like a Star


Yuri had arrived early that Monday and was reviewing for the exams while listening to music on her earphones. In the middle of her review, someone had suddenly pulled her earphones from her ears. "Hey, Yullie! You're early!", Donghae smiled at her. "What do you want?", she turned her back to face him. "Nothing.", Donghae said innocently and went to his seat. "Oh wait, I think I forgot my book in the locker room. Can you get it for me, Yul?", he went in front of her. "And why would I do that? Get it yourself.", Yuri replied still staring at her book. "I don't really feel like doing it. That's why you should get it for me; unless, you want to be in trouble with your supervisor.", he said confidently. "Fine!", Yuri stomped out of the room.
When she reached the locker room of Donghae and his gang, she quickly searched for his book. "I only have 5 minutes left. Come on, show up!", she muttered after she noticed the time at her watch. Suddenly, the door of the locker room closed. Yuri ran to it and found that it was locked from the outside. "Hey! Whoever's out there please open this!", she called. "Help me! Please!", she called again as she continued knocking hard on it. Then, she remembered something.
*"You mean all 15 of them were staying in one locker room?", Sooyoung asked suprised, "Yep.", Sunny nodded. "But considering their attitude and behavior, won't they be disturbing the neighboring rooms?", Tiffany asked. "Kibum told me that it was actually made with sound proof walls so they can have their privacy.", Yoona answered. "You seem to be close, huh?", Sooyoung teased Yoona. "Shut up, unnie.", Yoona brushed her off. *
Tears started to well up her eyelids. 'No, it's not gonna end like this.' she tought. She banged the door hoping to attract attention then she realized that classes had already started. She felt as if everything had fallen down and she seemed to lose all the energy she has. As she sat by a corner, she can't help but cry.
Classes had started. Donghae hadn't actually left his book at the locker room. He just used it as an excuse to lure Yuri into his trap. He had instructed some freshmen to lock Yuri in the locker room and let her out after the first class has ended. "Where could Yuri be now?", Donghae could hear Tiffany mutter from the back.
It's already breaktime and Yuri hasn't shown up yet. 'I thought I told them to let her out after the first class. Why isn't she here yet?", Donghae thought. "We've already warned you.", Siwon said leaning towards Tiffany. "We told her not to, but she insisted because of the test.", Tiffany whispered back, "Now, where could she be?", and she leaned problematically on her desk. The two got suprised when Donghae suddenly stood up and ran out of the classroom. Tiffany straightened up and exchanged curious looks with Siwon.
He unlocked the locker room and saw Yuri crying in a corner. "Yuri.", he said as he moved to the center of the room. Yuri looked at him and stood up while wiping her tears. "Are you happy now?", she asked him frankly, "You got me detained. You made me miss an important exam. In fact, you had played all the worst possible tricks on me." Donghae was taken aback by what she'd said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lock you in here this long. I asked those freshmen to let you out after first period.", he tried to apologize. "It wouldn't have made any difference.", Yuri started to walk towards the door. Donghae tried to block her, "Look, I'm really sorry. I never thought-." "Whatever.", she cut him off and moved past him. He raced her towards the door. He reached it before her and pushed it close. "I won't let you out; unless, you forgive me.", he said. "What do you really want from me? You have made fun of me. Haven't you still had enough?", she replied angrily. "Forgive me.", he said plainly. "Do you actually expect me to forgive you after everything?", she refused. "Fine. Then, we'll both stay here until you decide to forgive me.", he insisted. "Do you really hate me this much? Why do you want to keep destroying my life?", she said as tears started to fall from her eyes, "Thanks to you, I already know what it feels to be in hell." Donghae just kept silent as she said those words, then he suddenly felt her hitting his chest. "Let me out! Let me out!", she cried as she continued hitting him. Absent-mindedly, Donghae grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.
While taking their break, Sooyoung and Yoona happened to pass by the locker room of Donghae's group of friends. "Wonder why the curtains weren't down?", Yoona said. "It's obvious that nobody's in there.", Sooyoung said matter-of-factly. "I don't think so unnie.", Yoona pointed something to Sooyoung. When she turned to the direction Yoona was pointing at, she was so surprised that she dropped her food. Donghae is hugging Yuri. It was something that could have happened at the end of the world. Sooyoung was about to make a violent reaction, if Yoona hadn't pulled her away from the scene.
"Yoona-sshi.", the girls turned to see Kibum standing behind them. "Ah, hey!", Yoona greeted him. "Hey! Kibum!", Sooyoung greeted casually, "Oh! I forgot I still have to do something.", and she went after she had excused herself. 'Sooyoung!', Yoona thought angrily watching her friend leave. "Is there a problem, Yoona?", looking at her facial expression. "No, there's none. Everything's fine.", she replied, obviously lying. He just smiled at her antics. "So, what did you come here for?", she asked. "I just want to ask about our science project. Have you thought of any idea about it?", he replied. "Well, the truth is, I haven't done anything about it yet.", she admitted, "I'm sorry." Kibum can't help but laugh then he patted her hair and said, "It's okay."
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