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"KWON YURI!!!", a shout could be heard all over the neighborhood. "Yah! Umma, you don't need to shout.", Yuri said rubbing her ears. "It's your fault. You should've responded at once.", her mom said stubbornly. "Fine.", Yuri gave up. "Anyway, what do you want?". Her mom grinned. "Oh no.", she muttered. "Come on Yul. I promise this would be the last.", her mom begged her. "But I still have to go to school.", she went to her bike. "Oh right. Your holiday has ended and you still can't give me this favor.", her mom pouted. Yuri grumbled then reached out. Her mom brightened up, "Great! Just give this to Mrs. Park Joon Geum. Her house is third street from here.". She gave Yuri the money then went back to the house. Yuri was left gaping outside, "Third street down? It's already 7:30! Ah!".
When she arrived at school, she parked her bike and ran to the main gate. She smiled when she saw Yoona walking. She ran to her and put an arm on Yoona's shoulder. "Hey!", she smiled. "Unni!", Yoona smiled, "You're almost late.", and stated. "Yeah, I know .", Yuri grinned then frowned, "Thanks to my mom." Yoona curiously stared at her. "You see, she made me pay her debt to the ahjumma who lives three streets down from ours. That had just added up to my route.", Yuri explained. "Well, we better hurry before classes start.", Yoona pulled her.
Almost out of breath, Yuri opened her classroom door. About to be glad that the teacher is not there yet, she got victimized again by the "Lee Donghae Prank". Just as she stepped on the  threshold, a blackboard eraser fell on the top of her head. And when she raised her head, while wiping the chalk dusts off her hair, a paper plane hit her forehead. The classroom was filled with the laughter of Donghae and his friends. Yuri unfolded the paper plane and saw that something is written on it.
[written on the paper: Hahaha! You're Funny!...=D Donghae]
'Damn you, Lee Donghae.', Yuri thought biting her lower lip. She went to her seat quietly, thinking of a way to get back.
They were having a quiz on Math class. "Hey, Yul.", Donghae called quietly. "Yul.", he kept bothering his seatmate. "Yu-", he was about to call again when Yuri turned to him glaring. "Number 3.", he smiled sheepishly. Yuri just returned to ignoring him. 'Suffer thinking about that, you fool.', she thought. She was going to smile when, "Kwon Yuri.", Donghae called her without whispering. Angry and surprised, she faced him.
"Mr. Lee, Ms. Kwon. Stop talking. We're having a quiz.", the teacher reprimanded them. The class went on quietly, until the bell rang for lunch time. Everyone stood up and started leaving the classroom. "Ms. Kwon.", the teacher called. Yuri went to him. Her friends waited by the door. "About what happened, a while ago, meet me later at my office.", he said and left just as Yuri was about to protest.
"Yuri, are you alright?", Tiffany asked her. Yuri just nodded. "This was all that Fishie's fault!", Hyoyeon said angrily. Just as they were about to turn on a corner, "Surely, she'll get detained.", they heard Siwon say. "Speaking of the devils.", Yuri muttered. "Poor girl, it would not be long 'til she lose her scholarship.", Donghae said just as the girls had shown up. "Oh! Hey, Yuri-sshi! Tiffany-sshi! Hyoyoen-sshi!", Eunhyuk greeted. Donghae just smirked at Yuri. The girls just passed ignoring them.
"Ah! Why do I have to be this unlucky?", Yuri slouched on her seat. "Aren't you still used to it?", Jessica asked. Yuri looked at her. "I mean, ever since you started attending this school, the two of you had always been classmates.", Jessica stated. "And that was still since pre-school. Your mom was still the palace lady back then.", Sunny added. "Making me face the fact that it had already been this long doesn't comfort me at all.", Yuri sighed then started eating her food.
The day had passed and Yuri felt relieved that she hadn't received detention. "Good thing, you had been saved from detention Yul.", Jessica said while cleaning the hallway windows. "Yeah.", Yuri smiled while wiping the floors. She stand to move to another position then she got pushed back down when she bumped into... "Lee Donghae.", she stood back up. "So, you're saved, huh?", he said coldly, " I really wonder what you've done." Angered by what he'd said, "Look, I may be a commoner but don't insult me. I'm still a dignified  person unlike you. And do you really want me out of here that bad? Well, I'm sorry but you'd still have to bear with me until we graduate.", she said. When she turned, she noticed the bucket of water she is using to clean the floor. She suddenly thought of a way to get back. "And I forgot," she throw the water to Donghae, "Stop bothering me."
"Why you?!", Donghae tried to hurt Yuri but his friends were pulling him back. He was so angry at that time. But it wasn't long until, "Ms. Kwon, I think I've changed my mind. I'll be meeting you every afternoon of this week starting tomorrow for detention.", their Math teacher came.
"Well, Yuri?", Taeyeon mocked Yuri while cleaning a room in the palace. "I know it's my fault!", Yuri exclaimed, "But he provoked me!" Seohyun tried to comfort her, "Unnie, it's all right." Yuri smiled at her. " Then that makes you hate the guy more, huh?", Sooyoung asked. "That guy has ruined almost my whole life. There's no way I could hate him less. He keeps on pestering me and destroying my reputation.", Yuri stood up, "I really hate him!". She had thrown the rug to exclaim her anger and it ended up hitting the newcomer.
"You really like throwing dirty things at me, huh?", they turned to see Donghae at the door. "What are you doing here?", Yuri asked, picking up her rag. "I have some business to do here, of course. Why else would I be in these boring place?", he stated, "Besides , don't you want to see me here?" He smiled at Yuri. "Who would ever want to see you?", Yuri muttered. "Oh, is that so? Well, unfortunately, you would be seeing a lot of me starting from now.", he said. "Wha-", Yuri was about to ask. "And will you please behave yourself and stop throwing things at me; unless, you want me to tell your supervisor what happened right now.", he added then left.
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