Chapter 3

A Word Called Love


The sun finally kissed the moon goodbye, the once dark roads finally disappeared, Yongguk slowly raised his head and felt cold kissing his skin so he quickly pulled up his blanket, him and Himchan talked almost till three am in the morning which gave him a headache, he rubbed his aching temple as he walked towards the bathroom, he took his towel along the way and closed the door.


After a few minutes he went out and saw Himchan cooking breakfast, he slowly sat on the table and noticed that the robot maknae is still not present in front of him.


“Where is Jun Hong?”He asked with a very husky voice since he just woke up, he took a glass of water and drank its content.


“Dunno” He simply answered completely ignoring Yongguk’s presence, *Guess he is still mad at me* Yongguk said to himself as he stood up from the table and walked towards Jun Hong’s room.


He knocked a few times but he gained no answer, he slowly turned the knob and was surprised to see that he actually opened the door which Jun Hong never fails to lock.


“Kiddo, you there?” He whispered as he slowly entered the room, the whole room is dark, curtains are heavily closed, he also noticed that one of his skateboards is missing which made him panicked.


He ran towards his bed and yanked the blanket harshly, he saw that no sign of Jun Hong is left in the bed, he was about to leave the room when he noticed a piece of paper on top of his table, he took it and ran towards Himchan.


“Himchan!” He shouted which made the other guy jumped a little and turned to him with an annoyed face, “He is gone!” Yongguk panted then showed him the piece of paper Jun Hong left.


Dear Hyungs

Am I a nuisance for the two of you?

I know that I’m not a human, but having the two of you treat me like one made me think that maybe sometimes I can act like a normal being too.

The two of you strengthen my will of becoming a human, but I think no matter how hard I try, I can’t be like the two of you, and that is just ... painfully sad.

I want to be with the two of you, I want to cry again like the times where Himchan hyung cooked the super spicy curry for us, I want to laugh again like what we did when Yongguk hyung tried to do an aegyo but ended up scaring the girls, or the times we visit Daehyun and Youngjae Hyung in busan.

I actually want to do lots of things with the two of you, especially Yongguk hyung.

Yongguk hyung ... am I a fail subject?
Sorry for acting like this hyung ... sorry that ... I fell in love with you...


Yongguk crumpled the paper with his hands and rushed towards the door with his coat, but Himchan stopped him midway.


“Where are you going?!” Himchan shouted, intense atmosphere surrounded the both of them, Yongguk turned with a face full of rage.


“I’m going to find Chul Ye—“ Yongguk was cut when Himchan punched him.


“HE IS JUN HONG, NOT CHUL YEON!” He shouted at him, “YOU HAVE TO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER YONGGUK, CHUL YEON IS ALREADY DEAD!” Yongguk silently stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth and completely ignored Himchan and ran towards the cold streets.


Himchan just sighed and went out also, he closed the door and ran to the opposite direction where Yongguk went.


*.... Chul Yeon ... Jun Hong ... * Yongguk whispered as he ran towards the coldness of the city, the place is filled with fog since it is still early in the morning.




“It’s so cold out here” Jun Hong is walking aimlessly on the snow covered pavement, his skateboard is placed on his back since he can’t use it, he pulled up his scarf to cover half of his face and continued to walk.


“Yongguk hyung ,,, “ He mumbled as he sat on the unoccupied bench near him.


He sat there and watched the cars ran in front of him, he sighed once again and focused all his attention in counting the cars that passed when suddenly someone tapped his shoulders.


“Hyung?!”  Jun Hong suddenly shot up and covered his mouth.




Okay i once again failed to compress it in 3 chapters OTL but no worries tomorrow's chapter will be the final chapter for this fic :)))


care to share what you think about my fanfic huh? you ?


i'm going to sleep now :) goodnight my readers~

i hope that you are reading this fanfics because of the story not the characters :)

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Okay Since i got my poster now! i'm going to start this oneshot :3 sit back and relax BSpade is going to make his magic once again xD


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Chapter 4: It's a really good story, I really want to know what happened afterwards. I'll just hope that Yongguk fixed Zelo in the end. (^-^)
Chapter 4: I love it,,,, seriously... huhhu.. my heart hurts... gosh... my banglo feelings... sequel please... where yongguk fix junhong...
Chapter 4: Noooooooooooooo~ please let Zelo be fixable. D:
greenleaf #4
Chapter 4: The car crash was kinda abrupt... But great story!!!!! :D loved it!!!!
Black_x_Rabbit #5
Chapter 4: AWWWWW loved the story!
Chapter 4: Awww you made me tear up at the end.
I really liked the fic though. So don't say that you're bad at this sort of story (:
MiikiCoke #7
Chapter 4: Oh god DAMN I was crying at the part when Junhong left a notw for yongguk TT
It was a great fic! ♥
Sequel!!!!!!! ♥