Dinner Date

Can we make it again?

Jiyong leaned his body from his swivel chair. He closed his eyes remembering how he met Bom. Bom was the only woman who made him forget how to think. Clad in her white dress, she was the most beautiful and enticing creature he had ever seen in his life.

He was never a sensitive man. He didn’t know her, but when there body become as one, he felt that she is part of his life. There are too many women that came to his life but only Bom make him feel like that. And when he saw her pain that night, all he wanted is to ease it up and make her feel okay.

Five years ago, women for him were just playmates. They came and went in his life, and he couldn’t care less. Bom was different. She came and left his life as swiftly as the others, but she left something behind. She left him behind.

He remembered how he searched for her in every corner of Seoul. He didn’t know what’s with Bom and he was like a crazy lunatic when he woke up and she was never to be found. He barely knew her, and it was ridiculous to think he fell in love with her. But that hope that he will find her was his strength to cope up with his daily routine.

Destiny was too kind for him because she was the one who come for him. Not specifically for him but to his company but who cares? At that time, he would play things right. He wouldn’t just stand by. He would make sure she would stay.

This time, I will make you mine.





“Good afternoon,” Bom greeted Jiyong formally when he entered his office. She was confident that they will get the contract but of course she should stay still because almost two weeks of waiting this will be there judgment day. Even if it’s positive or negative news she was prepared for it.

But she can’t let herself to be happy because it was Jiyong who called them. They were expecting that Mr. Kang will be the one that will talk to them because he is the head of marketing and advertising. And to put it more awkward, Chaerin left her. She went to Busan to attend some important seminar. She was left alone with no choice but to face Jiyong.

Jiyong just nod and point her to sit at the visitor’s chair in front of his desk. He took something in his drawer, a folder and gives it to her. She opens the folder and to her surprised when she saw what it is.

Contract! She was holding a three – year contract from YGFC.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile plastered on her face. She was really happy. “We will make sure that you will never regret that you chose us. Thank you very much Mr. Kwon.”

She doesn’t care if his reaction didn’t change. Goodness! How could she care if she was holding the contract now? She can’t believe it; it is now on her hands.  Chaerin would be ecstatic. They would finally have the TV commercial team!

“I will expect nothing but perfect, Bom,” Jiyong said. “And I will make you personally accountable for any mistake.”

That is one a heavy deal for her but at this time she doesn’t care at all. She can do it. “It’s okay with me,” she said confidently. She works every detail to small things up to big.

There talk was cutted off when the door suddenly opened. Both she and Jiyong were looked who’s there, and she was surprised when Dongwook suddenly appeared, Seunghyun controlling him to enter.

She abruptly looked at Jiyong. He frowned, obviously he was pissed off. Is it possible that he remember Dongwook?

Suddenly, she felt like she wanted to laugh out dryly. She didn’t expect that this day would come the two men that was and is part of her life. The man whom she wanted to be her first lover and the man who became instead.

“Let go of me Seunghyun. I just wan to talk to Mr. Kwon,” Dongwook said fuming mad.

She was shocked by Dongwook’s way of talking towards to Seunghyun. There is no formality; it is obviously that hey knew each other before. She saw how Dongwook facial expression changed when he saw her. From angry to shock. Dongwook gave her a dead glare before he look to Jiyong.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Kwon. I’m Choi Dongwook of EMD Advertising. I’m really sorry for interrupting like this, but I really have to talk to you right now.”

Jiyong’s facial expression didn’t changed a bit. It was cold. He even didn’t answer Dongwook. If she was in Dongwook shoes right now, she will have second thoughts. Even Seunghyun looks like very nervous right now. But Dongwook is stubborn like a bull, he continued to talk.

“Mr. Kwon, EMD has been working with YGFC for many years now. The commercials were had is having a positive feedbacks. There is no reason why you shouldn’t give us a chance to continue working with your company.”

Jiyong stared at Dongwook with cold contempt, and then turned to Seunghyun. “Seunghyun,” he called. “Didn’t you inform Mr. Choi Dongwook the reason why we didn’t chose to renew our contract with EMD?”

“Y – yes, Sir, I did,” Seunghyun answered.

“If that so, what are you doing here Mr. Choi Dongwook?” Jiyong said coldly and firmly.

Dongwook’s face started to redden in embarrassment and anger. “I just want to ask you to please reconsider your decision. I prepared another proposal, you could at least let me present it,”

“Why would I do that?”  Jiyong asked. “ I already said I will not renew the contract.”

“But, Mr Kwon – “

“Mr. Choi, I have business matters to attend to,” Jiyong cut it off. “If you want to tell something, you should talk to Seunghyun. Seunghyun, you should know how to handle this problem. You don’t have to concern me with this.”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” Seunghyun pleaded. “Let’s go, Dongwook.”

Dongwook give her another dead glare before exiting the oofice. She could feel the tension between Jiyong and Dongwook, and she was not comfortable with it.

“Small world isn’t it?”

She looked at Jiyong, she felt nervous. Is it mean that…?

“I can see you’re not so shocked to see your ex – boyfriend.”

This man had a photographic memory. He saw Dongwook once and it was just matter of seconds. Still, he recognized him instantly.

“Actually, I knew that he was in EMD. He told me last week.”

His expression changed in to cold again. “Really? And I bet you compared notes about the proposal?”

She knew that it was sarcastic way. Instead of answering him, she stood up and bid her goodbye. “I will not keep you any longer, Mr. Kwon. I will let my boss review this contract. You will hear from us by next week. We will start the project as soon as you want. Again, thank you very much.”

“Sit down, Bom.”

It was an order. And she considered disobeying it but changed her mind.

She slowly sat down again and looked at him formally. “Is there anything else you want Mr. Kwon?”

A slow smile crossed his face, and it almost took her breath away. That’s the first time she saw him smile.

“I want you to have dinner with me tonight,” he said.

“No buts, Bom.” He cut her off. “Give me your address and I’ll pick you up at seven.”

She can declined his offer. He’s only a client. But her instinct warned her that if she would deal Jiyong,  she must learn when to bend down and when to push over. She contemplates and decided to agree with this one.




“Why did you brought me here?!” Bom said very sternly. She controls herself not to unleashed her anger.

Jiyong didn’t answer her; he continued to drive until they stop to the parking lot of the hotel. The hotel wherein they first met.

She dressed carefully in a Greek – cut long black dress for her dinner with Jiyong. She arranger her hair in a loose knot, her makeup was darker than usual. She radiated beauty and sophistication in black.

“Let’s go,” Jiyong said after turning off the engine.

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked him one last time. She was definitely angry. She had dressed for tonight hoping she could somehow enjoy it. But how can she? There are lots of hotel and fine dining restaurant inside and outside Seoul, why should it be here?

She had never set foot on that place for five years. She hated that hotel. It reminded her of everything she had chosen to forget.

“There Italian food is delicious,” Jiyong answered. “I love Italian food.”

He said it so lamely that she knew he was lying. And that adds the fuel to her anger. What did he wants?

“I want to go home.”

“We will go there and eat,” he said with authority.

And that was it. She really explodes this time. “Who do you think you are?” she shouted at him. “You don’t have any rights what I want and don’ts!”

He looked bored, as if what she was saying was purely stupid. “Stop acting like a child, Bom. There is no reason to be mad.”

“I hate that place and you know it!” she feel the she will cry out of anger anytime soon.

“You don’t look good in black as you do in white.”

“I hate white either!” Bom was yelling.

“And martini?” Jiyong continued.

God! What was he trying to do? Does he want to remember all the stupidity that she made that night?

“How about me, Bom?” he asked. “Do you hate me, too?”

She didn’t answer him. She never gets mad to him. But she also doesn’t want to remember that night. She never forgave herself for doing that stupidity.

On the contrary, she was relived that it was Jiyong who took her ity not Dongwook. That will lead her to give herself to that good – for – nothing man.

And she thanked the angels it was Jiyong who took her. Even thought she doesn’t know him she feel respected when he took her.

“I – I want to go home,” she begged.


Jiyong sighed and look outside the window. “I searched for you like crazy. And now that I found you again, I’ll do everything just to make you mine.”

She inhaled sharply. Never, not even once, did she think she would hear those words from him.

She had never heard such possessiveness in anyone’s voice before.

“Why?” Bom asked innocently and confusion was written on her face.

“Would you believe me if I tell you that I love you?”

“Of course not!” How could he loved her? He even don’t know her. Technically speaking, they had met only four times, including their brief encounter five years ago.

“Then don’t ask again.”

And she never did again. They find another place to eat.

How could someone like Kwon Jiyong love someone like her? He was a Business tycoon as a matter of fact he was the President of the one top company in Korea. Compared to him, she was a nobody. It would be insane to believe him.

If he thought he could play with her because of what happened between them, he should think again. She will never let any man hurt her again. Never!


Ta-da! Surpriseeeeee! Kkk. Double update. Yeyy!  This is for yui unnie. Here it is!! Hope you enjoy. Love you all.


**please do leave a comment.. really appreciate it and vote? *shy* /hides to my blanket.

Twitter: louissenaja





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Double update~ Enjoyy!


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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Waiting you to update this.. Please se.. Before i die.. T. T
Chapter 6: I really hope u update this... i miss u authornim
Gbomlovers #3
Chapter 6: plezz continue ur story,,,, its been barely gbom's story update now
gbomtopfans #4
Chapter 6: i love this one too!! no.. i love all ur stories!! love, love and loved it!! can u update this one too unni.. please. *blinkmyeyes*
jeremyss #5
Chapter 6: I can't believe I just found this story,, update please authornim.. ^^
Gbom_4ever #6
Chapter 6: Omg.. Its so wonderful story.. Please update again author...
Cheer up author
Chapter 6: Omg..finally I found this story.. uwah..I thought you deleted it.. I don't remember the title..but I remember the story..I searched for this and posted a blog asking for help.. but finally I'm here.. will you still update this? Please..
shella13 #8
Chapter 6: Authornimmmm i just found and read this fanfic. And it's really good story you know. I really hope you can continue and don't abandoned this story :(
Please I'll wait for your update
yokoostar #9
Chapter 6: Ohhhh what a cool fanfic! I like everything in it;) im very upseet with bom, becouse ity is the important thing,dont it? But im happy that it was with jiyongie
Chapter 6: Hi! Im a new reader here ^^ and i fell in love with this story already. Its just soooo good that i cant help myself yearning to read the next chapter. I know its been years since u last updated but i still hope u will find the inspiration to continue this amazing story again, asap. Authornim fighting! <3