Proposal Presentation

Can we make it again?

“I can’t believe it!” Chaerin said while walking towards to the car. “I really can’t believe it! How did you do that? How did you manage to talk to Mr. Kwon?”

‘’I really don’t know too, Chae.”  Bom answered more to whisper. She really doesn’t know how it happened. And she really doesn’t know what running to Jiyong’s mind and give them an opportunity to present their proposal. Good thing he gives them a chance to present because Chaerin didn’t convinced Mr. Kang. If it didn’t happened they will go home and cried in their offices.

“You know what? I really thought that he will shoo us at the party too. The next thing I knew, he was setting an appointment.”

“Maybe he likes you, Bommie?” Chaerin teased.

“Yah! As if he will.”

“And why not? You’re beauty and brains. Any man will be proud to be your boyfriend.”

She was flattered but not convinced. She knew Chaerin. She will not say if it’s not true. And not being vaunt she really knew that she is beautiful. But the situation right now is different between her and Jiyong, really different to others that’s why she ignore all the fluttering feeling that she felt earlier. Besides, he was the president of one of the most prestigious companies in Korea. And compared to him she was nobody.

“Come early tomorrow, Bom. We have many things to do in preparation for the meeting next week.”

She just nods. She would do her best to get YGFC. It didn’t change her mind even if she met Jiyong again after 5 years. But she can’t deny the fact that he has still a big effect on her.

She find it weird when she thought it will be a lifetime to forget and have move on with Dongwook. But after she shed tears and all the hatred that she have on his arms that night she totally never cried.

Eventually she forgot Dongwook. Maybe because of the pain of cheating. And for her he does not deserve for her love.

She fulfilled all the things that she said on that night. She became more careful. She will never ever let any other man hurt her feelings again.

 She buried all the memories – but not Jiyong. For how many days and months Jiyong haunted her thoughts even if she’s sleeping or wide awake. She could never forget how he stood by and comforted her. And there were nights when she would wake up sweating from a dream how he tenderly and carefully took her body.

As year passed by, that dream is always there until she was accustomed by it. But never in this world that she thought that they will meet again and worse is he will be their client.

She sighed, thinking that destiny had a twisted humor.

“Well done!” Mr. Kang said. “Looks like we didn’t waste our time after all. Your proposal is good.”

Bom proudly accept Mr. Kang hands to shake. There proposal had just ended in front of Mr. Kang, Jiyong and other important members of marketing and advertising department of YGFC. So far, all she and Chaerin heard were compliments.

“You’ll hear from us as soon as our decision is final.” Mr. Choi butted in.

Bom and Chaerin looked at each other and love at Mr. Choi in their minds. His face was incredibly not happy. They knew that he will find some flaws to their presentation but sorry to him they planned and brain stormed all the possible flaws.

When they leave the YGFC building, they can’t control themselves jumping like an idiot at the parking. If things went as they planned, they would surely have their own team soon.

She and Chaerin waited patiently for YGFC’s call. But after a week they didn’t get any call from them. They were slowly got nervous on that part. What if the management didn’t like their proposal? What if Jiyong didn’t like their proposal?

Everything went much worse when she returned home that night. Destiny is not yet done playing with her. That time, Dongwook whom she was facing after five long years.

Dongwook stood up on the sofa after he saw her in the door. Dongwook’s face didn’t mature with years, while Jiyong’s face gained more character. Without a doubt, she found Jiyong more attractive.

“How are you, Bom?” he greeted.

“I’m fine,” she said coldly. She examines herself is she still have feeling towards him. But there’s none. Even a twitch she can’t feel that something. “What do you want?”

“Aren’t you going to ask how I am now?”

She looked at him like throwing some daggers. “I’m not interested to you or what is happening to your life now, Dongwook.” She said proudly. “What I want to know is why you are here? And what do you want after five long years?”

  “You’ve changed a lot,” he said more on to whisper.

She noticed he was deliberately avoiding her questions. “I have. And I can’t seem to ignore you didn’t. You were like before, always avoiding to questions.” She said. “I don’t have all night, Dongwook. I have so many things to do. So, tell me… what do you want from me?”

Maybe Dongwook thought there is no sense if he blabber more that’s why he talk to her straightly. “I heard you are after YGFC,” he said. “I’m with EMD Advertising now, Bom. I transferred there after we… broke up and because the world of advertising is small, I know that you knew that we were the one who’s with YGFC.”

Her back stiffened as she started to realize what was going on. “You’re right; our world of business is small. That’s why I knew that your contract with them is already done. You hear me? Expired. They are open for other agencies. In fact, we are done with our presentation.”

Dongwook face turned to pale, sign that he didn’t liked what he had heard. Dongwook was a man with his big ego. He doesn’t take any opinions and criticism from others.

“EMD is working to renew the contract. And we are sure that we will get it again.”

“Then why are you here?” Bom raised her left brow. “If you are surely enough that you will get the contract?  Maybe you should celebrate rather than going here.”

“Because I can’t help but think you are only doing this to get back at me,” he said angrily. “I know that for sure that you knew that I was the one holding the project with YGFC.  You know how important my work is for me. And because I hurt you before you took this as revenge. I heard that you almost do everything just to present that piece of crap proposal of yours. I can’t believe that you even gate – crash. Nevertheless, I feel obligated to warn you that you’ll only end up hurt again. You can’t beat me.”

She was speechless. After five years that they didn’t saw each other, where did he get those ideas? She never thought that she will have revenged on him. And funny is that she even didn’t know that Dongwook is working at EMD. And moreover, she didn’t know that he was the one who handle projects with YGFC.  And to top it al, how did he know that they gate – crash?

She stared at him coldly. “Do your job, Dongwook, and I’ll do mine,” she said. “It’s up to you whether what you think off. But this I can only say. I will never waste my time just to get back at you. You’re not even worth it. You hear me? Not worth it. You’re like my presentation, a piece of CRAP.”

Dongwook walks towards the front door. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. We had something that we shared too, Bom. Just withdraw your proposal now. I don’t to hurt you again and because of me again.”

She almost snorted but contained herself. When Dongwook totally left her house she feels like dozing off. She and Dongwook had been together for two years and she could say she knew him well. He’s stubborn as a bull and will never be concerned about her. There relationship was ended long time ago. What are his intentions?

There was something going on. How did he know all they did just to get YGFC?  And how did he know that she and Chae had gate – crash?

Something was definitely going on.

I will do a double update. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaak! Kkk :D Miss y'all




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Double update~ Enjoyy!


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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Waiting you to update this.. Please se.. Before i die.. T. T
Chapter 6: I really hope u update this... i miss u authornim
Gbomlovers #3
Chapter 6: plezz continue ur story,,,, its been barely gbom's story update now
gbomtopfans #4
Chapter 6: i love this one too!! no.. i love all ur stories!! love, love and loved it!! can u update this one too unni.. please. *blinkmyeyes*
jeremyss #5
Chapter 6: I can't believe I just found this story,, update please authornim.. ^^
Gbom_4ever #6
Chapter 6: Omg.. Its so wonderful story.. Please update again author...
Cheer up author
Chapter 6: Omg..finally I found this story.. uwah..I thought you deleted it.. I don't remember the title..but I remember the story..I searched for this and posted a blog asking for help.. but finally I'm here.. will you still update this? Please..
shella13 #8
Chapter 6: Authornimmmm i just found and read this fanfic. And it's really good story you know. I really hope you can continue and don't abandoned this story :(
Please I'll wait for your update
yokoostar #9
Chapter 6: Ohhhh what a cool fanfic! I like everything in it;) im very upseet with bom, becouse ity is the important thing,dont it? But im happy that it was with jiyongie
Chapter 6: Hi! Im a new reader here ^^ and i fell in love with this story already. Its just soooo good that i cant help myself yearning to read the next chapter. I know its been years since u last updated but i still hope u will find the inspiration to continue this amazing story again, asap. Authornim fighting! <3