After Five Years...

Can we make it again?

Five years later…

“Bom!” Chaerin called her after she entered their office. “Yah! What happened to you? You’re late again. Move faster, Boss is calling you since a while ago.”

Bom didn’t have the chance to sit on her chair. She just put her bag on her desk and followed Chaerin going to their Boss office.

It was almost five years she’s working at Ads & Ads Co.  she transferred there after the incident that she and Dogwook broke up. She applied as junior advertising agent. After two years she was promoted a senior advertising agent and Chaerin became her project partner. And because they were on the same field, always together they became best of friends.

TV commercials is their forte she can proudly say that most rather all of their project commercials was successful. Most of their commercials were a hit to the customers. The mix and shared talent of her and Chaerin maybe was the key to have a successful project.

As the year entered, there’s a big changes in their company. Their big Boss wants to establish three teams within the company – TV commercial, radio commercial and print advertisement. And she and Chaerin where one of the top picks for becoming a partner leader.

“What is happening to you?” Chaerin hissed at her. “Did you forget what I’d say last night? That don’t forget to come early today?”

“I’m so sorry, Chae,” she answered. “I was so worried about Appa. His ailment is beginning to attack again. He can’t breathe and his chest is tightening again. That’s why I’m late again.”

“Aigoo, Bommie. If it’s only me, it’s okay. I understand you. But you know our boss, he is not understanding like me. You might blow up our chance to get a team.”

“I said I’m sorry. Next time, I will be early and make it up to you, promise!” she said with guilty feeling.

They stopped in front of their Boss office door. Chaerin urn to her and smile mischievously. “Start making up to me. Use your charm and convince him to give us the team.” After Chae said that she opened the door.

“Good morning, Sir,” they both greet their boss with a wide smile.

Wide space and elegant furnitures were filled in Mr. Lee’s office, the president of the company. At the side of Mr. Lee’s office there was a conference table and they sit there.

“Good morning, ladies. I have a meeting in thirty minutes so I’ll go straight to the point since we’re running out of time.”

Bom felt nervous with Mr. Lee’s voice. He’s no mad yet he’s not happy too. After many years they worked there she can read his boss movement now – for sure there boss prepared will give them some hardship before he give the team to them.

“Your performance was good for the past three years and I congratulate you for that,” Mr. Lee started. “I must admit I’m nearly convinced that you can handle the job but… I’m still having second thoughts.”

“Oh, come on! Boss,” Chaerin said to their boss. “Our project earned more money than all other partners combined together. Our clients are big and highly satisfied with our work. What proof do you want Boss?”

“One final test,” Mr. Lee answered. If you close this deal and the client will be satisfied then I’ll give you the TV commercial team. Deal?”

“Deal,” Bom said with pride and confidence. When she looked at Chaerin, she saw her frowned and give her are – you – serious look. She eyed her and gives her the look we – can – handle this look.”What’s the new project boss?”

Mr. Lee smiled, he liked their fighting spirit.

“YG Fabrics Corporation. As you know, YG FC is one of the top brands in jeans and shirts here in Korea. They are strong and there product is a big hit.” Mr. Lee stands up and gets the two folders in the table.  “Next year is there twenty – fifth company anniversary and they want to change their product’s image for the part of their marketing strategy. They want to change their image without completely abandoning their old one. And they want the public to know it through TV commercials.”

“They were contracted in EMD Advertising?” Chaerin – in.

“It already expired last month,” she answered. “I heard it last week from a friend.”

Mr. Lee smiled widely at her. “Your friend is right. That’s why I want you, ladies, to take that opportunity to personally nail a contract from them. According to my source, they were finding a new advertising company. And if they will sign our two years contract, TV commercial team is yours.”

“We’ll do our best,” Bom answered immediately, while Chaerin didn’t make a move.

“Definitely, we need this client.”

“We’ll have it,” she answered confidently.

“They are not called ‘’The Great YG FC” for nothing,” Mr. Lee reminded them. “As all we know, the president of that company is very meticulous that’s why you should give your best shot here. All the files that you needed are in the folder. Good luck, ladies.”

“You shouldn’t say yes to our boss,” Chaerin said after they left Mr. Lee’s office. “You know how hard to get a contract in that company.”

“Do we have a choice?” Bom asked. “He will definitely give to us, unless we prove to him we can handle this. If we quit on this one we might not get the team that we wanted.”

“Well, you’re right,” Chaerin answered while walking back to their office. “So, what’s the plan? When are we going to YG FC?”

“We’ll set an appointment a week from now. But for now, we should do some reviews for their past commercials and let us know what they want, their taste and then let’s draft our proposal.”

“As if you were saying that we can do this in one big wave.”

“Don’t worry, Chae.” she smiled at Chaerin, appearing really confident that they would be able to do the job. But in reality, she is really nervous. Mr. Lee said, the company was not called “The Great YG FC” for nothing.

“Why doesn’t he like to set an appointment?” Bom said while calming herself. “I asked for Business appointment not social call or something. This is from Ads and Ads Company.”

“I’m really sorry, Ma’am.” The secretary of marketing and advertising head of YG FC answered politely over the phone. “Mr. Choi Seunghyun said that there’s no need for you to set an appointment since he already has a list of advertising agencies of his choice. If by any chance he changes his mind about them, then we’ll give you a call.”

“It’s Mr. Kang I want to talk with. Not Mr. Choi.”

“Mr. Choi assistant. And all of the agencies that applying will undergo to Mr. Choi before to Mr. Kang.”

 Bom cut the line with an irritated look.  She can’t believe that they are still in step one and they can’t move to another step. She’s just asking for an appointment at marketing and advertising head of YG FC, and yet she was denied.

“How can we propose the project to them if they don’t like to talk to us?” Bom asked Chaerin with irritated face while walking to the parking lot.

“What if... we do the ambush meeting? In that way, they will surely can’t put as away.” Chaerin suggested.

“What the?! Chae! Ambush meeting is a desperate move,” she answered. “What if they will push as away when we do that? That’s a shame!”

“And what do you call us, Bom? Do you think we’re not desperate?” Chaerin asked while entering Bom’s car. “They already have a list of advertising company. And if we don’t have a plan B for sure we can’t even get on the list.”

“But – “

“And I don’t need to remind you that if we don’t get the contract to YG FC. We will not have the team, we will not have the free hand in our projects, our salary will not be increasing and the important one is I don’t have enough money to have a down payment for my car!”

Even in a problematic situation they can’t help but laugh. “And you really have to say your new car? Hull.” And they laugh as if there’s n tomorrow.

“You do know that I want a new car, right? I want to change my car just so you know that most of the time that car is on the car shop than using. Errrr!” Chaerin said.

Bom just smiled and didn’t bother to answer. If only in financial aspect, she’s the one in need.  Her dad has a heart ailment and for sure she will need that amount of money when the time he needs to do an operation. They are just the only two in the house. Her mother died years ago. And she’s the only daughter.

“So, do you agree?” Chaerin asked.

“As what you’ve said, we’re on a desperate moves.” She said with a determined voice. “Just wait Mr. Choi. If you like it or not we’ll have to talk.”


“Are you sure we really have to do this?”  Chaerin asked. She wanted to quit now. When she saw Chaerin’s face look so uncomfortable too.

“Do I have to remind you that this is your idea?” Bom answered her. She’s calming herself. If they we’re both nervous for sure this plan will not work.

“I know, but I didn’t know that we will do this. I mean... uhmm... so, desperate. I thought we will go to their office and you know have the ambush meeting.”

“We already tried that but what happened? Nothing. We can’t even go near to his stupid office,” Bom answered. “We even tried following them, remember? But what Mr. Choi said to us? This is our last chance. If we don’t do this and we can’t talk to Mr. Kang, I don’t know what will happen to us now, Chae.”

“I know... I know,” Chaerin sighed.

“Uhmm, Chae?”

“Yes, Bommie?”

“Why is your make – up look so... uhh, you know? Too much?”

“I over do it because I’m so nervous and if I turn pale when we enter there, I don’t know what will be my look.” Chaerin pointed the Club Seoul entrance where the victory party is held by YG FC.

YG Fabric corporation was holding a victory party because they got there 4th Consumer’s Award, an accomplishment worth celebrating for since it was the first company in Seoul that was able to receive the award in four consecutive years.

And they were there to join the party – uninvited of course. And if their colleagues knew about what they did for sure they will laugh there off. But as Chaerin said a while ago, they were on a desperate move.

“That’s so exagge!” Bom laughed at her friend. “Are you ready?”

“What if we don’t continue this?”

“I’m not going to let you change your mind, Chaerin.”  She grabbed her hand and pulling to the entrance door.

“But – “

“No buts,” Bom cut Chaerin. “Let’s have a recap. We will find Mr. Kang. You will talk to him while I’ll talk to Mr. Choi. We’ll leave this party as soon as you have settled an appointment with Mr. Kang. Got it?”

“Of course I got it,” Chaerin answered. “For three consecutive days you’re reviewing me to that. I’ve memorized it already!”

“Good,” Bom said while smiling at Chaerin. “Now let’s go.”

She had to give themselves credit for their acting. In the way they talked, walked and get – up no one can say that they weren’t invited. And they smile and greet everyone with the other guests while finding Mr. Kang.

They found Seunghyun first. She didn’t wonder when she saw him with his very formal suit and attitude. They saw and talked each other once and she knew how formal he was. He looked at them as if measuring their abilities to create a commercial then coldly dismissed them without even looking at their proposal. And that’ the start of her irritation to him.

“There’s Mr. Kang,” Chaerin said.

She forgot her irritation with Seunghyun and she became more alert. Blood rushed through her veins in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This is their last chance if they fail this time she didn’t know what plan again she will use.

“You know what to do, Chae.”

Chaerin nodded, take a deep breath and walks toward to Mr. Kang. She smiled. She knew that Chaerin is very nervous but she look so stubborn though. When she saw Chaerin talking to Mr. Kang. It’s time for her own show. She left and walks toward to Seunghyun.

After 10 minutes, Chaerin took the chance to talk one – on – one with Mr. Kang.

That’s it, girl. You can do it.

She knows that the result may fail. They gate crash others party and because of that, Mr. Kang might get mad to them. But she knew too well that Chaerin can turn all the results. She’s stubborn like a bull.

Their luck was running low. Seunghyun spotted Mr. Kang talking with Chaerin. She saw Seunghyun changed his mood too bright to gloom. And after that he walks towards them.

She walks towards them. They already anticipated Seunghyun’s reaction and had planned wisely against it. She immediately walks toward to Seunghyun and talked to him.

She smiles warmly to him. “Good evening, Mr. Choi,”

“What are you doing here?” Seunghyun asked directly. “I already told you we don’t need your services”

She smiled again, using all her charm to soften him. But not her luck, he looks like an ice. “I’m really sorry that we gate – crashed, Mr. Choi. All we want is a fair chance. Let us show you our proposal like other agencies. And if you didn’t like them, I promised we will stop.”

“I told you I’m not interested,” Seunghyun said. He’s fuming mad. And she almost snorted; he was still icy as the North Pole though he was obviously as angry as hell.

“With all due respect, Sir, I don’t think it’s a decision for you to make alone,” she said calmly. The real score is, he didn’t care if this guy will allow them. The important thing is to shoo away him to Chaerin until she’s not finish talking to Mr. Kang.

She was surprised when Seunghyun grabbed her arm and pull her toward the door. When she looked at Chaerin, looks like Mr.Kang is not yet convince. She needed more time.

“No, Mr. Choi, please. Let me explain first.”

“No,” he said sternly. “Go out.”

“Nr. Cho – “

“I said ‘no’!”

“Let her go, Seunghyun.”

The voice came to her behind that’s why she didn’t saw him. But she feels chill down to her spine when she heard that voice. She recognized that voice. It was the voice that haunted her for months even in her waking hours.

Was it possible? After five long years? No! This can’t be happening.

Seunghyun looked first. She took all her time to gather her courage before she turned around. And when she saw where the voice came, she thought she saw a ghost. She thought she would never see him again. She even hoped for it. And after five long years, she was facing him again. The man that she can’t remove to her mind.

He was there, standing in front of her – Mr. Stranger!



Hello there! Long time no update. Kkk~ I'm really sorry if I didn't update that much. But here it is for my subcribers. I missed you all! You know who you are. Hope you enjoy this chap even though it's crappy. And, can I request something? Please help me make a poster to this. Thank yooouuuu~ I'll give karma. Byee~


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Double update~ Enjoyy!


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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Waiting you to update this.. Please se.. Before i die.. T. T
Chapter 6: I really hope u update this... i miss u authornim
Gbomlovers #3
Chapter 6: plezz continue ur story,,,, its been barely gbom's story update now
gbomtopfans #4
Chapter 6: i love this one too!! no.. i love all ur stories!! love, love and loved it!! can u update this one too unni.. please. *blinkmyeyes*
jeremyss #5
Chapter 6: I can't believe I just found this story,, update please authornim.. ^^
Gbom_4ever #6
Chapter 6: Omg.. Its so wonderful story.. Please update again author...
Cheer up author
Chapter 6: Omg..finally I found this story.. uwah..I thought you deleted it.. I don't remember the title..but I remember the story..I searched for this and posted a blog asking for help.. but finally I'm here.. will you still update this? Please..
shella13 #8
Chapter 6: Authornimmmm i just found and read this fanfic. And it's really good story you know. I really hope you can continue and don't abandoned this story :(
Please I'll wait for your update
yokoostar #9
Chapter 6: Ohhhh what a cool fanfic! I like everything in it;) im very upseet with bom, becouse ity is the important thing,dont it? But im happy that it was with jiyongie
Chapter 6: Hi! Im a new reader here ^^ and i fell in love with this story already. Its just soooo good that i cant help myself yearning to read the next chapter. I know its been years since u last updated but i still hope u will find the inspiration to continue this amazing story again, asap. Authornim fighting! <3