Chapter 5 - All my Love's for you..

All my love's for you

Yuri didn't bring anything except for her bag, Jessica wondered why so she asked:

"Seobang, I thought we're gonna go observe the sky?" 

"Yes we are, Sica but I don't need any telescope or camera. Come on, it's getting dark" Yuri answered.


As they were driving to the hills, thousands of words crept into Yuri's mind, "What if my parents die? What if Jessica will get hurt? What if I kill someone? What if..." Yuri stopped thinking when she heard Jessica asking her something, "Yuri, are you really sure we're observing the sky today?" "Yes, Jessica we're observing the sky today.." Yuri said as if everything will be just fine.



Yuri and Jessica were standing on the grass field, there was silence. 

"Yuri, I feel scared" Jessica said as she hug Yuri tight.

"Jessica, don't be scared, we're just observing the sky" Yuri lied again.



Jessica didn't let go of Yuri, she can feel herself shaking as she hears a car's noise. Yuri's mind went completely blank, she held tight onto Jessica.

"Y-yuri.. Who's that?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know Sica.. I don't know.." Yuri answered.


As the passenger's seat of the car opened, Yuri's heart ticked like a clock.

"Mom! Dad!" Yuri cried out loud.

"Kwon Yuri!" A man's voice called her "Give me Jessica and I'll free your parents!"


Jessica's eyes widened and she clings tighter on Yuri arm, "Yuri" Jessica looked down, "I'm sorry, but I have to let go.. You're parents are much more important than me.. Yuri, I..I love you.."

"NO!" Yuri screamed "I'm not letting you go Jessica! I promised you I'll never leave you!"


"Yah~! hurry up! Kwon Yuri! you're time's running out!" The man sounded so angry.


Jessica lets go of Yuri's arm and walked slowly towards the man, Yuri wants to go and pull Jessica back but something's stopping her. 


A shooting star fell from the sky and Yuri closed her eyes, "I wish.. Jessica will be alright.. I wish we'll see each other again.. I know I can't do anything right now.. But please.. Just.. Protect Jessica for me.." Yuri said to herself as tears starts to roll down her cheeks. Jessica was only a meter away from the man now, while Yuri.. Yuri fell on her knees, she's still crying, she can't do anything but to cry.





Yuri heared a voice, "Yuri, don't let Jessica go.. You love her right?"

Yuri ran really fast towards Jessica, the man was alarmed and pulled his gun out, he targeted Yuri first but Yuri was so fast that he couldn't place his sight on her, Yuri hugged Jessica to protect her their eyes were closed tight.




A gun shot crowded all over the feild. 



Jessica opened her eyes and she sees Yuri hugging her tight,


Yuri opened her eyes, "J-jessica?"


They both turned their faces on the direction where the man was standing, they saw the man on the ground, cold dead. Yuri saw her father holding a gun in his hand.


"Father.. Why?" Yuri asked

"Yuri, I'd rather go to jail than losing you.. Now, go and take care."


Yuri and Jessica ran to Yuri's car and they drove off. safely


6 months later, Yuri and Jessica decided to marry each other and they did. Not long afterwards, they had a baby girl named Yoona.

Yuri's father didn't go to jail because Yuri stated that her father was just protecting her from the mysterious man.


Author's Note :Finally! Sorry if the ending wasn't really good xD But I tried my best and it hurts my heart to let Kwon Seobang die 3 Well her father wasn't sent to jail so ALL GOOODS! Hope y'all enjoyed my fanfic

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Chapter 5: Quedaron muchos huecos... De donde llego Jessica?... Quien era el hombre misterioso?... Porque Jessica no le tuvo miedo a yul?
Chapter 1: Se ve interesante
Chapter 5: why shorty/ but i like this stories hihihi
Chapter 4: save our sicababy kwon
Chapter 3: aishss drama
Chapter 2: blue moon? aigo hahaha
Chapter 1: wow sica hahhahahah aigo hahhha
even though its not that long I like it
102xxx #9
@noir_world: yuh! I got the idea from that MV ^^ but I changed the story a bit ^^ anyways, thanks (: