Chapter 4 - I won't give up on us

All my love's for you

"Yuri, if you don't bring Jessica at the hill tomorrow by 5pm, then someone in your family will be in trouble."

Those words keeps on echoing on Yuri's mind, she couldn't sleep, so she did nothing the whole night but to think about what will happen tomorrow. 

"I have to do something, I'll never leave Jessica.. Kwon Yuri, don't just sit there, think!"  Yul thought to herself. She played with her phone until something came in her mind. She stared at her call histories and finally, she called the unknown user.

Yuri: Hello?

*no one answers*


A few minutes later Yuri received a text,

From: Unknown user

     Kwon Yuri, don't bother calling me.. You can't stop me now.. And don't bother texting me either, you won't receive anything back.



Yuri read the text, and she was speechless. She tried to go to sleep, but things keeps on creeping in her mind. Another idea came into her mind, but she wasn't sure about it. She walked around her house back and forth. Finally, she made up her mind, she went to her room and opened her wardrobe, underneath her clothes, she opened a box, there she found a pistol gun and 10 bits of bullets, "Sica, I'm doing this because of you, because I love you..because I'm not giving you away." Yuri sighed heavily as she put the gun inside her bag.


Morning came, Yuri looked sleepless. Jessica woke up and saw Yuri in the living room, 

"Seobang, are you alright? You look like you haven't got any sleep."

"No, I'm alright Sica, and I'm sorry for not cooking you breakfast. I feel sick." Yuri answered.

"Don't worry, I'll cook breakfast for us." Jessica smiled brightly.


Yuri smiled lightly and she zoned out again, she held on her bag tightly like she's gonna stick it on her hands. 


"Seobang! Breakfast!" Sica shouted

"Coming" Yuri said weakly


When they finished breakfast, Yuri washed the dishes and Jessica sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for her Seobang. Yuri stepped out from the kitchen and told Jessica, "Sica, we're going back to the hills today, at 4pm.."

"Okay Seobang." Jessica nodded.


Author's Note: Hey guys! Finally! 4th chapter. I changed my mind and make it 5 chapters ^^ I'll promise to make a happy ending. :) 

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Chapter 5: Quedaron muchos huecos... De donde llego Jessica?... Quien era el hombre misterioso?... Porque Jessica no le tuvo miedo a yul?
Chapter 1: Se ve interesante
Chapter 5: why shorty/ but i like this stories hihihi
Chapter 4: save our sicababy kwon
Chapter 3: aishss drama
Chapter 2: blue moon? aigo hahaha
Chapter 1: wow sica hahhahahah aigo hahhha
even though its not that long I like it
102xxx #9
@noir_world: yuh! I got the idea from that MV ^^ but I changed the story a bit ^^ anyways, thanks (: