Chapter 3 - Shooting Stars (double update!)

All my love's for you

The next morning, Yuri woke up first and decided to cook breakfast for two. Not long afterwards, Jessica went outside the tent as she stretch her arms,

"Morning Yuri"

"Good morning Sica, breakfast is ready" Yuri answered with a smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks Seobang" 

Yuri was surprised, "Huh? Seobang?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind me calling you Seobang."



When they finally finished having breakfast, they drove back to Yuri's place.


20 minutes later...

"Ah~ we're finally home" said Yuri as she throw herself on the couch.

Jessica turned the television on and they watched TV shows together, they were giggling and it seems like they're having a good time. After an hour of chatting and stuff, Jessica was fast asleep and she again fell on Yuri's shoulder, "Sica, thanks for today." Yuri thought to herself while looking at Jessica.


It was evening and Yuri was at her balcony where she usually observe the sky, suddenly Jessica came in and shocked Yuri,

"Sica? What're you doing here?"

"Nothing, I'm bored."

Jessica held Yuri by the hand and whispered to Yuri, "Kwon Yuri, I have to tell you something."

Yuri looked at Jessica, "Yeah?"

"Thank you for taking care of me and I'm sorry if I bother you while you're working."

"It's alright Sica" Yuri grinned.

A shooting star appeared from the sky and Yuri asked Jessica, "Sica, what's your wish?"

"Huh? Wish?" 

"Yeah" Yuri pointed at the shooting star.

"oh okay" Jessica closed her eyes, "I just wish that Yuri will not leave me, and I hope I'll have the courage to tell her that I like I love her.." Jessica held Yuri's hand tight as she opened her eyes. 

"So Sica, what's your wish?" Yuri asked.

"I won't tell it to anyone, my mom said if you tell somebody what your wishes are, then it will never come true." Jessica smiled lightly at Yuri.

"Aish~ Fine then.." said Yuri, "Sica, it's getting late, we should go inside."


Jessica went to bed but Yuri was still in her working room, she can't sleep, it seems like something's bothering her.

A few minutes later, Yuri's phone rang:


"Kwon Yuri.." a mysterious voice answered.

"May I know who are you please?"

"Ms. Kwon, you don't have to know me.. But you do have to know something. I know that Jessica Jung is at your house right now. I just want you to know that if you don't get her back to the place where you usually go for observing the sky at 5pm tomorrow, one of your family member will be in trouble." the mysterious person hung up.

"Wait! I need to- oh crap.." 


Hi guys :) I just want y'all to know that I'll just have 4 chapters for this fanfic cause I'm really really stuffed for school, which is bad. Please do subscribe and please comment (: fighting!~

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Chapter 5: Quedaron muchos huecos... De donde llego Jessica?... Quien era el hombre misterioso?... Porque Jessica no le tuvo miedo a yul?
Chapter 1: Se ve interesante
Chapter 5: why shorty/ but i like this stories hihihi
Chapter 4: save our sicababy kwon
Chapter 3: aishss drama
Chapter 2: blue moon? aigo hahaha
Chapter 1: wow sica hahhahahah aigo hahhha
even though its not that long I like it
102xxx #9
@noir_world: yuh! I got the idea from that MV ^^ but I changed the story a bit ^^ anyways, thanks (: