Chapter 7

Precious Memories




Minho and Onew didn’t know what was going on. Minho stared at Key, he should tell him what was happened, but then Key started to cry too. Slowly rolled a tear down his face, over his mouth and to his chin. Onews gaze wandered from Key to Jonghyun. The otherwise cry susceptible guy stood there without any expression and gazed in the distance.
“SHINee is past,” Jonghyun said without moving his head.
“What?” Minho and Onew said simultaneously.
“The Manager said, other bands are more important than SHINee. Lee Soo Man don’t want us to say it in public. We just don’t promote anymore. No concerts, no new songs. We won’t get any support from SMent from now on. The last thing we do is the Sherlock album and then... We’re dead.”
General silence spread out. No one wanted to say something, until Minho started crying, too.
“We... should make the best... album we ever did!” Minho said in between sobs.
Everyone agreed with nodding.
“But first: Let’s watch some anime. We haven’t a long time and I think we can calm down a little,” Jonghyun said and went into the living room.
Jonghyun was in his and Minho’s room. He sat on the ground with a guitar and blank papers were scattered in a radius of 5 meters around Jonghyun. The bin was full with crumpled paper.
Minho entered the room.
“Jonghyun, you’re sitting here for 10 hours, do you want to eat something?”
Jonghyun shook his head. He didn’t feel like eating.
Minho went out of the room and shut the door.
He walked downstairs and into the kitchen. The fridge was filled with food, that was not really often. Especially when Jonghyun had the job to do the purchase. Minho decided to cook ramyun.
He tried to balance two soup bowls and two beers on his arms and ended up Taemin helping him.
“Hyung... Why is Jonghyun like this?” Taemin asked as he took the beer.
“I think he can’t handle it as good as you or Key,” Minho replied.
“But... Key is not Key since yesterday. I think we all can’t handle it really good.”
Minho nodded and opened the door to his room, where Jonghyun was sitting. In the same position as 10 minutes ago.
“Here! Eat and drink!”Minho said, placing one soup bowl and one beer in front of Jonghyun. Taemin already left the room.
Reluctantly Jonghyun took the chopsticks and started eating.
But he ate the whole soup (including Minho’s portion).
“What exactly are you doing Jonghyun?” Minho asked, taking a sip from his beer.
“I’m thinking about how we can tell our fans indirect that we’re stopping with SHINee.”
“And how to we want to manage it?”
“I thought about putting the message in our songs.”
Minho nodded, picking up one paper with a text on it.


I wake up and open my sleepy eyes
It’ll be tomorrow in a little bit
I feel bad for letting the day pass by so fast
I swallow sand
Time passes by hectically
Will we get so used to our fluttering feelings
That we’ll feel them as a definite thing?
I’m sad over pointless worries
Infrequent greetings
Actions that scarred softly
I didn’t mean to hurt you
I’m always sorry
Because you’ve always been there to protect me
Because you’ve taken the criticism that I should receive
You have shielded me without a word and now
I will reflect you like a mirror
Rewind the film of our memories
To the day we first met
My heart pounded, I couldn’t hide my tears
They overflowed as much as I was grateful
You understood me better than myself
When I was on the verge of breaking down
Seeing you having a harder time than I did
Made me cry like a child
There’s a connection in our relationship
A huge one that I can’t explain in words
Our conversations, piled with memories
Continue on today
Because you’ve always been there to protect me
Because you’ve taken the criticism that I should receive
You have shielded me without a word and now
I will reflect you like a mirror
Because you’ve always been there to protect me
Because you’ve taken the criticism that I should receive
You have shielded me without a word and now
I will hold you
When it becomes tiring and I want to give up
When I am weak and I want to run away
Your small hand becomes my biggest strength
For the rest of my life, I’ll sing a song for you
You have always been there
Believing in me and protecting me
I’ll convey this song of appreciation

“Should I help you?” Minho asked as he ended reading.
Jonghyun nodded, “I think we need something like a rap...”
“I wouldn’t write a rap...”
Minho took the paper and a pen and began writing:

At the end of this very long connection
At the end of this train stop, unaware of where it’ll reach
We learn as we go on and feel many things
I’m always late at expressing my emotions
You won’t be forgotten in my heart, right?
You’ll remain in my eyes as you smile, right?
If my joy can become your happiness
I’ll be thankful

“Okay, that’s good. Let’s take this as full song,” Jonghyun said.
They also wrote ‘The reason’ and ‘Alarmclock’ together on this day. (Check the translations if you want to: The reason and Alarmclock)

The other members agreed with the song texts.
“But we still have no cause to disband... towards our fans,” Jinki said and sat down on a chair in the kitchen.
Key rubbed his eyes.”Maybe we just say, that we have some private problems...”
“That’s not it. They’ll ask about that,” Taemin argued.
“Let’s say one of us had an accident!” Jonghyun commented.
“And then? If he gets better we still can continue being SHINee,” hinted Key.
“Do you remember Super Juniors car accident... With Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk back in 2007? Kyuhyun almost died. Maybe we can tell them something like this happened,” Minho said from his place in the corner.
“But are we all involved? Or just one?”
“I think only one of us... Otherwise it would be to hard for the fans,” Jinki acknowledged.
“I’ll do it!” Minho said and leaned back at the wall.
“Minho, you don’t have to,” Taemin responded to Minho’s sudden exclamation.





 author's note  This chapter is part 1 of the flashback. I wanted to upload this as 2 or more parts, because the flashback is veeeeery long. I hope you like it and please comment :) . 
I got the idea for this from a tumblr post. I can't find it in the moment, but if I find it, i'll give you the link ^^
And if you don't know about the Super Junior car accident go here.
Sorry about the beer, but since they're all of legal age... XD

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[Precious Memories] The Epilogue is online... I hope you enjoyed my story. I love you all ♥


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Chapter 12: Sad story...I liked the way they managed the shinee was wise....but on another side I felt that the girl was so petty that she had to go through so many things in life....sad, sad story... but I loved it....
azee77 #2
Chapter 12: This story make me cry... I could imagine how sad minho.. Interesting story.. Thx to the author u did a great job..
Chapter 12: This story made me cry... T.T it reminded of of one japanese movie so much too... and it was a rare movie that made of cry like a baby....

author-nim thankyou for the great story.
Chapter 12: Naww anytime.sengii lobe youuuu <3
Chapter 11: Gosh stop writing like that sengi i cryed again >_<
please update fast^^
i like this story...^^
MotshELF #7
Chapter 9: I like how the story is going :) !!
I'll wait for the update~~ ^^ !
Chapter 9: Uhuuu you did it
i think i know he is going to tell her ^^
good job sengi
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 1: Omo minho is gonna quit O.O nooooo...NO! Hehe new reader here^^ ill b commentin chapterly lol if thats a word and luv the layout that swirly thingy above the authors note is pretty
Chapter 8: Nice one i've read your tweet keke.