Chapter 3

Precious Memories




I came home and filled my fridge with my purchase. I was thinking about Minho and his brother, when an idea came to my mind.

I went into my office looked for old photos.

I found a photo album with pictures of my best friends and me. I leaf through the pages and stopped as I saw pictures of a concert.
I looked at the date. July 2009.
It is five years ago. I was 17 and loved SHINee sinc

e their debut. Now it’s 2014, I’m 22 and SHINee is in silence since end of 2013.
I started my laptop, but the internet didn’t say something about Minho moving to Incheon. I looked back into the photo album. July 2009. The first Shinee concert I’ve ever been.
There were 3 smiling girls in the front of the Seoul Park, in the background light sticks and signs. The best day ever.


“Go, Shinnie, there’s no one around Minho-ssi. Your chance,” Minseul said and pushed me towards him.
“Hello,” Minho greeted friendly. I hid my face behind my palms. He shouldn’t see how red I was.

“H-hello,” I just said.

“Is it normal that you’re stuttering? Or is there something special?”

I couldn’t help but giggled.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Minho-ssi… I-I want to ask a question,” I said, “Where did you get this bracelet?”

“Oh, this,” he said and touched his right arm with the bracelet.

“I got it, back in primary school, from a girl. We were really close, but then I moved to Seoul and lost the contact to her.”

I was about to answer, but someone called him and he picked up his phone. He waved me goodbye, “Hope to see you again, you remembered me of the girl.”

And he was gone.


[Flashback end]


I grabbed my left wrist. The bracelet. I take it only off, if there’s some important reason. I didn’t have any memory about primary and the half of middle school, because of an accident. But I knew, the bracelet is important, but unfortunately I forgot why. I only know, that Minho has exact the same. Maybe I get my memories back someday…

My phone was ringing and I went into the corridor of my little apartment.

“Seo,” I said. After a few seconds of silence the other person said, “Hi, I just want to thank you for today.”

“Who’s there?”

“Choi Minho. Please, don’t tell somebody about me. I don’t want these paparazzi here.”


“I have a question, Shinnie,” he said, “Do 

you remember when we met 5 years ago?”

Does he stalk me, I thought, how could he know that I was looking trough old pictures.

“Wait… You still know that?” I asked surprised.

“Yes, you were the first person ever asking about my bracelet and so cute…” His voice became quieter at the rest of the sentence.

I stared at the wall, swirling the cable of my phone. He still knew.

“Shinnie, are you still there?”

“Ye, I’m just shocked that you didn’t forget that. I mean… It’s 5 years ago.”

“I kept thinking about you, but I never saw you again, until today.”

“By the way, how are your legs? I can’t read something about it in the internet.”

“They are healthy, but I’m not able to move them.”

“That’s kinda sad…”


“I ever remembered you as jumping, running or dancing 


“Oh… Yeah, let’s chance the topic. Do you have time to meet?”
“Yes. Give me about an hour.”

“Okay, meet you in 1 hour in the park with the little lake.”

“De, bye!”


I hung up and sat down on the ground.

I used the hour to clean up the mess in the living room. Then I thought about what to wear. I decided to dress like this.

I grabbed the keys from the bureau and went outside my apartment to the elevator. I drove downwards and went to the park. The walk took 2 minutes and I sat down at one of the benches. 5 minutes later Minho came, rolling in his wheelchair. He stopped exact in front of me.

“Hi, Shinnie. How are you?”

“Good. Thank you. What about you?”

“Fine, as always. Did you think about, from where I know your name?”

Now, that he said that, I began to think about it. But I really didn’t know. He saw my thinking face and answered.

“Do you remember that you told me, you grew up in Incheon? I asked the mayor to show me the birth register of 1991/1992. I saw your photo and your phone number.”

“You’re a stalker,” I laughed. “Should we walk a little?” Minho asked and I stood up, to push his wheelchair.

We talked about my job as model, thing we do in our free time, about our favourite food – Ramyeon; and so many other things.
Suddenly we began to talk about our school time.

“But I have no memories about primary school. I had an accident in middle school. A few memories I recovered, I forgot about my friends and family, but I they helped me to remember them. But a lot of events are still lost. And it’s about 10 years ago…”

Minho was silent and I kept pushing him around.

“What kind of accident was it?” he asked a while later.

“They told me that a car crashed into me. But I’m not sure. That’s one of the memories I’ve lost.”

“That’s crueler than loosing the ability to walk. I can’t imagine losing memories of Taemin, Jinki, Jonghyun or Kibum. It’s kinda the best time I’ve ever had,” he lowered his head, but I still could see how a tear was dropping on his lap.

“There’s no need to cry, Minho-ssi. I can live with it.”

“Please, call me Oppa,” he said as he wiped a few tears away. Sad, that I couldn’t see him crying. It was kinda cute, though I could only see his back head.

I his head.

“Oppa, tell me why you are crying. It can’t be only me.”

“It’s nothing. Do you want to drink a coffee?” he asked and pointed at a café near us.

“Yes, I said and moved him over to the café. I parked him and his wheelchair at the next table and went to order something.

I ordered 2 Caffé Americano and went back to Minho.

“How do you know my favourite coffee?” he asked as I sat down at the opposite of him.

“There was a time, when I really wanted to know everything about you, Oppa. I just remembered and hoped that it hasn’t changed,” I said, embarrassed of myself.

“Oh, how cute!”

I became red as he called me cute.

“Haha, but I stopped as I realized that I never could know you really, if I only research in the internet.”

“Shinnie… Do you want to know something about me?”

I slowly nodded. What’s he going to say?

Chapter 3/-end



 author's note hope you like the chapter ^^

I just put a picture of the coffee in because it looks so yummy *-* ♥ coffe XD

This chap. is really long. I wrote it in school in policy lessons *haha*

Hope to see you in the next chapter ^^

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[Precious Memories] The Epilogue is online... I hope you enjoyed my story. I love you all ♥


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Chapter 12: Sad story...I liked the way they managed the shinee was wise....but on another side I felt that the girl was so petty that she had to go through so many things in life....sad, sad story... but I loved it....
azee77 #2
Chapter 12: This story make me cry... I could imagine how sad minho.. Interesting story.. Thx to the author u did a great job..
Chapter 12: This story made me cry... T.T it reminded of of one japanese movie so much too... and it was a rare movie that made of cry like a baby....

author-nim thankyou for the great story.
Chapter 12: Naww anytime.sengii lobe youuuu <3
Chapter 11: Gosh stop writing like that sengi i cryed again >_<
please update fast^^
i like this story...^^
MotshELF #7
Chapter 9: I like how the story is going :) !!
I'll wait for the update~~ ^^ !
Chapter 9: Uhuuu you did it
i think i know he is going to tell her ^^
good job sengi
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 1: Omo minho is gonna quit O.O nooooo...NO! Hehe new reader here^^ ill b commentin chapterly lol if thats a word and luv the layout that swirly thingy above the authors note is pretty
Chapter 8: Nice one i've read your tweet keke.