Chapter 11

Precious Memories



“Minho, even if I’ll die… As long as somebody keeps me in mind I am not dead.”

The next morning was dark. Darker than usual. It was like the weather knew something happened. May God be on my side! And he was. Actually… God meant pretty little to me, but in the time I had gotten sick I needed something to believe into. I hadn’t often been to church. Christmas… and on Sundays when I had nothing else to do. But I started going there regularly. I wanted to spend my days of desperation and hope in silence.
Minho didn’t turn up. My answer machine was filled with his messages though, and I left none of them unheard. He asked if I was okay, how my day was; told me where he was –Berlin, London, Tokyo, Macau – but did not ask much about my health. I had to tell him, when I wanted him to know.


Half a year later my medical condition was pretty bad and I was in hospital about twice a week.
As I walked out of the huge building a well-known car popped up in front of me.
Minho opened the door and went straight towards me. For a few seconds I didn’t realize that he opened his arms to hug me but then I fell into his arms.
I heard how he whispered my name into my hair.
We stood there about 5 minutes until a cold gust let me shiver and Minho dragged me to his car.
He drove to a near Park without saying a word and I refused to speak either.


The Park was green and the flowers started to bloom. Kids running past us and an elderly couple sitting near fountains.
Suddenly Minho grabbed my waist and lifted me up. I screamed and wanted him to let me down, but he just looked at me.
“No! You’re mine, remember?”
I nodded slightly. I could look into his eyes from my high position. Grabbing his hair and swinging my legs around his hips I gave him a long kiss.
He broke the kiss and carefully released me to the grass. I lay down and stared at the clouds. Minho seated himself next to me and through my hair.
“You know what? I want to tell you a story… Well, not a story but a myth.
It’s about what Plato thought about why the people in the world became the humans that we know today and why they are not perfect”, he made a break to breathe and to see my reaction. I was kind of confused and pinched his leg so that he would go ahead. He rested his right hand on my head and through my hair.
“For Plato, the beings before the ‘real’ humans were perfect. He explained it like this: There was a time, when there were humans and Gods living together. Do you remember Greek Mythology?”
I shivered. This was my most hated history topic.
“I know you don’t like it, but let me tell you the story!” he laughed and went on telling me his story.
“The humans were round and had 4 arms and 4 legs and were able to watch 360 degrees, because they had two heads, two brains, you know. And they were really strong and smart.”
I laughed at the imagination of those beings and caused Minho to smile cutely.
“And then they had the idea to fight the gods, because the humans wanted to be the number 1. The Gods discussed what to do with them and so they ended up that someone – I think it was Zeus - should spilt the humans into 2, so that they would be helpless when someone attacked them from behind. But the punishment was greater. The humans were separated from their other half and felt incomplete, so they made it to their main aim to find their other half.
And if we have Plato combined with today’s… let me call it love, means that two people who were once perfect together and were split up are perfect again if they find one another.”
This made me think a little. A little much. Until I realized what he wanted to tell me.
I sat up and looked into his eyes.
“But it’s good, that Zeus split the humans up. Otherwise I could not see yours eyes”, I said and smiled.
He touched me cheeks and made me look into his eyes before he gave me a long kiss.
“Life is… Life is a !” Minho shouted.
“I’m afraid so”, I responded and held his face with my hands.
The strong man I used to know was about to cry.
He dashed his forehead against mine. I was unable to see his face, but I could clearly tell that he was crying. Hot tears were flowing into my bangs. I felt how he tightened his embrace…


Some people can tell if they are about to die, some people can’t. I was one of those who can tell.
But that didn’t mean that I ran to the hospital. No, I stayed at home, because a boring hospital room was definitely not what I wanted to see in my last hours.
I called my best friends… Seulli cried so much. Memi as well, but I could not hear it, because she dropped the phone.
And then Minho stood in my apartment.
I lay on the sofa, looking through photos. My precious memories.
But the most precious memory I ever would have stood there – still in stage outfit and breathing heavily – in front of me.
He stumbled over to me and kneeled down. Grabbing my hand he asked, “Will you marry me?” and pulled a little silver box out of his jacket.
“Yes, I will.” I answered knowing that it never will happen. He opened the box and he put the silver ring with a little diamond rose on my left ring finger.
And then he said the last words I would ever hear.
“I love you!”
He my head, kissed me, buried his face in the gap between my head and my shoulder…
Goodbye, Choi Minho, have a wonderful life…



 author's note Y /bows/ annyeonghaseyo reader ^^
I hope you enjoyed this 'final chapter'. But there is still the epilogue waiting for you~
Thank you for reading, even though I update slowly >.< 
Happy Saturday, and enjoy the nice weather (if you have nice weather lol) ~


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[Precious Memories] The Epilogue is online... I hope you enjoyed my story. I love you all ♥


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Chapter 12: Sad story...I liked the way they managed the shinee was wise....but on another side I felt that the girl was so petty that she had to go through so many things in life....sad, sad story... but I loved it....
azee77 #2
Chapter 12: This story make me cry... I could imagine how sad minho.. Interesting story.. Thx to the author u did a great job..
Chapter 12: This story made me cry... T.T it reminded of of one japanese movie so much too... and it was a rare movie that made of cry like a baby....

author-nim thankyou for the great story.
Chapter 12: Naww anytime.sengii lobe youuuu <3
Chapter 11: Gosh stop writing like that sengi i cryed again >_<
please update fast^^
i like this story...^^
MotshELF #7
Chapter 9: I like how the story is going :) !!
I'll wait for the update~~ ^^ !
Chapter 9: Uhuuu you did it
i think i know he is going to tell her ^^
good job sengi
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 1: Omo minho is gonna quit O.O nooooo...NO! Hehe new reader here^^ ill b commentin chapterly lol if thats a word and luv the layout that swirly thingy above the authors note is pretty
Chapter 8: Nice one i've read your tweet keke.