Daehyun's Speech

Maid in Seoul

Yongguk was rushing to his boy's school. Four o'clock had approached faster than he had expected. The bus arrived later than usually so he had to hustle to get to the school before Daehyun's speech begin. His phone rang.

"Yeoboseyo?" Yongguk answered the phone out of breath.

"Hey babe~" It was his ex-wife."

"Jieun, are you at the school already?"

"Yeah about that Gukkie, I can't make it."


"I can't be in town around that time. I have a meeting to go to and I just can't do this weeken--"

"What? You can't do this weekend?!"

"Yeah I just have to---"

"What the Jieun seriously! They've been waiting for this. If you're gonna it up again come and tell them yourself!" 

People were starting to look at Yongguk strangely. He was currently running to the school building screaming into a handphone.

"Yongguk~ I can't help that I have things to do. Can't you just tell them for me? Why are you so mean to me?" She whined over the phone. 

" you Jieun. Call when you realize what being a mom means." 

Yongguk hung up the phone. Jieun had been his wife for many years then she took a turn for the worst. She started getting busier with work and completely dismissing her family. She said that she wasn't ready to be a mom, but she loved her children. Yongguk had heard the excuses and dealt with the lies. This was nothing new to him. She was bailing out on her sons again and he had to be the one that told them. It would be like he was the bad guy and not her. He hating hurting his kids, it made him hurt. Yongguk was already getting nervous about telling Daehyun. He shook his head, took a couple of deep breaths and opened the door.

Yongguk made it to the presentation right in time. Daehyun was cautiously walking up to the microphone to recite his speech. Yongguk gave him two thumbs up when his eyes landed upon him. Daehyun nodded and Yongguk sat next to his Chinese friends Caser and J.G., Jongup was a little further down in the row. He waved at his dad when he saw him.

"Got tied up at work?" Casper whispered.

Yongguk rolled his eyes, "I'll tell you later."

Daehyun cleared his throat and searched for his mom in the audience. He saw Uncle Cas and J.G. sitting next to Jongup but his mom was nowhere in sight. He looked down at his shoes and accidentally kicked the mic. Some kids behind him giggled. 

"The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were political leaders..." Daehyun searched around for his mom again. He wanted to believe that she was just late but he knew her too well. Some kids laughed behind him when he paused for too long. "... a-and statesmen w-who participated..." The peanut gallery erupted with muffled laughter when he started stuttering. Yongguk was worried. He wanted to come up and save Daehyun but he had to let him finish the best way Daehyun could. Jongup put his hands together mentally sending confidence to his brother who nervously stood on the stage with his eyes darting around in the dimness of the auditorium.

"in the American Revolution by signing the, by signing the... United States Declaration of um.. Independence, t-taking part in the American..." The laughter in the back got louder, "Revolutionary... War..." Daehyun's voice got smaller and then died off as he angrily left the stage. Casper looked to Yongguk shocked as Yongguk got up to follow Daehyun behind the stage.

Yongguk found his son on the steps with his head in his hands. He slowly strolled over and pat his back. 


"I'm sorry dad." Daehyun sniffled. He didn't want to look up at his dad. He was so mad that his mom missed another one of the events she had promised to attend. He didn't want his dad to feel like he had failed somewhere.

"You were doing great Dae, why'd you stop?" Yongguk was making sure that he chose his words carefully. He didn't want Daehyun to think he had disappointed him. Daehyun actually had his speech memorized. He could've recited it in his sleep but he just couldn't get the words out of his throat when he realized his mother didn't show. She never showed.

"I guess I was just more nervous than I thought dad." He shrugged his shoulders. Jongup rushed in and hugged his brother. 

"DAE ARE YOU OK?" He tried to check his forehead but Daehyun shrugged him away. He didn't want to let anyone see him crying. 

"Come Jongup, let's just give Dae a little space." Yongguk wrapped an arm around his youngest son's shoulder and pulled him away from Daehyun."Daehyun meet us outside when you're ready."

Yongguk walked outside along side Casper, J.G. and Jongup. The sky was a darker shade of blue now but the sun still had not set yet. Yongguk had his hands in his pockets then his eyes met Casper's.

"Jongup why don't you go and get your stuff out of your locker. And get Daehyun's too, while you're at it." 

"I go with him." J.G. added. They both jogged back into the school building.

"So..." Casper started.

"Yes Cas I got your message."

"Great," He smiled widely, "So what do you think? It's a maid position, it pays good, it's closer to home, you'll get to work with me? Whaddya say?"

Yongguk looked up to the sky. He surely had to keep money going in the house, they weren't that well off for him to be sitting idly.

"Sounds good." 

"Great you can start tomorrow." Casper clapped his hands together then looked over his shoulders to see if the kids were back.

"Cas, I haven't even filled out an applic--"

"I already filled one out for you."

"Casper~!" Yongguk glared at him.

"What?" He laughed, "It would be better for you. I was tired of seeing you at that old job. Your boss was a sleaze."

Yongguk sighed. He was used to Casper doing things first then apologizing later. "Well, that's the truth. He fired me today."


"Yeah, as soon as I dropped off Dae and Jonggie at school."

"Wow that's ridiculous."

"Who you tellin'?" He replied. Daehyun slumped up behin them without a sound.

"I guess I'll be there tomorrow." Yongguk said.

"Yeah, right after you drop off your kids, come through so I can train you."

"Arasso." Yongguk nodded.

"Train you for what?" Daehyun asked. Casper jumped he didn't notice Daehyun at all before he spoke.

"Jesus Daehyun! Warned me next time." Casper exclaimed grabbing his chest.

Daehyun laughed.

"You better now?" Yongguk asked leaning over to place an arm on his son's shoulder.

"Yeah... I'll live."

"Hyung~ you're okay~" Jongup backhugged his brother.

"Eww gross skinship~" Daehyun teased, laughing as he hugged Jongup back.

Yongguk smiled. He loved seeing his kids like this. It made him feel that he was doing something right as a parent. His smiled disappeared when Jongup asked, "So mom's not coming, is she?" 

The mood turned solemn. Daehyun didn't want to accept that fact and Jongup always looked optimistically at the situation. Yongguk had to be the bearer of bad news again.

"I'm sorry, son. She said she couldn't make it she had a--"

"Meeting?" Daehyun and Jongup both said in unison. Their eyes met the floor. It was always the "meeting" excuse. Jieun had played that card many of times and the boys were getting fed up with it. They just wished she was around more.

When Jongup was born she was around the least so Jongup never really knew the happiness everyone had by being around Jieun umma. Jongup just liked the idea of his family being complete. Daehyun had all the memories of before she got clouded in her career but Jongup felt the most betrayed when she left. She had broken up their once happy family and he would never forget it. He told her she didn't deserve Dad's love nor Daehyun's. Jongup always hurt when his family hurt and because of Jieun, they hurt a lot. Jongup loved his mom but he loved his brother even more. 

Daehyun was different. Daehyun hated his mom. She had been pulling the "meeting" card for years, he wasn't even sure if she was really working anymore. He hated his mom so much because he knew that if she came back into his life he would welcome her with open arms and she would probably just hurt him again. Daehyun hated the fact that he loved someone so much, that was around so little. He also hated the fact that his dad pretend tobe okay when Jieun left. His mom was a scar on all of their hearts. Daehyun wished she'd never said she would come in the first place. Why he'd believed her, was beyond him.

Casper and J.G. looked between each other awkwardly. The tension in the air was so palpable that a tow truck would probably have to come haul it away before another word could be spoken. J.G. glanced at Casper then back at Yongguk. Casper got the hint quickly.

"So who's hungry?" He asked.

The Bang family peeled their eyes away from the concrete sidewalk. Jongup was the first to answer.

"I am, I am! Uncle Cas!" He was jumping up and down being a Happy Virus because everyone laughed at his giddyness.

"Good because we're going out to eat tonight." 

"Ooh! Where are we going?" Jongup asked brightly helping Daehyun put on his backpack. Casper looked to Yongguk for an answer but Yongguk looked at Daehyun.

"I don't know... Daehyun?" Yongguk looked down at his son who thought for a moment.

"Ummm.... Cheesecake Factory?" He answered like it was a question.

"Well then, Cheesecake Factoy it is then. Kaja." Yongguk smiled and then all walked to Casper's car.


Author's Note: Daehyun's speech is actually from the wikipedia so shout out to them! haha. I don't dislike Jieun but everybody can't be good guys in this story. Without tension, there is no story. AFF keeps rating this chapter M so if you see any M rating here it's because of language sorry guys but Yongguk is a grown man with children. He can cuss if he wants to. HAGO LO QUE QUIERO! This chapter was focused on why Yongguk's a single father and Daehyun and Jongup's mind. I wanted you guys to somewhat get a little insight to how close they are as a family. BANG FAMILY FIGHTING! Thank you for your comments I love your opinions.=*CheeDragon.

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I'm trying to take off the M rating but if it stays on it's only for language guys, not .


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roro123 #1
Chapter 7: Why did you stop writing this story ? we want u too complete this story please
roro123 #2
Chapter 7: Please don't be late am so excited
EricaChu #3
Aww why did you stop writing this story
Its really good ouob
Chapter 7: sodjfasodfhjiu a chapter =] YAY!!!!

So we get a glimpse of the two different families... their similar yet different... the Bang's and the Kim's are pieces of a puzzle that just fits...

Soooooo... the Kim's have quite a different relationship within the three of them... there's Himchan who's stressed about his run at for Senator.. then the two boys Zelo and Youngjae... their family dynamic is a bit rough... they need to be closer... or there'll be a lot of resentment... there's already some forming between the boys and the dad... the stress of being a single father =/

But it's the complete opposite with the Bang's... their so much love between the three.. it makes you squirm with glee... like seriously how can you not cry or tear up to Jongup's abandonment issues...or Daehyun's surreal love for his brother... wanting to protect him and never want him to feel alone... and there's daddy Yongguk... BEST FATHER OF THE YEAR LOL... he's doing this all for his kids... no matter what.. his kids comes first =]

weo;kfjawfjowj I LOVE THIS STORY LOL thanks for the awesome update =]
Chapter 6: Awww Yongguk in disguise and Himchan is falling for him already lol

Then there's Daehyun who is too cute.. wanting his dad to be happy again... super aww lol

then there's Daehyun and Jongup with their brotherly love... seriously they're too sweet...

this family is the epitome of AWWWW lol
Chapter 5: We finally get to meet Youngjae and Zelo... Zelo is a brat lol and Youngjae is just awesome lol Then there's Himchan... cool, calm, and collected as usual =]

So they're on their way to meet Yongguk on the 40th floor... I hope he doesn't get into trouble... Jongup and Daehyun scurrying about in the hotel when their dad said to stay put lol =]

***Okay it's official... I love this story =]
Chapter 4: Dang Yongguk is already busting his working at the hotel =]

There's a flurry of new characters and that's awesome...

I feel for the young boys... Daejong because of their ruined plans.. but at least they got to meet Ailee Noona =]
Chapter 3: Seriously I love this family already... They're so close and with the insight we get to see how close they really are with one another... They really care for one another... It's soooooooo heartwarming :)

Gah the Bang Family is awesome :)
Chapter 1: I loved the movie and so far I love the story :) heck forget the "so far" fell in love with it the minute I finished your forward :)

The Bang family is cute :) their sweet with one another :)
Chapter 6: The story is great I love the movie
and now that it has my fav pair in it is going to be so much better kyaaaaah