My Love Feels Real

Mini Series Collection [Requests Closed]

The alarm buzzed to life at exactly 8 AM. Tao gave it an overly forceful smack, and it crashed to the floor. Tao was never a morning person. It took him a good five minutes of staring at the ceiling to get himself out of bed. Once he finally found the strength to start the day he stepped into the bathroom for a quick shower before his first class started. The feeling of just another Wednesday bored him. Some excitement in his life would be nice, but Tao knew it was far fetched. After transferring to Seoul University for foreign studies Tao never really had much fun. Mostly because he didn't have anyone to have fun with. He barely spoke the language.

After catching the train to his university Tao slouched in his seat in the classroom. Traveling anywhere was such a stressful thing for him. Have you ever been surrounded by hundreds of people talking all at once, and only being able to pick out certain words like yes, please, how much is this?

"Okay class I'm going to begin." The professor spoke into his microphone. Tao sat farthest back in the lecture hall not wanting to converse with anyone.

While Tao focused on getting his notes down something caught his eye. Someone. A very tall student walked in making little to no noise. It almost baffled Tao how he could be so silent. The student kept his face down making it okay for Tao to stare. Something about him interested Tao. The student looked up feeling the eyes of someone burning into him. The two locked eyes and in that split second of contact Tao felt something different. A possible friend, a possible crush. He wasn't all too sure, but he just knew the two would become friends. The student took a seat two rows ahead of Tao, and searched in his bag for something. It annoyed Tao that he was so focused on what this guy was doing. He turned his attention back to the professor.

"Excuse me." The student turned around in his seat. "You wouldn't have a pen would you?" Tao heard his voice and felt weird. He couldn't breath. Why was he going crazy? He didn't even know this guy's name, but he just couldn't stop his heart from beating heavily.

"Y-yeah." Tao dug in his pocket and pulled out his favorite ball point pen.

"Xie xie- Sorry! I mean kamsahamnida." Suddenly Tao's heart jumped. He just spoke Mandarin.

"Are you a transfer student too?" Tao asked in his native language.

"Yeah! I'm Kris"

"Hi Kris..." Tao smiled awkwardly. "I'm Tao."

"Well Tao thanks for the pen." Kris nodded his head before averting back to the professor.

For the rest of class Tao had trouble concentrating. Every time Kris moved Tao thought of starting a conversation.

"Okay that concludes this class. Have a thirty page essay typed up and on my desk by Friday." The professor said his final words, and Kris rushed to get his things put away. Once he stepped through the door a hand pulled on his shirt. He looked back at his transfer buddy.

"Oh right." Kris chuckled at his own forgetfulness. "I'm not a thief" He joked.

"I'm not too sure about that." Tao laughed. Kris dug in his bag, and found the pen.

"Here ya go."

"Thanks." Tao was so flustered. He knew that if he ever wanted to make a friend that this was a defining moment in his future. He had to put himself out there.

"Annyeong~"Kris waved.

"Umm, youn know people usually get treated to lunch after doing a favor..." Tao mumbled.


"I was just never mind...jaijian.'' Tao ducked his head under his hood, and headed the other way. If it wasn't for the fact that Kris was probably watching him from behind Tao would've slapped himself. He hated how awkward he was! Instead of going back to his dorm to sulk about it he decided to go to his favorite cafe down the street. He could get started on that essay. 

''Umm...Americano please..'' Tao said with a terribly strong accent. 

''Ne, samcheon won chuseyo.'' The cashier smiled. 

''Ne..?'' Tao looked at his wallet and didn't know what to give.

''yeogi'' A long hand reached out and handed the cashier her money. Tao snapped his head back and saw Kris.

''Think of it as payment for the pen.'' He winked. 

''You didn't have to...I was only joking earlier. Look I have the money-''

''Don't worry about it.'' Kris waved. ''Whether you like it or not we're friends from now on.'' Kris ordered a smoothie for himself, and sat at a table with Tao. 

''Thanks...'' Tao smiled. Inside he was grinning from ear to ear but he had to contain himself so Kris wouldn't be freaked out. 

''No problem, I didn't know much about anything my first few months.'' 

''How long have you been in Korea?'' Tao sipped on his coffee.

''A year, I actually didn't come for school initially. I came to be with my boyfriend.'' Tao was shocked with how blunt Kris was. Also disappointed that he had a boyfriend. 

''Really? How come I haven't seen you in class before?''

''I just started attending after we broke up I didn't really want to go back alone you know?''


''Oh my god! Here I am giving you a sob story five minutes into our conversation. It's not awkward yet is it?'' Tao was already crushing over Kris. He felt like a friend that's been around for years.

''No way...well..'' The two started laughing. 

''Yeah, I tend to do that sometimes.''

''What happened between you two?'' Tao was actually very interested in Kris' story. 

''Who Chanyeol and I? He just got tired of having to do everything for me. I came to Korea with him after we met while he was on vacation in China. I know that's a big risk, but hey I didn't have anything going with my life anyway plus we thought we were in love.''

''You thought?'' Tao has never been in love before but from what Kris was saying it sounded like love made people do risky things. 

''Yeah, about a few weeks after we moved in together I still couldn't go anywhere without him, I didn't know anyone and my Korean was terrible. He felt stuck in the relationship, and can't say I didn't either. Long story short I know now to never date a Korean guy. I should stick with my own kind.'' Kris sighed. ''Ugh, I did it again...'' he face palmed.

''It's alright, your story was interesting but think about it this way if you never followed your boyfriend here we would've never met, and you wouldn't have had a pen for class.'' Tao smiled.

''I wouldn't have been in that class to begin with.'' Kris said smartly. 

''Oh right...'' Tao felt stupid.

''But I am glad we met. However to be my friend I have one request.'' Kris leaned forward in his chair to get a closer look at Tao.

''Request? What request?''

''You have to go on a date with me.'' Kris examined Tao's reaction to see if what he felt was mutual. He would either make a new friend today, or have another enemy that made fun of his preferences.

''B-but I thought we were already on a date?'' Tao asked cutely. Kris' body untensed in relief.

''This one doesn't count.'' he chuckled. ''So is that a yes?''

''Mhmm.'' Tao nodded. ''But Kris gege...''

''mmm?'' Kris sipped on his smoothie.

''How did you know I' know?''

''How did I know you're gay?'' Kris chuckled. It was cute that Tao was embarrassed to say it. ''Well for one you didn't do it when I talked about my boyfriend.''

''It?'' Tao squinted. 

''It. Whenever someone finds out that I'm gay they do what I call the three steps of realization. First they start fidgeting with their shirt.'' Kris held up his index finger

Tao looked at his shirt, and was glad that he didn't do that.

''Then they stop listening to me completely and say uh huh~''

Tao smiled to himself knowing that he gave Kris his complete attention without interruptions. ''And third?'' 

''Third....'' Kris leaned forward, and kissed Tao's forehead. His heart was thumping from the sudden contact. Kris actually kissed him! ''I usually get slapped after that.'' Kris smiled. 

''O-oh..'' Tao took another sip of his coffee smitten from head to toe. The rosy complexion on his cheeks was as obvious as Pinocchio's long nose. 

''Tao...would you mind if I gave you a present right now?'' Kris smiled.

''Present? Why?''

''Just close your eyes...'' Tao did as he was told. 

''1, 2, 3!'' 

Tao opened his eyes and saw white. Every corner of his vision was seeing white. He sat up in bed, and took a deep sigh of disappointment. This was one of many mornings he woke up from a very real dream. He wiggled into a hoodie, grabbed his laptop, and headed downstairs to the cafe he used as a homework spot. 

The bell rang loudly welcoming him into the coffee scented space of Sarang Sesang Coffee Shop. He took a seat at his usual spot, and turned his laptop on. This was a very important spot for him. It had the perfect view....

''Aish~ this essay is stupid..'' Tao mumbled to himself. He worked on his homework while he waited. 

Suddenly Tao spotted the reason he came to Sarang Sesang Coffee Shop at this exact time everyday. A tall exotic looking man walked in. He had the  chiseled chin of a model, and obviously dyed blonde hair that fell over his forehead. Tao has never said one word to this man, but he was a very big part of Tao's life even though he was unaware of this. Kris Wu had Tao's heart from the very first breathtaking moment Tao laid eyes on him.

''Yeobo~'' The girl that joined Kris everyday walked in and took a seat across from him. ''Your hair is getting long.'' She ran her fingers through his bangs. Everyday Tao watched them he wished more and more that Kris was his. This was impossible however. Kris didn't like men....

This used to depress Tao. He went through a lot as a child. Whenever he caught feelings for a boy they ended up laughing at him, and a lot of times Tao would lose really good friends because of it. He didn't know what he could do to ever feel happy again. Then he heard a song on the radio, and that day changed everything for him.

''How could I tell him he's all I see

That his name is written on my heart

That by his side is where I really wanna be

I'll let it remain my dream''

As Tao discreetly watched the couple he couldn't help but smile from the butterflies in his stomach. Just an hour ago Tao was in this very shop having a conversation with Kris. Even if it wasn't real Tao felt happy. Kris couldn't be his in reality because they had different interests. The Kris Tao got to know in his dreams was the perfect man, a beautiful person, and loved Tao as much as Tao loved him. This was enough for him. This made him happy.



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So the next two requests should most likely be up by Wednesday~ I'm sorry for the wait :)


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Chapter 8: Worth waiting. Thanks!!! Besides the dog, I can totally see myself doing and being like this. And I agree with writing something you like, otherwise things won't come out right. Ah! I love it! And don't worry, I know how you feel. I can't get myself to write a story...I will try someday. lol.
iamtango #2
can i be special and request for a daelo Daehyun and Zelo from BAP.. Julie you know i love these boys right!? and i got another request for big bang!!
GDYB!! <33
hahahahaha make it sweet and cute like me puhahaha joke.. just a cute drabble or oneshot to make me feel like a child :D Love and miss you julie
Melon xx
Chapter 7: Hey there, is ok. I love my oneshot i do find y because she get to surrounded by two hot guys!
Really hate those girls and i enjoy readingthe whole oneshot because you wrote it well!
Thank you~
Chapter 4: lol
then just write fluff than , heehee

poor jonghyun there..
Chapter 4: LOLOL Don't hide~. Minho was adorable with his fail. XDD <3

If you're up for more, I'd request Onho~. ^^
Woot woot! <3
AHHHH~~. My excite. This is good so far. I have enjoyed it muchly. I can see 'Coach Kang' working well as a role, actually. I'm enjoying Minho's role here too. <3

Since this is open for requests/other postings, maybe you should tag it with 'shinee, minho' etc, to bit more traffic. Just a thought. :3 /waits for next part