Another Chance At Goodbye

Mini Series Collection [Requests Closed]

"Where are we meeting Taemin Jongin?" Onew tapped his finger on his leg as Jonghyun and Key sat in front of him acting all coupley. The ugly looks they were getting from the other bus passengers didn't stop them.

"Yah! Do you even understand how embarrassing you look? Change those pants Key!" Jonghyun tugged on Key's gold glittered pants.

"Andwae! I'm making a statement. You should be glad to be seen with me!" Key scoffed.

"Well I'm not..."

"Then don't walk with me! When we get to the park stay away from me!"

"Yeobo~~ I didn't mean it. Your pants are really y~" Jonghyun tickled Key's thigh causing him to blush.

"Psht, do you think you can get off that easy?" Key giggled. Jong whispered something in his ear that resulted in a light slap on Jonghyun's arm.

A sigh escaped Onew's lips. He grew tired of their arguments. "Yah! I'm really not sure whether to choke the both of you or hose you down!"

"Stop being such a grouch hyung. You were like this at one point." Jonghyun received a look from Key that screamed shut up. This was always a touchy subject for Onew. He did act like that at one poin. Before his boyfriend moved away for good. Onew always regretted not being able to say goodbye the proper way. Him and Minho tried to keep the relationship going but long distance never works out. Eventually they grew apart.

   The bus finally slowed to a stop and the three of them climbed off at the Lotte World Halloween Night Fest. It was the one night a year that it stayed open until 3 in the morning. Couples frequented this place because there were many romantic things to do. Ride the ferris wheel,  bob for candied apples, share cotton candy. Minho and Onew never got a chance to go, and the fact that Jonghyun, and Kay insisted that Onew should join them felt cruel.

"Could you at least try to look happy?" Key scoffed.

"Hyung!" Suddenly Taemin's boyish figure was skipping towards them his hand linked with his boyfriend Jongin. Onew never understood them. Taemin was girlish, and cute meanwhile Jongin had a stare that made Onew want to go straight. Scared the hell out of everyone.

"Taemin-ah!" Jonghyun ruffled his hair. Onew realized how this night was turning out, and sighed heavily.

"Well this is great. Yeah Key! Why wouldn't I want to join your double date oh wait! I don't have a date!!" Onew yelled. "Seriously! Did you want me to be a third wheel on purpose?!"

"Hyung, calm down. We thought of you. Your blind date is in the bathroom." Taemin smiled.

"That's alright, I'm just gonna head home. I have tons of homework anyways." Onew his heel, and headed for the bus stop. This was not how the two couples planned their surprise. Onew was being too difficult.

"Just tell him already." Jongin whispered to Taemin.

"Hyung can't we just tell him?" Taemin whined.

"Yah! Lee Onew!" Jonghyun called.  

Onew rolled his eyes as he turned to face his so called friends. "What?"

"Minho's taking too long in the bathroom...why don't you go get him?''


Minho stood in the mirror making sure his hair wasn't out of place. He had to look perfect for Onew, but he just couldn't get satisfied with his bangs.

"Ugh, should I just go out like this?" He mumbled to himself. Suddenly the door flew open, and someone came running in. The moment the two locked eyes it was like time was frozen. Minho wasn't prepared...he didn't know how to react other than smile. Onew was the first to break the silence.

"Are you still worried about your hair?" He smiled knowingly.

"Jinki!" Minho was the only one who could use that name. He ran into his hyung's arms not wanting to ever let go.

"It's been too long Minho." Onew breathed. "I really missed you."

"I know hyung." Minho pulled out of their hug to look into Onew's eyes. He missed that warmness. "I missed you too" He leaned forward and planted a kiss on Onew's lips. He's been dying to do that again.


"Are you glad you came now?" Jonghyun grinned as the six of them stood in line for the haunted house. Onew held Minho in a back hug and rested his chin on his lover's shoulder.

"Shutup you could've told me instead of torturing me on the bus." Onew scoffed.

"Hyung, you were being tortured?" Minho turned his head toward Onew. "How?"

"They're always in a lover's quarrel. I can't stand it!"

"Well at least they didn't make out the whole time..." Minho shot a glance over at Taemin and his boy toy who were enjoying a game of tongue twister.

 "Don't pay attention to that." Onew held Minho's chin. "I'm here now." He couldn't stop smiling. Just the fact that he could touch Minho again was something he didn't want to waste.

"Ne hyung." Minho landed a kiss on Onew's nose.

"Aigoo!!! I forgot how much I loved watching you two!!" Key hummed.

"Watching us?" Minho chuckled.

"Yeah~~ I know what happened in the closet last year." He winked.

"Yah!!! Stay out of their business." Taemin broke out of his kiss to scold Key. Onew couldn't protest because what Key said was true. Minho shot his hyung an embarrassed look. They had so many memories together.

"Come on guys the line is moving." Jongin put his arm around Taemin and the rest of them followed into the haunted house. Minho's heart was racing from nerves. It was surreal to him that Onew was holding his hands and he was surrounded by his old friends. He looked back behind him just to get another look at the love of his life. He wanted to enjoy every second he could.

"Hyung I'm scared." Minho chuckled. He was never embarrassed to tell Onew how he felt.

"Hold on to me." Onew stretched his arms around Minho's waist. As they entered the dark room the only source of light were the strobe lights blinking every second giving Minho nausea. Beforehand all three couples agreed to keep Minho in the middle because he was the most scared. Seems smart or expected?

"Ahhh!" A boyish scream escaped Minho. Most of the actors were focusing on him knowing that the person I the middle was being protected.

"Woooo~" Key was busy having the time of his life. Meanwhile Jonghyun was near tears.

"Jinki!" Minho's voice cracked over the chaos. The actors tugged on his clothes pulling him from Onew's arms.

"Yah! Leave him alone!" Onew reached out and grabbed a hand in the dark. "We're almost out just hold on!" The big red exit sign was in plain sight, and finally they felt fresh air hit their faces as they ran through the door. "Babe, you okay?" Onew looked to his right and caught Jogin's signature smirk.

"Sorry I'm taken."

"Where did hyung go?" Taemin gaped. The five of them searched around the crowd and didn't see him.

 "Is he still in there?!" Onew panicked.

"Sir our friend is stuck in there!" Jonghyun told the staff at the exit. Just then Minho came out in between a group of screaming girls. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Minho!" Onew cupped his face. "Gwaenchanha?"

"Y-ye." He forced a smile. "It wasn't that bad." Minho didn't want to admit to his friends that he cried.

"You look a bit pail though..." Onew sighed.

"How about we go on the Ring Of Fire next?" Jongin suggested not knowing or caring about Minho's nerves.

"A-Ani my stomach feels weird. I'm gonna sit down for a bit." Onew frowned. His stomach felt fine but he knew Minho wouldn't speak up for himself.

"Awe! You're so boring." Key whined. "Fine, let's leave the grandpa alone." Key locked hands with Jonghyun.Taemin and Jongin followed as they left. Now Minho and Onew were finally alone.

"Does your stomach hurt?" Minho titled his head.

"Ani, but I think they'll be fine without us for a while." Onew winked.

Understanding flashed over Minho's face and he smiled. "Come on hyung." He knew exactly where he wanted to be with Onew. The one ride that didn't have a long line, and was really relaxing. The ferris wheel.


"Wah! We're so high!" Onew gaped over the side of their booth which was now swinging to a stop right at the top.

"Yah~ what good are you if you fall over the side?" Minho chuckled at how cute Onew was.

"Good point." Onew slid back over to his lover and locked hands. "I should be spending every second by your side." He smiled.

"Yeah, we should talk about a lot of things..." Minho hid an awkward smile. "About us."

"Yeah, I know...."

"I never really-" They said in unison and quickly stopped talking.

"you first." Onew chuckled.

"Umm..." Minho scratched his head. "I don't know why I'm so nervous.."

"What is it babe?" Onew looked deep into Minho's eyes. They were really beautiful.

"Okay" Miho took a deep breath. "I know we kinda ended in a weird way but I want to keep this relationship going. Even if we're separated by oceans and seas I don't think I can live another five months without talking to you..." Minho held on to Onew's hand tighter from the tears that were welling up in his eyes. He always worried that Onew moved on.

"Minho you know I love. I love you a lot but we tried the long distance. It's really stressful with different time zones, different priorities. I don't think I can handle another goodbye." The breakup was too much Onew. He went through a short depression. He never told Minho this but he even tried drugs to get over him. Only once though. He realized how stupid the things he was doing were.

"But this isn't another goodbye." Minho grinned. "I'm leaving tomorrow, but after graduation in a few months I'm moving back here for college. Can you wait a few months? Please?" Minho's cheeks were stained with tears now.

"I love you Minho." Onew smiled. "I'll never stop waiting." He planted a sweet kiss on Minho's lips.

"Good because I won't say goodbye to you again." 

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So the next two requests should most likely be up by Wednesday~ I'm sorry for the wait :)


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Chapter 8: Worth waiting. Thanks!!! Besides the dog, I can totally see myself doing and being like this. And I agree with writing something you like, otherwise things won't come out right. Ah! I love it! And don't worry, I know how you feel. I can't get myself to write a story...I will try someday. lol.
iamtango #2
can i be special and request for a daelo Daehyun and Zelo from BAP.. Julie you know i love these boys right!? and i got another request for big bang!!
GDYB!! <33
hahahahaha make it sweet and cute like me puhahaha joke.. just a cute drabble or oneshot to make me feel like a child :D Love and miss you julie
Melon xx
Chapter 7: Hey there, is ok. I love my oneshot i do find y because she get to surrounded by two hot guys!
Really hate those girls and i enjoy readingthe whole oneshot because you wrote it well!
Thank you~
Chapter 4: lol
then just write fluff than , heehee

poor jonghyun there..
Chapter 4: LOLOL Don't hide~. Minho was adorable with his fail. XDD <3

If you're up for more, I'd request Onho~. ^^
Woot woot! <3
AHHHH~~. My excite. This is good so far. I have enjoyed it muchly. I can see 'Coach Kang' working well as a role, actually. I'm enjoying Minho's role here too. <3

Since this is open for requests/other postings, maybe you should tag it with 'shinee, minho' etc, to bit more traffic. Just a thought. :3 /waits for next part