What's Wrong With Choi Minho?

Mini Series Collection [Requests Closed]


"Ne, get home safely Jonghyun." 

 "Okay coach." Another one of Coach Kang's students put in a tremendous amount of effort at practice to impress him. Everyone knew Coach had his favorite. It was never said, but implied. If you're not Choi Minho don't bother. Jonghyun wanted to be the best, he needed to be. In his life being second was being a loser. Being second wasn't an option. 

Waiting until the gymnasium doors swung to a close Coach Kang gathered his equipment and headed over to his star pupils house. He never told the other kids about Minho's special home practices. They would of course get jealous, and pick on Minho for all of the special treatment he receives. But Coach Kang couldn't help it. Minho was...special. None of his students had a genuine love for sports, they cared about success more than pure enjoyment. Especially Jonghyun. Coach noticed the little hints he would throw every now and then about getting to represent the athletic team in the upcoming track event at school. That spot belonged to Minho. 

"Oh hyung, wasseo?" Minho's wide grin put an extra pep in Coach's step. He loved the look on Minho's face whenever they met. His smile. 

"Ne. Are you ready for practice?" Coach Kang smiled back purely from the happiness of seeing his favorite student. 

"Always!" Minho slung his arm around his coach, and walked in step with him to the field behind the apartment building. 

As the pair of them reached the field Minho fell into the grass, and began to stretch. "Hyung, is it okay of I drop out of the track event next week?" His big brown eyes looked up at his coach pleading him to give into the request. This obviously came as a shock. Minho was the best on the team, and has been competing in the track competition for years. 

"Minho, you're more than capable of winning. You have been for years. Why the sudden change?" A darkness shielded the student's eyes. The spark was gone. The smile. 

"Just because.." A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "I'm busy." For now coach didn't want to ruin a good practice by bothering Minho about his decision.  

"Okay, we'll talk about it later." Coach slapped Minho's knee. "Get up, we're starting with running today." 


The next day Minho came to school happy to see his coach for morning practice with the rest of the team. 

"Hyung, can you lend me that game tonight?" Minho smiled to his teammate Onew. The two were close friends, and spent hours playing video games, and studying together. 

"Ani! You still didn't give me my movie back." 

"Yah~" The two joked around as they waited for Coach Kang. 

"Taemin why do you look so pretty?!" Suddenly the gym fill with tense silence as Jonghyun's mocking tones echoed. "Do you think you're better?" The life drained out of Taemin's eyes with each poke to the head. Jonghyun made him feel smaller by the second. "You're pretty aren't you?" 

"Aren't you taking it too far?!" Minho cut in. Despite his powerful tone Minho felt puny in front of the bully. Jonghyun wasnt like everyone else who respected Minho. He could read his exact thoughts before he even pondered them. It was freaky. 

 "Oh? Mr. Big shot wants to defend Taemin? Why? Is he the special friend?!" Jonghyun smirked. Silence filled the room, and Minho's ears burned red as his heart pumped heavily in his chest. 

"...A-anniyo. I just-" 

"You just what Choi Minho?!" Jonghyun used some of his force to push him back making him fall into Onew's arms. 

"Yah, just let it go.." Onew whispered. Minho couldn't. 

"Leave Taemin alone. I mean it!" Minho pushed Jonghyun back making him fall on his . 

"Son of a !" A hard punch was sent to Minho's jaw and the two went at it on the floor. 

"Hyung!" Taemin yelped for Minho's safety. 

"What's going on?!" Coach Kang ran in to the two wrestling on the floor. 

"Coach, Minho, and Jonghyun are fighting." Kibum giggled. This kind of behavior was clearly beneath him, but he didn't mind a show.

"Minho!" Coach ran to the fight, and pulled the two apart. "Gwaenchanha?!" He asked brushing off Minho's shoulders. "You're bleeding." 

"Gw-gwaenchanseumnida." He couldn't even face coach Kang with his bloody bottom lip. 

"Coach! He started the fight with me!!" Jonghyun pointed. 

"Yeah! Clearly by your condition I can tell that you're the victim!" He glared at Jonghyun's unscratched body meanwhile Minho's jaw was slowly swelling, and blood dripped on his chin. "Practice is cancelled his morning!!" Coach yelled in anger. "Joghyun you're on athletic suspension." 

"What?!? You can't do this!" His complaining didn't matter to coach as he dragged Minho to his office. The student reluctantly followed still embarrassed in front of his coach. 

"Minho what's going on with you?" First you say you're dropping out of the track meet, and now you're getting into fights with your teammates." Coach scolded while mending his bloody lip. Minho was ashamed of how he felt when coach touched him. 

"Hyung, please don't suspend Jonghyun. The fight was my fault. I lost my temper..." Minho said through clenched teeth. He didn't like lying to his coach, but he couldn't afford to make Jonghyun angry. 

"I don't believe you Minho. I know you wouldn't start something like this. Especially not with a teammate." 

"Hyung, I'm telling the truth. Coach Kang could hear the desperation in his voice. It broke his heart to see Minho like this. His smile, his self assurance...his soft sighs of pleasure. It all vanished. 

"Okay...I won't suspend Jonghyun, but that means you have to take responsibility." Coach used this as a last attempt to get Minho to confess. 

"Ne, it was all my fault. I'm sorry hyung." Minho said staring at his hands. "Can I go now?" 

"Yup." Coach reclined in his chair, his mind racing. 

What's wrong with you Choi Minho? 


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So the next two requests should most likely be up by Wednesday~ I'm sorry for the wait :)


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Chapter 8: Worth waiting. Thanks!!! Besides the dog, I can totally see myself doing and being like this. And I agree with writing something you like, otherwise things won't come out right. Ah! I love it! And don't worry, I know how you feel. I can't get myself to write a story...I will try someday. lol.
iamtango #2
can i be special and request for a daelo Daehyun and Zelo from BAP.. Julie you know i love these boys right!? and i got another request for big bang!!
GDYB!! <33
hahahahaha make it sweet and cute like me puhahaha joke.. just a cute drabble or oneshot to make me feel like a child :D Love and miss you julie
Melon xx
Chapter 7: Hey there, is ok. I love my oneshot i do find y because she get to surrounded by two hot guys!
Really hate those girls and i enjoy readingthe whole oneshot because you wrote it well!
Thank you~
Chapter 4: lol
then just write fluff than , heehee

poor jonghyun there..
Chapter 4: LOLOL Don't hide~. Minho was adorable with his fail. XDD <3

If you're up for more, I'd request Onho~. ^^
Woot woot! <3
AHHHH~~. My excite. This is good so far. I have enjoyed it muchly. I can see 'Coach Kang' working well as a role, actually. I'm enjoying Minho's role here too. <3

Since this is open for requests/other postings, maybe you should tag it with 'shinee, minho' etc, to bit more traffic. Just a thought. :3 /waits for next part