My Protector

Fullmoon (part 1): Insomnia

[Hyunseung’s POV]

Damnit! I still can’t sleep! I sat up in my bed after restless hours battling my insomnia. Hmm. I looked up to my right at the two bunks next to mine. Doojoon has yet to return. And now Yoseob’s gone too. On nights like this, my hearing was substantially better than usual. I could easily recognize and identify each of my bandmates’ nocturnal breathing patterns and sleep habits.

I took several deep breaths before noticing a strange sensation on the side of my lip. I ran my finger across it and looked at it. “Blood?”

I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom, turning on the light and closing the door. I opened my mouth sticking out my tongue. The side had been pierced through. As I touched it I winced  before noticing the real surprise the mirror had to reveal. I opened my mouth wide to notice, my teeth had sharpened into long fangs.

I nearly collapsed onto the floor holding my head to try and evaluate the situation. I felt another odd sensation as I stood back up and turned to look in the mirror once more, revealing another change. My eyes. Now a bright yellow. They seemed to be glowing with an evil and wild sensation. I stumbled back as my head began to fill with a repressed memory. “ I have to get out of here!”

In a panic, I stumbled out of the bathroom, without taking care to not awaken the others. I grabbed a hooded jacket and rushed out the front door, slamming it behind me. Doojoon! Yoseob!  I had to find them. And fast!

[Yoseob’s POV]

“Doojoon! What’s happening to me!” I stared at my arm as my fingernails elongated into sharpened claws.

“Don’t fight it, Yoseob. Just let the transformation take its course”

I began to hyperventilate as I could feel my teeth growing. I fell to the ground. Tears starting to form in my eyes. “ D- Doojoonie!”

He reached his arms around me. The feel of his breath seemed to calm me slightly. I winced in pain as a tail formed behind me. I closed my eyes as I felt the hair on my head growing just long enough to reach the tip of my back.

“Is it over?’

“I think so. It’s ok now Seobie. You can open your eyes. “

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at Doojoon’s smiling face. I then began to survey over my new, strange body. Or at least the parts I could see

Doojoon chuckled. “ You make a cuter werewolf than I do.”

I blushed and turned away. “ I..uh...” I couldn’t respond to him. I’m a werewolf. Doojoon and I are the same. It took me awhile to gather my thoughts before I finally turned back to him. “Wait! How did this even happen?! Why am I affected too”

“You really don’t remember, do you?”

I shook my head nervously as I looked up at him.

“I suppose that makes sense. To me it all seemed like a broken dream at first. Or rather a nightmare.” He sighed heavily as he continued on. “ I guess I started noticing it after we returned from London. It was a while before the first full moon reared it’s ugly head. The first night I couldn’t sleep.”

I took a deep breath as Doojoon continued on.

“It was weeks before anything really stirred up inside me. But as soon as the moon rose, I felt it harder and harder to get to sleep. I felt as if a repressed memory was desperately trying to resurface. The only thing I could do was take a walk to clear my head. But that’s when I started noticing changes in my physique. My speed had increased, my temper had shortened.  I couldn’t figure for the life of me what was wrong. Until I looked at the moon”

“The moon?”

“I felt it. A sharp pain as my body began to change. I grew fur on my arms. My nails became like razors. My teeth like daggers growing longer each time I saw that large sphere in the sky. At first it was scary. I felt memories of that day reawakening in my head, But I was unable to make out any of the details. I guess that’s why I forgotten you were with me. And why I couldn’t see your lack of sleep as well”

Doojoon turned his head away from me. A tear fell from his eyes and glistened in the moonlight. “Seobie. I’m so sorry. This whole thing is my fault. If I had asked for directions. If I hadn’t wandered into that forest.... if didn’t trip over that statute...”

I wiped the tears from his eye as he turned back to look at me. Although I couldn’t remember what he was talking about, I knew Doojoon needed me. “Doojoon. Stop obsessing over it. What happened, happened. And honestly, I don’t think it’s that bad.” I smiled as Doojoon gazed back at me.

“Really Seobie?”


A smile started to form on his face before it was swiftly interrupted. “That sound... oh no”

“What sound? What are you talking abou-”

“Look out!” He pulled me aside,ing me to the ground as an invisible force flew just inches past my ear.

“W-what was that?!”

“Ghouls. Deceased spirits that have hunted me, ever since I became a werewolf.”

“But why?”

“I don’t know. It must just be part of that witches curse.” Doojoon pulled me aside as another ghoul passed.

“I can’t see them.”

“Just calm down. You need to adjust your eyes.”

“My eyes?”

“Just relax and let the transformation take it’s course.”

I closed my eyes as Doojoon lunged into battle. I could hear the anguished howls of the hellish ghouls, the pained grunts as Doojoon battled them. How was I supposed to relax? What if they were hurting him?

I felt a tear flow from my eye as I began to worry but before I could open them, I felt a strong yet soft finger wipe my tears away. “Relax, Yoseob. I’m right here with you”

My racing heart began to slow as I could feel the transformation finally take effect on my eyes. I reopened them and saw the ghouls. The monsters were now clear as day, as well as something else. I looked over to see Doojoon’s transformation had advanced well beyond what I had seen before. His fur had completely covered his arms and a muzzle had extended from his face.  The deadly claws on his hands had become more prominent as he lunged at one of the ghouls, ripping it to shreds. Doojoon had truly become a monster, but somehow I wasn’t afraid. I felt safer. Doojoon. My protector.





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89_junseung #1
Chapter 9: OM! Amazing. so glad I found this.
Chapter 2: Good book :D
oyster1912 #3
Can I translate your fanfics (Fullmoon) into Vietnamese, please?
I love them and I just want to share them with Vietnamese B2uties
Please reply
(sorry for my bad English)
Chapter 6: yoseop the cuter ware-wolf...LOL..;)
Chapter 9: Whoa nice story :)
What happen next?? so curious~
why i feel like hyunseung will be a vampire. update soon!