
Fullmoon (part 1): Insomnia

[Yoseob’s POV]

He’s not here! My mind started racing as I searched the arena frantically, for my Hyung. Why was I so panicked? Something was definitely wrong. My nose began to twitch as I burst through the doors to the theater. I started running. I didn’t know where. I didn’t know why. Something inside me was guiding my direction. Was I being lead to Doojoon? Only time would tell.

Faster. Faster. I’ve never moved so swiftly in my entire life. I knew my legs were strong from dancing, but this was unreal. I reached the edge of a forest, my body dripping with a cold sweat. Where am I? My nose twitched again as I made my way into the forest. It was dark.The moon as my light. Only now had I noticed the shape that lit my path. “ A full moon”

[Doojoon’s POV]



“It’s time”

I stood up staring at the moon. Why was I like this? Why must I do this every full moon? All I can remember now is I screwed up that night. I pissed off the wrong person, and now I must repent.

I felt the skin on my arm tighten as my body began to change once more. The sharp teeth in my mouth had finally formed into piercing fangs as my fingernails grew into claws. I closed my eyes as I felt them changing shape and cringed as my arms started forming a jet-black fur.Dropping to one knee I felt an agonizing pain in my backside as the new furry appendage had once again surfaced from beneath my black jeans. Taking deep breaths I knew that, although incomplete, the night’s transformation had finished. My brain could not wrap around what was happening to me. All I knew was that it was scary. Too scary for them to comprehend. Especially not-

“ Doojoon!”

The hair on the back of my neck stood up as the familiar voice rang throughout my ears. I slowly turned around to see a familiar face, filled with fear looking back at me. “Yoseob”

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89_junseung #1
Chapter 9: OM! Amazing. so glad I found this.
Chapter 2: Good book :D
oyster1912 #3
Can I translate your fanfics (Fullmoon) into Vietnamese, please?
I love them and I just want to share them with Vietnamese B2uties
Please reply
(sorry for my bad English)
Chapter 6: yoseop the cuter ware-wolf...LOL..;)
Chapter 9: Whoa nice story :)
What happen next?? so curious~
why i feel like hyunseung will be a vampire. update soon!